
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 5, 2013

Step down, Shahrizat told

An Umno leader says the party needs betterment after GE13.
PETALING JAYA: An Umno division chief today urged Shahrizat Abdul Jalil to make way for a more capable person to lead Wanita Umno.
Cheras division head Syed Ali Alhabshee said Shahrizat should accept the reality of her “loss of position” in politics and retire gracefully.
He noted the absence of a Wanita Umno representative in Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s new cabinet, saying this indicated both Shahrizat’s failure to ensure representation of the women’s wing in the Putrajaya administration and the top leadership’s “loss of faith” in her.
“I was informed by grassroots members of Wanita Umno that they were disappointed because Shahrizat had failed to act as a leader and make sure at least one or two MPs from Wanita Umno was appointed to the cabinet,” he said.
“This clearly shows that Shahrizat is no longer capable of leading the movement, but is only putting her personal interests first. She should retire.”
Commenting on reports that Pengerang MP Azalina Othman was interested in Wanita Umno’s top post, Syed Ali said: “Anybody has the right to challenge the leadership, including Azalina. “
He said Azalina had the experience and other qualifications for the job.
“Azalina may have her own mission and agenda in her effort to bring about changes for the future and steer Wanita Umno in a clear direction in accord with today’s political landscape,” he said. “Why not give her a chance?”
Shahrizat, who was a cabinet minister for 11 years, had her career derailed by her husband’s alleged involvement in the National Feedlot Centre scandal that PKR began exposing in 2011.
Azalina too has had her share of bad press. Her stint as the Youth and Sports Minister was marred by several controversies, including the failed and costly plan to turn the Rubber Research Centre in Brickendonbury, Britain, into a high-performance sport centre for Malaysian athletes.

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