
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wan Junaidi, only lawbreakers fear IPCMC

YOURSAY ‘Criminals sometimes die and are tortured under police custody. Will bad cops die if subjected to IPCMC's justice?'

Wan Junaidi: IPCMC treats cops worse than criminals
your sayYouAreNotAlone: If the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) were an upright organisation, it wouldn't even  be scared of having the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

Those police officers with self-discipline problems and abuse their powers to mistreat their captives are the ones the IPCMC is seeking and they (abusers) should be hauled up and punished by the law (not by IPCMC).

Criminals are also human beings, and the PDRM does not have the authority to take things into their own hands.
They only need to ensure they have the evidence to bring them (the criminals) to justice and be punished by the law and not by using the Emergency Ordinance (EO) or Sedition Act to jail anyone who they "feel" or "think" are offenders.

The same law apply here - if the police commit an offence, they, too, shall be punished like any other offender. Thus this is where IPCMC comes in, find proof of police's crimes and haul them up for justice.

The Stig: What is worse than torturing and killing suspects in the lock-up by the police? What's more, these suspects are not even criminals as they have not been convicted by the court.

Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, I will expect you to vehemently oppose any new law that is similar to the Emergency Ordinance because in your own words "it excludes the power of the court and the police cannot be the final adjudicator".

Ferdtan: Wan Junaidi said that IPCMC treats cops worse than criminals. Does it? Criminals sometimes die and are tortured under police custody. Will bad cops die if subjected to IPCMC's justice?

Yap CS: What an idiot of a deputy minister. The IPCMC is drawn up by a panel of former judges and other experts. Do you think they would formulate something unjust?

The police have powers of investigation and arrest. Should they not be held to higher standards? They watch over us. Who then watches the watchers?

Joker: The IPCMC decision is final and cannot be challenged in court? I'm not so sure about that. Even if it were true, the IPCMC is a body, rather than an individual.

The deputy minister is probably so new to his job and has not read any newspaper in the past 10 years or so since he doesn't know that the court cannot challenge the Election Commission's (EC) decision nor the home minister's decision, plus the police can detain people without trial.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is also asking for powers to allow it to fish for evidence of corruption even though there may not be any in the first place.
Are these not blatant violations of the constitution and natural justice that the deputy minister is so concerned about?

Versey: The IPCMC was drafted by none other than former chief justice Mohamed Dzaiddin Abdullah, so it cannot be not in line with the federal constitution and it ought not be against the concept of justice as argued by the home minister and his deputy.

For the fair-minded rakyat, the objections against the IPCMC sounded more like lame excuses. It is a deadly giveaway of the credibility and reputation of our PDRM.

Absalom: The IPCMC was a recommendation coming from a royal commission of inquiry. If you do not want to accept the recommendations of the RCI, then why have it in the first place?

The police force needs its image and credibility restored in the eyes of the public, which is good for the force and the country.

If it is just the concentration of power that is a problem, why not make some amendments to the proposal rather than throwing it out completely. It looks like a lack of will than anything else.

Hello: We see all the BN leaders, especially those from Umno, are afraid of offending the police force. The police do not want to be controlled - period. That is why they don't want IPCMC.

Even PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had to back down when he wanted to implement the IPCMC during his term.
He was held to ‘ransom' when the police officers (a deliberate warning through the police official website which was later removed) threatened to go on strike.

Just imagine, a sitting PM was afraid of the police? Obviously, the IPCMC died a natural death then. So the question begs for an answer - who is actually in control; the police or the PM and his cabinet?

Not Confused: The police treat innocent members of the rakyat worse than criminals, so maybe it is appropriate for them?

The Internal Security Act (ISA) and EO legislation both gave powers to the home minister to incarcerate the rakyat without any recourse to the courts of even charges of any wrongdoing.

I have zero respect for the thugs in blue. The IPCMC should have been implemented long ago. It was thoroughly investigated and recommended by a royal commission and should be implemented immediately.
Abasir: Wan Junaidi, where was your outrage when the police serially killed innocents in custody?
Where was your anger and indignation when people were put away under ISA without any recourse to a judge or jury, without any trial?

Where was your indignation when the police beat up people in the streets, used chemical-laced water on them, and extorted money from migrant workers?

Kookie: The PDRM and MACC have nothing to fear from the IPCMC. Nobody is above the law and the law protects all citizens, including those who are entrusted to enforce the law.

In terms of punishment, those who are entrusted to enforce the law should be dealt with more stringently for abusing the law that they have been entrusted to enforce.

We should emulate the more advanced countries and not the "banana republics". It appears that Wan Junaidi is worried because the government will not be able to handle cases where the PDRM and the MACC flout the law to do the bidding of the BN.

Dkay: If the police don't want to be treated like that, then they must come clean and tell the public how they have been abused by their political masters. They must tell the public, why they can't solve crimes because the criminals are linked to a certain VIP or politician.

NuckinFuts: Jempol MP Isa Samad said earlier that only lawbreakers fear the Sedition Act. I believe only lawbreakers fear the IPCMC. - Malaysiakini

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