
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

NO THANKS TO GAG-LAWS LIKE SEDITION: Malaysians in stupor over illicit outflows

NO THANKS TO GAG-LAWS LIKE SEDITION: M’sians in stupor over illicit outflows
‘How can society tolerate such corruption without doing anything?’
Headhunter: Many had been saying that the BN would bankrupt the country if they continued to rule. This latest report by Washington-based Global Financial Integrity (GFI) testifies to it.
And on top of the list are mainly politicians and their cronies. That's why such a massive flow was can leave the country without anyone being charged or detected.
Just imagine what those money can do for the country had the outflow been kept within limits. Those who are involved are the real traitors to the country because they impoverished the rakyat.
Mamba: Malaysia's total gross domestic product (GDP) is worth only US$312 billion as of 2013, while our illicit outflows in the past 10 years stood at US$395 billion.
Our ringgit value would have doubled if not for our corrupt politicians. Imagine all of us should have the purchasing power to rival Singaporeans but we are still stuck in this third world category when all our natural resources have almost been depleted.
SRMan: It is not difficult to understand why the illicit outflows were so massive from 2010 to 2012.
The 13th Malaysian general election would have taken place somewhere between 2011 and 2013 and BN was expected to fall after the tsunami of 2008. So while the sun still shone, those thieves made piles and piles of 'hay' and then sent them out to unknown destinations.
Tiny Malaysia with a much smaller population and much less economic activities than so many other countries can be ranked behind China, Russia, India and Mexico - it tells us that colossal amount of money have been stolen from our country's coffers.
True: Hello, Malaysians? Are you awake or asleep? How can society tolerate such corruption to such a level without doing anything and the problem getting worse by the year?
Those corrupt folk are now using the race and religion cards to divide us. Only in Malaysia Boleh. Aren't we a bit stupid?
Mosquitobrain: Even if the above reports carry half the truth, it is enough to cause serious damage to the country economy, financial standing and follow by hardships for all the people.
Now we know why our daily essentials keep spiralling upwards despite the international crude oil price going south since June.
This type of scenario can only happen in Malaysia. The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) next April will cause further hardship across the board for everyone.
The government is trying to fool the people by giving out Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M). Where is the money going to come from? Further borrowing?
Like it or not, all of us, young or old, will have to bear with the huge deficits created by the corrupt government for many years to come.
MingXiang: There shouldn't be any poor in this bountiful country. Indeed, greed for money is the root of all evil and in the end what does it profit them? Zilch.
They will all lose their souls. Did He not say it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? Blessed are the poor...
Nitendo: I believe that if opposition leads the government, the same thing will happen because illicit outflows are becoming a massive trend all over the world.
The above report (‘M'sia bleeds dirty money, enough for 42 new KLIA2') may carry half the truth or perhaps not, but definitely these facts are prepared solely to condemn current government.
Where is Justice: Nitendo, I hope one day you or your family members will be shipped out to be a maid or labourer. I shall make sure to hire some of you and work the heck out of you. Since I cannot do much about toppling Umno, I shall do that to its lackeys.
Bamboo!: If one trillion is divided among 30 million of Malaysians, each will get over RM30,000 each. There won’t be any poor Malaysians.
Alas, the trillion is the loot held by a few elites who have plundered our money. This money will come in handy when they flee Malaysia after the country is bankrupted.
Paul Warren: This is too complicated for Umno members and supporters to understand. They understand sex better. That is why more energy is placed on that than these illicit outflows in their general assembly.
Versey: After listening to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low's constant defence or being in denial mode of the many wrongs committed by the government of the day, coupled with the impression one gets from reading the flood of Umno cyber troopers' recent comments in their defence of the Selangor water deal signed under Official Secrets Act (OSA), the recent 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) issue, etc, etc, would any sane person still believe that the government is serious about tackling corruption and the many crimes associated with it?
Would any sane mind still hold hope to see the end of the thieves' days under the prevailing ruling party? - M'kini

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