
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Can 'extremist' Perkasa win elections? UNLIKELY but good chance for Umno to clear out the TRASH!

Can 'extremist' Perkasa win elections? UNLIKELY but good chance for Umno to clear out the TRASH!
‘Perkasa and Isma are just hot air and it’s about time we call their bluff.’
SusahKes: Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali lost in the last general elections. (Another of their leaders) Zulkifli Noordin lost as well. Even a kiss from an MIC member couldn't stop him from losing.
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad went around town endorsing the candidates; and yet they still lost.
Why would a bunch of wannabes want to trouble themselves? No, it’s just hot air from Perkasa and Isma.
Ronald: Well done, Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli. It’s about time someone call their bluff.
But when it comes to the crunch, I do not think Perkasa and Isma have the ‘bola' (balls) to contest the elections.
Right now, they have it too easy. Wallop the non-Malays and continue to get funds ‘percuma’ (for free) from you know who. What a way to survive.
Neutral Stance: The rakyat should wake up and not let these extremists hijack our goal of making Malaysia a peaceful and harmonious country.
Mohican: Perhaps in Taliban Land of Afghanistan or Pakistan, they may have a rousing victory if they stand in their polls.
CQ Muar: Hello, Perkasa and Isma, what are you waiting for? Here's a really good chance to prove yourselves to be 'champions' of Muslims. I mean champions, not chameleons.
Let your actions speak louder than words, which you idiots had been so vociferously doing over the years.
In particular reference to the frog, we hope you will not be 'kayoed' and transformed into a chicken.
PKR's Rafizi Ramli has issued you an open challenge. Therefore, prove your salt and thrash it out in the electoral ring and see if you're as mighty as you boast to be.
Failure to do so will confirm you're both nothing but empty vessels and liars,
Dont Just Talk: Perkasa and Isma, expect the lowest of the low candidates and be ready to be degraded, then thrown out as trash by moderate, intellectual Malaysian voters.
But, as usual, we know you dare not take up the challenge thrown out by PKR’s Rafizi for this simple reason: like ‘tin kosong’ (empty cans), they make the most noise.
Anonymous #05023297: Perkasa and Isma will respond with name-calling, labelling Rafizi as a traitor to the race and religion, etc. We have all heard it before.
They are like dogs barking in the night and when asked to show substance, they will run back to their master.
Remember the time when Perkasa said their thousands of members will face off with the (Bersih) rakyat marchers in Kuala Lumpur?
Well, they chickened out. Big mouth not matched by balls.
Anonymous_1388029052: Don’t forget that both Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Noordin lost in GE13. If they were to contest again, they would probably lose their deposits.
Myrights: Perkasa and Isma will not dare to join the electoral fray, and even if they do, their members will be extremists recycled from Umno, and perhaps some from PAS.
And while Perkasa and Isma are at it, they should also also just ask controversial academic Ridhuan Tee Abdullah to join them.
Versey: I'm dying to know what Ibrahim Ali's excuse is for not accepting the challenge.
Ckl0001: ... and they can name their new party the Extremists Party of Malaysia.
Isma chief Abdullah Zaik
Man on the Street: This taxonomy of photos has not changed for the past 50 years within Umno and BN politics. This clearly shows the maturity of politics in Umno and BN has not matured over time.
It's a national stereotype to mislead the people. The taxonomy of photos is an excellent reflection. Thank you, Dr Charles Leary.
NuckinFuts: You missed out one species: ‘The Worship’ where the politician is seated on a huge throne-like sofa, barking at reporters kneeling and prostrating on the floor.
Onlooker: An excellent paper written in true academic style! Though true, there are some who will only see the bare facts but completely miss the humour.
Tok Karut: Dr Leary, make sure you don't mess up your re-entry permit. Happy Holidays! - M'kini
Mob1900: I can't wait for your next release, 'The taxidermy of politicians who betrayed their voters'. Hope to get your signature on it, too.

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