
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 6, 2013

With Najib's back to the wall, WHO would gain most to have Taib's b**** in his hands?

With Najib's back to the wall, WHO would gain most to have Taib's b**** in his hands?
The political rumour mill is in overdrive again and the grapevines are abundant with all sorts of theories. Words like 'hidden hands', 'UMNO plot', 'sandiwara' and even 'Salah Anwar lagi' are being touted and bandied liberally in every coffee shop and cafe throughout the country.
One thing is for sure - Taib has not spoken a single word. Very smart of him. This intensifies the mystery surrounding the very sudden and unexpected move by MACC to investigate him. But the question on everyone's lips is WHY?
Now let's look at this very interesting development chronologically and logically.
FACT: MACC made its announcement last week, coincidentally just after Najib had flown off on an overseas tour.
QUESTION: Who gave MACC the nod and green-light to suddenly announce that it will be investigating Taib? Or was MACC arm-twisted to do this? And why when Najib was not in the country?
Scenario 1 - Najib instructed the MACC, and then quickly jumped on a plane and left the mess to sort itself out while he is away.
Scenario 2 - Someone other than Najib, taking the opportunity of Najib's absence, arm-twisted the MACC to do this. Someone with influence and incredible power whom the MACC fears and listens to? More powerful than Najib?
Scenario 1 (A) - Najib is trying to show the country and UMNO that he has the backbone to reform and is transforming his governance policy, and therefore assuage the fears of foreign investors and create more confidence so that the nation's FDI increases as he goes on a tour to create more business opportunities for the nation. Perhaps a shadow-play, and after FDI's have poured in, the MACC finds no case and closes the files?
Scenario 1 (B) - At the same time, is Najib subtly sending Taib a message - "Slow down on the corruption, Old Man, because you are making all of us look bad"?
Scenario 1 (C) - Najib could also be sending his own party a subtle message: UMNO is beholden to Taib who saved them with 22 seats, and that without Taib, BN is out of power and therefore if Najib dares to do this to Taib, what more to other members of his party? Is he telling his other UMNO friends and foes to back off and not challenge his presidency so that he won't put MACC on them too? So Taib becomes the punching-bag for Najib - a good person with bad image for Najib to whack? Taib would, of course play along because not only is he a seasoned politician who is too smart to react but he knows it is all just one big shadow play?
Scenario 1 (D)- Or could it all be just a simple reason - to distract UMNO and the country from his own ineffectiveness, and especially from the current important FT Bill on conversion of minors which is constitutionally questionable?
Now let's look at the other scenario.
Scenario 2 - If Najib had nothing to do with the moves by MACC against Taib, then who did? Who would have most to gain by having Taib's balls in his hands? Who is more powerful than Najib to squeeze Taib's balls and slowly roast them like satay? The answer as to who these hidden hands belong to is not important, but the reason as to why is.
It is no secret that Najib's back is to the wall, and that his presidency of UMNO might be challenged at the next UMNO Convention. History repeating itself - exit Abdullah, enter Najib, exit Najib enter who? So, the person who wants Najib out would need as much support as possible to successfully oust Najib, correct?
Now Taib holds 22 seats in his hands, and allegedly billions of ringgit. Of course, none of the 22 seats from Sarawak will have any direct bearing on an internal UMNO party election. But, imagine if hundreds of millions were to exchange hands in order for the hidden hands to buy over UMNO warlords loyal to Najib? Do UMNO warlords come cheap? How many millions would it take to grease their hands to hold the daggers that will be plunged into Najib and Rosmah's backs come the next UMNO Convention? Who would have hundreds of millions at his or her disposal to fund a coup? Who has to pay to stay out of jail?
One fact remains - both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 have one thing in common - the UMNO party elections coming up at the end of the year. Either Najib is sending a warning to his foes within UMNO to toe his line or someone is pressuring Taib to toe their line and cough up the moolah?
When Najib returns to Malaysia, the press should ask him what the latest developments are on the investigations - how and what he answers will answer our question.
For now, until we hear from Najib's own mouth, you decide which scenario seems most plausible. What is sure is that there is never a dull moment in Malaysian politics!

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