
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 13, 2013

What exactly is RPK driving at?

Whenever Mosque Al-Aqsa is mentioned in the media, it shows the picture of Mosque (Dome of the Rock). 
Zionist Conspiracy
In the first place the 3rd holiest place is not the Dome of the Rock but it is the Masjid Al Aqsa which is close to the Rock.  It is the Jewish propaganda to portray the Dome of the Rock to misguide all, especially the Muslims, into believing it to be the Masjid Al Aqsa to divert their attention from it as that is the real Holy place that is being claimed by all the 3 religious groups.
This is quite evident from the article itself "The Dome of the Rock was built in 691 by the Umayyad Caliph, Abd al-Malik". If it was built by Caliph Abd al-Malik then how could it be a holy place that is mentioned in the Quran?
So the incriptions on the Dome of the Rock has no significance to the issue. Nor does it have any effect on the Judeo-Christian and Islam conflict in thought. The simple truth is that the Jews and Christians, despite knowing fully well what their respective Scriptures have mentioned, refuse to accept Prophet Mohammed (SAL) as a prophet and Islam as the religion of Allah. This has been ascertained by Allah in the Quran. So it is not surprising that a conflict exists. In any case, I believe, the conflict has to be there in order for Muslims to be aware of their religion and do their duty and not go astray.
Rather than worrying about the Judeo Christian enmity towards Muslims, it would be more pertinent for Muslims to worry about the conflicts brewing among themselves and the enmity they are creating for themselves. Once that is resolved then the other external conflicts will be resolved too in no time. Insha Allah. 

1 comment:

  1. "Whenever Mosque Al-Aqsa is mentioned in the media, it shows the picture of Mosque (Dome of the Rock)".

    Just to share this...

    The Real Masjid Al Aqsa -

    Did you know?

    "That, Masjidul Al Aqsa was the second Masjid on earth.

    That, it was built 40 years after the Ka’ba in Makkah.

    That, most scholars are of the opinion that Masjidul Al Aqsa was first built by Prophet Adam [as].

    That, Ibrahim [as] rebuilt the Masjidul Al Aqsa in Jerusalem as he and Ismail [as] rebuilt the Ka’ba in Makkah.

    That, Prophet Daud [as] began the rebuilding of Masjidul Al Aqsa.

    That, it was Prophet Sulayman [as] who finally completed the building of Masjidul Al Aqsa.

    That, Masjidul Al Aqsa built by Sulayman [as] was destroyed in 587 BC by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon.

    That, the Jews call this same Masjidul Al Aqsa built by Sulayman [as] as their Temple.

    That, the Jews re-built their Temple on the same site in 167 BC but was destroyed in 70 AD and Jews banished from Jerusalem.

    That, the site of Masjidul Al Aqsa remained barren and was used as a rubbish tip for nearly 600 years until the Great Khalifah Umar bin Khattab liberated Jerusalem in 637/8 AD.

    That, the Khalifah Umar bin Khattab began the foundation of Masjidul Al Aqsa and a timber mosque was built.

    That, the Umayyad Khalifah, Abd’ al Malik ibn Marwan in 691/2 [72/73 AH] began the construction of, Dome of the Rock – today this is the Golden Domed Mosque.

    That, the al Buraq wall or Western Wall where Prophet Muhammad [saas] tied his animal the Buraq on the night journey of al Isra is what the Jews call the wailing wall.

    That, to Muslims it is the land or the Haram Sharif area which is most holy and important.

    That, the Haram area of Al Aqsa has within it the Masjidul Al Aqsa [Black Domed Mosque] and Dome of the Rock [the Golden Domed Mosque].

    That, Israel occupied Masjidul Al Aqsa in 1967.

    That, the fundamentalist Jews have made 100’s of attempts to destroy Al Aqsa since 1967 when they occupied it.

    A fire in 1967 started by their help destroyed the 900 year old Mimbar installed by Slaudeen Ayub, the Great Muslim Hero.

    That, the fundamentalist want to blow up and destroy Masjidul Al Aqsa and replace it with a Jewish Temple."

    You be the judge.



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