
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 19, 2014

NOT JUST PERKASA, ISMA! The BN 'parasites' are also MCA, Gerakan and MIC...

NOT JUST PERKASA, ISMA! The BN 'parasites' are also MCA, Gerakan and MIC...
‘Name the NGOs if you gave the guts, Tan. Otherwise don’t talk hollow.’
Vijay47: Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang, you are such a spineless wretch that you dare not even call an Umno spade a spade. Why did you refer to "Barisan" NGOs? Can you name a single non-Umno NGO that has made an extreme demand or statement?
The only NGOs that are spewing racial and religious vitriol are Umno supporters and that is how you should have described them. By labelling them BN NGOs, you are taking some heat off Umno and in the process hoping to get some respite from your racist masters. No wonder the other Barisan members are treated worse than dogs by Umno.
Siang Malam: People hate the BN also because they have parasites like you, Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang... besides, of course, Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Noordin, Ridhuan Tee....
Will there be a resolution tabled at this AGM to kick you out as Youth chief?
SusahKes: Bark, bark, bark... after that, go back hiding inside the cave. Does Umno really care to listen to the fly on the wall?
Supercession: Please, 'Gelakan' and the rest of the spineless parties in BN are no better than the NGOs that the 'Gelakan' Youth chief wants Umno to disassociate from.
Tan knows full well, but pretends not to know that Umno would rather disassociate from Gerakan and the rest of BN than from ISMA, Perkasa, etc.
Louis: Tan, be a man. Mention those extremist and racist groups by name. Ask prime minister and Umno president Najib Abdul Razak to denounce them. Only then will you have our respect.
But, I know it is foolhardy to do so. First , Najib will never listen to Gerakan, which basically is despised by Umno members. Secondly, it is those groups of people in whom Najib looks for support. Come what may, you are just a small fry in the eyes of Umno.
Sa tombs: Of course cronyism is alive, well and kicking. How to be corrupt if you don’t give Umno its own ‘kaki’s to do its own ‘jalap’?
Banzai: Tan Keng Liang, if you gave the guts name the NGOs, otherwise you are talking hollow.
Basically: Frankly, we hate BN not mainly because of the parasites, though Tan is right on that, but because of the parasites like MCA and Gerakan and MIC, which help prop up the racist regime using our faces as their foothold.
Continue-The-March: Gerakan, you can cry until the cows come home, and as long as Umno Baru is in charge, the Katakana Umno Baru Malaya Policy will stay.
Former Gerakan leader Lim Chong Eu made the strategic mistake after 1969 racial massacre to join BN, and now Gerakan is at its end stage of life. Gerakan in BN is only for racist Umno Baru window dressing use.
2 cents: This guy and his party seemed to be detached from the reality in the coalition and the dominant party of the coalition. These organisations are not parasites, but sub-contractors of the dominant party.
Getting rid of them means nobody is going to do the dirty work, such as intimidating or assaulting the opposition supporters, disrupting opposition events and sparking tension in peaceful demonstrations for your coalition. Are you prepared to do the dirty work yourself?
Mohican: Get Umno/BN to do just that - to get rid of the low bigot worms that eat into the very fabric of our peace loving and peacefully co-existing society, once and for all.
If Najib has the gumption to do just that, then Malaysians will leave Pakatan Rakyat in droves and flock to him like a bee to honey.
What are the members of Perkasa, Isma and Jati compared with the rest of eligible Malaysians voting for BN? Najib should say to hell with you Perkasa, Isma or Isis and Jati.
Youth chief: Don’t sideline Chinese, not all vote DAP
Quigonbond: Most Chinese are apolitical, to begin with. BN must be doing a really terrible job for them to vote for the opposition.
So, if BN decides to screw them, they will permanently vote for the opposition. Such is BN's really horrible politicking. Failing to change, they can only use the stick.
Abdullah Zaik
Hearty Malaysian: Tan Keng Liang and the rest of Gerakan leaders, you should tell Najib to stop bashing the Chinese. Anyone has the right to choose what is deemed right for the nation.
Najib’s blame games just expose how weak a prime minister we have. Instead of working to win the hearts of people through improvements, he is more interested in threatening the Chinese and giving short-term goodies to his own supporters only.
This just shows how shallow the whole BN way of running the country is. Get out of BN and stand on your own, Gerakan. Najib is not serious of transforming the nation.
Anonnona: This fellow is agreeing that the Chinese who voted for DAP should be sidelined. All Chinese should remember these words in the next general election, wherever there is a Gerakan candidate.
Anonymous_3f4b: After the PAS debacle, the Chinese voters have opened their eyes and are gyrating towards the BN, for they have compared apples with apples and find that the BN apple is much more convincing, stable and people-oriented, rather than the insecure, selfish interest and directionless politics of Pakatan, which cannot even agree to disagree on common policies.
Anonymous #19098644: It’s okay. Sideline the Chinese, sideline PAS supporters, sideline Kadazans, Ibans, Indians and all those who detest the corruption and decadence of the Umno regime.
Let the people decide. In the end, the corrupt regime, like all corrupt regimes in history, will fall. -M'kini

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