
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 8, 2013

Yusuf Kalla’s losing fight against Anwar

Why is Yusuf Kalla puffing his anger and rage at Anwar Ibrahim and meddling in Malaysia's affairs?
A psychologist by profession, writer and observer of Indonesian affairs, Isa Selamat said to this writer that Yusuf Kalla has only two main reasons for running amok against Anwar Ibrahim, accusing the Malaysian leader of all the sins including foreign assistance and foreign money.
Yusuf, he said, is either fearful of Anwar or in full expectations of a carrot from some quarters for his diatribe against the opposition leader.
He explains that in anything we do, we either want to get something positive or to get rid of some obstacles to something. It is the human psychology and Yusuf is not immune to that.
Instead, Yusuf is showing signs of despair towards Anwar, perhaps because Anwar’s Black 505 has to do with Yusuf’s potential for losing favours with the current administration in Putrajaya.
If not, then Yusuf is fearful that Anwar’s Black 505 will cause enough ruckus in Malaysia, to the extent that it could expose something that Yusuf want to remain hidden, he said.
After the haze and the numerous accusations against foreign companies said to be guilty of the massive burning that choked Malaysia and Singapore, the Yusuf Kalla bashing of Anwar takes a different turn, certainly with the new binding rules surrounding maid agencies.
Little is known of the consequences to the companies accused of open burning in Riau, where the problem is an acute and recurring one.
At times, the problem seem irreversible while the Malaysians and the Singaporeans will have to bear the brunt of the haze again and again over the coming years.
Yusuf failed to state his mind on the open burning by Malaysian companies or companies backed by Malaysian investors in Riau.
He also failed to give any concrete ideas on how to handle the haze, the most urgent matter for all and sundry in Riau, Singapore and Malaysia.
But he found time to take on his old friend Anwar on issues of non-consequence to the hazy situation that almost sent everyone to hospital in the three nations.
Little is also known of the inner and hidden costs that will drive the hiring of maids from Indonesia to astronomical figures for Malaysians, since there is a lack of transparency on who really benefit from the price hike.
And Yusuf said nothing on the pressing situation regarding the maids and their tribulations in Malaysia. It is surprising that he did not defend the hike in agent fees, nor condemn such hikes. Does his silence on both the haze and the ammah situation show his guilt?
Yusuf dumped
The murky waters turns murkier, with Yusuf’s persistent accusations against the Malaysian opposition leaders. Accusations that does not please the Indonesians in their vast majority. To the least, it does not please the Riau inhabitants, that is for sure.
That is not only because Anwar is revered in these parts of the world, and like some in Bengkalis – an island that forms part of Riau – would say if Anwar was an Indonesian he would be elected president by now – but because they are disappointed with Yusuf’s overall political performance.
Malaysians should learn, with this reporting from the heart of Riau, that Yusuf is seen as a puppet, a lost cause within Indonesia. He lost the bid to the presidency of the Golkar Party and turned sour, blaming a large number of people for his lost.
He also blames Anwar for allegedly supporting other political figures within Golkar, where Anwar is seen as a hero by some.
At best, he is known as the sour grapes of Indonesia having failed to win the presidency of the country which he seemingly blames on Anwar! Had the Indonesians were to choose between Yusuf and Anwar, they would dump Yusuf out to the seas, that can come with an assurance.
As much as the Malaysians and Singaporeans, the Indonesians of Riau origin, sufferers of the haze with even deeper consequences than the foreign nations victim of the so called criminal acts, are also worn out by Yusuf’s nod for Najib Tun Razak and for what the local media in Riau calls the cheated elections in Malaysia.
Yusuf is going against the mainstream Indonesian belief that Malaysia’s elections were not fair, and that Anwar is wrong. These alone are becoming dark shadows in Yusuf’s image in Indonesia itself.
His meddling in the Malaysian political affairs is also adding a heavy spot on his credibility.
During his political career, Yusuf fought against any foreign meddling in Indonesia, except for the settlement of the Aceh violence, but then this is only apparent. In the dark shadows of the corridors of power, Yusuf welcomed Singapore’s and Australia’s meddling in the nations battle against terrorism.
Perhaps his short stay at the vice-presidential palace has given him a different perspective on the issue and the need for foreign assistance on issues where he himself, the second most powerful man of Indonesia at that time, could not settle?
In Riau, the most common statement from those who are following the Yusuf-Anwar tussle would ask why is it not possible for Anwar to seek foreign aid to battle a regime that people in Indonesia believe is corrupt to the core?
They add that if that was possible for Yusuf in his political career, and if the Malaysian regime too seeks help from foreign investors and powers at some point when they face crises, then why can’t the opposition in a country do the same?
KL-based Amir Ali works for an Indonesian NGO called the Warisan Melayu Riau, which is based in Bengkalis, Riau.


  1. Disaat Anwar Ibrahim sering menyalahkan SPR kononnya terlibat didalam penipuan daftar pemilih serta perjalanan mengundi sewaktu pilihanraya, hari ini rakyat didedahkan tentang realiti sebenar yang berlaku.

    Didedahkan sendiri oleh 'orang kuat' Anwar sendiri iaitu Badrul Hisham Shaharin atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Chegu Bard. Anwar sendiri menjadi perancang sebenar didalam penipuan pemilihan PKR.

  2. Chegu Bard sendiri menyatakan yang beliau tidak percaya dengan kredibiliti Anwar serta mempersoalkan tuduhan Anwar terhadap SPR kerana sebelum ini Chegu Bard sendiri telah ditipu dengan teruk semasa pemilihan parti tersebut.

    Dan Chegu Bard juga mendedahkan bahawa Anwar cuba menyogoknya dengan wang ringgit serta jawatan bagi menutup rahsia berkenaan pemilihan parti PKR sendiri yang disifatkannya sebagai tak adil dan demokrasi.

  3. Rakyat Malaysia khususnya ahli-ahli PKR serta Pakatan harus melihat pendedahan oleh Chegu Bard ini sebagai satu 'turning point' untuk meninggalkan Anwar. Apatah lagi Anwar seringkali berceramah yang kononnya SPR bersekongkol dengan kerajaan untuk menipu rakyat didalam proses pengundian.

  4. Jadi, jika pemimpin utama dalam organisasi PKR sendiri menjadi mangsa penipuan licik Anwar Ibrahim, apakah mustahil rakyat bawahan yang masih 'hijau' dengan politik menjadi mangsa Anwar seterusnya?

    Dan pengundi di seluruh negara khususnya di Parlimen Permatang Pauh serta Dun Sungai Acheh harus menolak calon-calon dari PKR. Jangan biarkan manusia-manusia munafik seperti mereka-mereka itu berterusan memperbodohkan rakyat dimasa hadapan.

  5. Cukup-cukuplah dengan apa yang terjadi sebelum ini seperti yang terjadi di Kampung Buah Pala. Jangan biarkan 'pisang berbuah dua kali' dengan membiarkan konco-konco Anwar didalam PKR berterusan menipu rakyat. Tumbangkan PKR dan Pakatan sebelum nasib anak cucu kita menjadi taruhan


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