
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Starting a WAR OF RELIGIONS in Malaysia: The new-old politics of Umno-BN

Starting a WAR OF RELIGIONS in Malaysia: The new-old politics of Umno-BN
Religion today has certainly become the fodder of politicians. It is very sad to witness so much of news making its way into the main stream and on-line media that certainly appears to assault religions and religious feelings.
While we proclaim to have progressed – going by the benchmarks of mortar and money, we certainly are very bankrupt when it comes to dealing with matters of faith.
The many war-cries against religions and in defense of religious subscriptions indicate that we are hanging precariously on the cliff of moral, spiritual and philosophical decadence.
In the first place why are politicians so gung-ho in making their statements heard and spilled all over the media terrain when the subject harbors in and around religions? Do they profess the same kind of enthusiasm when humanity’s dignity, pride and rights to economics, social and political existence is attacked?
Would we not be a source and example of greater inspiration to a troubled world if we can walk the talk of moderation, tolerance, acceptance and co-existence in so far as the myriad matters of faith in this country is concerned?
Yes, we were, once in the past; but why are we not able anymore to respect, not exploit and willingly leave matters of faith to the spiritual and religious leaders these days?
Reappraise role of politicians and religious leaders
As we scan across the globe, we are witnessing humanity’s fragile existence. We hear of so many episodes of hatred, revenge and unforgiving brutality as civilizations appear to be threatened by this raging madness of humans against fellow humans.
History has more than enough tales and facts of how the human soul suffered because of the inability of humanity to embrace religions as the currency of co-existence. We have enough stories, revelations and edifying lessons in all the Holy Books of the many religions showered upon planet earth that teach us the right path to deliverance.
But in Malaysia, it is becoming very evident that our politicians are of not much help in galvanizing the nation of people to a pathway where we can continue to glorify in nation-building through co-existence, respect and honor for each other’s faith and teachings.
Instead, the seeds of suspicion are being sowed; the poison of hatred is being sprayed; the mantra of delineation and alienation is the popular prescription.
Perhaps it is time to re-appraise what are the roles and responsibilities of politicians and religious leaders.
Perhaps Malaysia has reached that critical junction in its history and has to determine whether it will succeed in circumventing the dangerous temptations of folly that many nations have fallen into and still struggling to disentangle themselves as one group of followers battle with another group of believers.
Who can lead us forward - no one, no one from BN anyway?
In the first place the media blasts of the issues and episodes of gross injustice, unacceptable insensitivities and brutality towards each other’s religious beliefs, practices and feelings should be blamed too. When such instances could have been dealt with greater maturity, sensitivity and sense of responsibility towards all Malaysians through quiet diplomacy, guarded jurisdiction and affirmative unbiased action, we chose to let media peddle the instances to profit from the sensational nature of such breaking news.
That in itself is a very reflection of how we as a society of prudent bearing have degenerated. And the politicians are not making it any better.
Therein then rests the very rot of a society.
Lest we forget, there was a time in the history of this nation when all religions were respected – a time when no one felt threatened. Living side by side, working side by side and eating side by side, honor was the currency as we saw each others’ religious beliefs a wholesome blessing for Malaysia.
Can we bring back that glorious period of universal peace that religions promise or do we militantly champion supremacy, hatred, unforgiving exclusivity, suspiciousness and divisiveness as we exploit religion to serve our profiteering media-mindsets and obsession with the power of politics?
Indeed Malaysians are at a critical junction of their political destiny – they can progress onward with their co-existence and respect for each other’s beliefs or they will sink in the pits of man-against-man bloody hatred.
Who then can lead us onward?

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