
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 27, 2014

The WORLD watching Anwar's case - global NGO warns Putrajaya against judicial hanky-panky

The WORLD watching Anwar's case - global NGO warns Putrajaya against judicial hanky-panky
The world is watching if Malaysia's highest court will uphold international standards of fair trial when opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's appeal against his sodomy charge begins tomorrow.
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisation Suaram said the apex court "must keep politics out of the courtroom and put an end to more than 15 years of judicial persecution" of Anwar.
"The Federal Court’s judgment is a decisive test for Malaysia’s judiciary.
"Politics must be kept out of the courtroom if Malaysia wants to help restore the battered reputation of its justice system," said FIDH president Karim Lahidji in a joint statement today with Suaram executive director Yap Swee Seng.
"It’s imperative that Malaysia respects international standards for fair trials, including the right to be heard by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal."
The duo listed a number of serious issues surrounding Anwar's long-drawn Sodomy II case in which he was acquitted a year before the 13th general election in May 2013, but speedily found guilty a year later on appeal.
“Developments leading up to the Federal Court’s hearing do not bode well for the fairness of the proceedings.
"It’s time for Malaysia’s judiciary to end the political abuse of justice and the flawed prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim,” added Yap.
Malaysia’s opposition leader was found guilty by the Court of Appeal on March 7 of sodomy and sentenced to five years’ jail after the appellate court overturned the Kuala Lumpur High Court’s decision two years ago.
His final appeal and the prosecution’s cross-appeal to enhance the five years’ jail term will be heard tomorrow.
FIDH and Suaram noted that the judiciary’s political involvement in the Court of Appeal’s decision seven month ago could be seen when the hearing was brought forward from its initial dates fixed in April. This is to thwart the Kajang move and stop Anwar’s bid to possibly become Selangor menteri besar.
Azmin: Stop the persecution on Anwar
Selangor Menteri Besar and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali described the Court of Appeal’s decision in overturning the acquittal of Anwar over what he claims are fabricated charges of sodomy, as a travesty of justice.
“We have consistently maintained that the persecution is part and parcel of a despicable conspiracy, originating in the first sodomy charges in 1998, to assassinate Anwar’s character and destroy his politcal career.
The relentless persecution on Anwar, Azmin said, has been on-going and is symptomatic of a judicial and criminal process that is deeply flawed.
“The bad faith by the authorities can be seen in the harassment on Anwar’s legal team, with Surendran being charged with sedition. This interference with the legal defence team is an outright denial of a fair hearing for Anwar.
“In this regard, I strongly urge the powers-that-be to let the rule of law and justice prevail. Stop the persecution of Anwar and put an end to this perverse injustice once and for all,” he said in the statement. -M'kini

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