
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mukhriz Is Still In The Majlis Tertinggi

A few days ago I blogged that Mukhriz had been dropped from the Majlis Tertinggi.  Well that is not the case.  Mukriz is still in the Majlis Tertinggi. My apologies again bro.  Kadir Jasin has written a very witty gurindam at his blog here.  He does mention the story about Mukhriz. Here is a portion of his gurindam :

Gurindam Seloka Penghibur Lara
A Kadir Jasin

LAMA sudah kita tidak berseloka. 
Melepas rindu mengubat duka. 
Dalam Malaysia kita, Tanah Melayu tercinta, macam-macam ada.

Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman orang terbuka. 
Kalau bercakap jelas dan nyata. 
Kepada pemerintah dia berkata, 
cakaplah benar jangan berdusta. 
Maka murkalah para pembesar. 
Kerana peluru terkena sasar.

Itulah juga yang saya katakan. 
Khabar baik jangan diada-adakan. 
Berita buruk jangan disembunyikan. 
Rakyat jelata tidak bangang. 
Merekalah yang rasa susah dan senang.

Harga getah jatuh merudum. 
Pekebun kelapa sawit pun dah lama tak senyum. 
Penanam padi lebih-lebihlah lagi.
Dari dulu sampai kini. 
Kais pagi makan pagi. 
Sampaikan Felda Global pun dah mula rugi.

Berkenaan Mukhriz saya tak terkejut. 
Jawatan dalam MKT dah kena lucut. 
Dengar cerita di Kedah serabut. 
Sesama Umno depa dok berebut. 
Tapi orang PM kata, cerita itu fitnah semata-mata. 
Dalam MKT Mukhriz masih ada.

Mukhriz rampas Kedah dari Pas. 
Takkanlah jawatan dia mereka nak rampas? 
Kalau Presiden buat juga, nampak dia cari bahaya. 
Silap-silap Kedah Pas tawan semula. 
Jadi fikirlah sebelum buat apa-apa.

The last three lines by Kadir Jasin above are interesting. I dont know if it was as much a fitnah or it was something that "tak jadi".  I am pretty sure the folks who gave me the info knew what they were saying.

Here is something else. The PM  did meet Tun Dr Mahathir for about 15 minutes. Najib wanted to see  Dr Mahathir.  Not the other way around.

One theory is that Dr Mahathir has gone silent after that meeting. Meaning there was some sort of  "rapproachment". 

Another source said something else.  Najib asked to see Dr Mahathir  about a few things particularly 1MDB and Petronas.

Thats all the info I received.  

Petronas too has been spending huge amounts of money overseas. Not all their investments have turned out good. That adventure in Canada is costing us tens of billions of Ringgit.

Petronas is also farming out jobs (fabrication jobs worth hundreds of millions) to foreign suppliers when local fabricators who can also handle the work, are short of jobs.  So whither Petronas' role in developing the local economy?

Just today one local fabricator has retrenched 200 jobs. Citing financial difficulties. That will affect at least 600 people in 200 families. Another local fabricator will also be retrenching workers soon.

The question is why cant Petronas help out local players - of course subject to quality and costs.  But rigs, platforms and jackets are not rocket science anymore. Our local boys can handle things just as well. There were other things mentioned. 

With the Ringgit crashing Petronas will have to pay more US Dollars (opportunity cost) to foreign suppliers.  If  Petronas awards jobs domestically they will use up less of their US Dollars earnings to pay in Ringgit. 

The question is has that 15 minute meeting silenced Dr Mahathir ?  Time will tell. I believe Dr Mahathir took his vitamins very early in life. 

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