
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Silver Kris Army vs Red Bean Army. 

There is a simpler explanation on the existence of the Red Bean UMNO. It’s a storyline directed by UMNO. Scare the daylights out of the UMNO Leaders by citing the existence of a shadowy band of cyber troopers, and then we can ask more money. The UMNO paid bloggers and cyber-stompers are asking Najib to fork out RM350 million to combat DAP’s RBA.

Somebody among the UMNO’s Silver Kris Army must be in the know about Najib’s principal weakness. Najib is paranoid about any source of opposing views especially those that eat up his credibility, that he becomes pliable and charitable. RM350million is chicken feed as long as his persona and myth remains intact. RM350million is easily recoverable in an instant.

The cheer leaders and pom-pom boys are many who would eagerly urge on Najib. Zahid Hamidi for instance in whose hands lie the tools of legitimate coercive force.  He can put an end to the McCarthyism-inspired witch-hunts and advise the insecure PM, there isn’t such a shadowy band of cyber troopers sponsored by DAP.  The money said to be spent by DAP is pure fiction.

Believe you me, DAP doesn’t even give a single sen to its candidates in the General elections. Each candidate has to muster his own funds. The only thing DAP gave was the letter of authority/surat watikah. DAP isn’t a towkay party like the 7 eleven party. If it has that amount of money, it could have been better appointed by equipping its candidates and paying off its opponents!

Instead of making political capital about it, Home Affairs Minister can ask our PDRM to locate the red bean army. I am sure we have sufficient law in existence that can lead to the prosecution of the nefarious and shadowy RBA. The RBA must have caused extensive upheavals reminiscent of Chairman Mao’s Red guards.  All that, if it exists.

There is one big problem. The RBA does not exist except in the minds of those who created it and are asking us to deal with it. The UMNO swashbucklers are asking for a mobile missile launcher to bring down a mosquito.

As part of the story line- the UMNO media and its satellite counter- thought cyber organisations make the RBA out as a revived band of Red Guard remnants finding life here in Malaysia. Its role is reversed though. Chairman Mao’s red guards were his storm troopers employed to weed out enemies of the revolution and the revisionists. Here, the so called RBA is used to overthrow an existing government.

According to the UMNO storyline, the people behind the RBA is none other than the DAP. The DAP is accused of financing the red bean army operatives to the tune of RM100 million over the last 5 years. The mission: should they accept it is to disseminate insidious propaganda to overthrow the UMNO led government and all that is dear to UMNO.

But nothing beats the call for the setting up of an RCI to investigate the RBA. That must be considered the highest form of political comic to date. For the first time in our political history, the government appears to act on a story it created. On the one hand, Zahid Hamidi says we will use the same methods to fight what the RBA does and on the same breath, his brethren appears to support the formation of an RCI, the usage of a reinstated EO, preventive detention etc. in simple words, BN is going to use the canon to get rid of the mosquito.

Who are the chief propagators of the lie? None other than the self-appointed pemangkin fikiran rakyat- Utusan Malaysia. It was UTusan who started the ball rolling by reporting about the existence of an army of cyber troopers called the Red Bean Army. Utusan Malaysia front-paged a report on the RBA, alleging that some 200 RBA members are on the DAP’s payroll earning up to RM3,000 monthly and that the party has been spending some RM1.5 million over the past six years to fund the operation. The report also claimed that the duty of the RBA is to attack any politician, businessman or entertainer who is seen as pro-BN via social media sites. Utusan Malaysia further claims that DAP spends RM108 million in past six years to employ the 200-strong Red Bean Army of cyber troopers.

And who does Utusan Malaysia cite as a legitimate and credible source of information? One disgruntled Chinaman by the name of one Shen Yee Aun who in turn cited the admission of one fan about the existence of these cyber troopers who call themselves the Red Bean Army. And Shen, a former executive secretary of DAP Youth, was one of the first few to “expose” the Red Bean Army in the mainstream media and unwaveringly stands by his allegations of these “ruthless cyber troopers”. Shen describes the Red Bean soldiers as professional netizens who manipulate and misrepresent facts not only to attack the government, but also ordinary Malaysians who pledge support to the Barisan Nasional.  Shen, claims the troopers now work full-time on a RM3,000 monthly pay.

But here is a strange twist- Shen concedes that he has no list of name but insists that the proof of its existence is there on the Internet.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47 

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