
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Look for new jobs, Ibrahim Ali, Abdullah Zaik: Group of 25 Malays are breathing NEW LIFE into Malaysia

Look for new jobs, Ibrahim Ali, Abdullah Zaik: Group of 25 Malays are  breathing NEW LIFE into M'sia
Finally, a gust of fresh breeze is blowing through our beloved land. The voice of moderation is heard loud and clear.
This time, a group of 25 prominent Malays has spoken without fear and favour. They have taken a courageous stand to push back the tide of extremism.
It is so heartening. And it rekindles hope for the despair of the silent multitudes.
Datin Noor Farida Arrifin together with the other prominent 24 Malays have been labelled “the expired generation” and were asked “What have you done for the nation?”
They have served the nation with distinction – each and every one of them. One can never take that away from them.
And now, even though some of them have retired, they are still serving the nation in a very important way. They gave voice to the voiceless millions who are ordinary men and women on the street.
These millions cannot articulate as clearly. They have a limited platform to do so. Their only platform is social media where the grumbles and concerns expressed disappear into oblivion.
But they know that their basic rights and freedom have been progressively curtailed by the authorities who gave in to the strident calls of the extremists.
If a law professor can be charged with sedition for giving his learned opinion on the constitution, what else can ordinary citizens expect, except to cower in fear?
They just pack their bags and quietly leave the country with their talents and skills?
Ibrahim Ali (right) leads extremist Malay rights group Perkasa, Abdullah Zaik (left) is the leader of ultra Muslim rights group Isma
Do not get me wrong. The big stick should be wielded against the likes of Alvin Tan who well-deserve it. They are the scum of society. They are “good riddance”.
Meanwhile, the detractors to the prominent 25 have done nothing except shout and produce a lot of hot air. All these rhetoric are done in the name of defending Islam in response to an imagined threat.
These extremists are the false champions of their race and religion. They are the ones who have given a bad name to their religion of peace and tolerance.
They play the game of divisive politics to gain political mileage.
In contrast, the prominent 25 are true patriots.
Let their voice of reason, justice, patriotism and inclusiveness grow stronger so that the powers that be have no choice but to listen and act.
We salute the prominent 25. – TMI

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