
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Well folks, quite predictably the attacks by the ‘kamilah golongan yang tidak perlu menggunakan akal dalam semua perkara’  against the 25 prominent Malays has begun.

First of all to the 25 Prominent Malays let me reassure you that many right thinking Malays as well as numerous other Malaysians are with you.

Those who are against you are mostly the self proclaimed ‘kamilah golongan yang tidak perlu menggunakan akal dalam semua perkara’ group. This is what they say about themselves. So take comfort in that fact.

Here is today’s Star saying that another group of prominent people have come out in support of the 25 Prominent Malays :
  • Open letter by 25 sparks debate
  • public is engaging in a debate as a result of the open letter by 25 eminent Malays for a rational dialogue on the application of Islamic laws in the country.
  • groups of prominent Malaysians have issued open letters supporting the call for dialogue
  • One group - public and private sector, civil society organisations -  expressed support for the 25 eminent Malays
  • stressed Constitution must reign supreme in resolving disputes on application of Islamic law.
  • “This is a defining period in our national transformation quest and so we must see to the rational dialogue on the application of Islamic laws and other laws in the country,”
  • group includes former Court of Appeal Justice Datuk Mahadev Shankar, Mydin Mohamed Holdings Datuk Wira Ameer Mydin, and Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute CEO Tan Sri Dr Michael Yeoh.
  • Another member of the group, former Suhakam commissioner Muhammad Sha’ani Abdullah, said some people wrongly believed that because Islam was the religion of the Federation, it meant that Syariah laws superseded the Constitution.
  • “Malaysia is a democracy so we should be able to discuss these matters in a constructive manner, but even many Muslims are fearful of voicing opinions or asking questions.
  • “No one should be shut out from this discussion,” said Sha’ani when contacted.
At this juncture may I please request readers of this Blog to show your support to the 25 Prominent Malays. Please and thank you.  This is the 21st century. If you value your future then do not allow the Forces of Darkness free reign in this country anymore. 


Let me reassure the 25 Prominent Malays that there is no such thing as an Islamic scholar.  Shiahs are banned in Malaysia. You can be jailed if you are a Shiah. One Minister even shot his mouth and said that shiahs are kafir.  So if this is what you say, will people like the late Ayatollah Khomeini the Scholar of the Shiahs be regarded as an ‘Islamic scholar’? How can you regard Ayatollah Khomeini an Islamic scholar when you arrest shiahs just for being shiahs? So Ayatollah Khomeini cannot be an Islamic scholar.

Similarly will you accept Mullah Omar the leader of the Taliban as an Islamic scholar? He studied at the Darul Uloom madrassah (the same madrasah that was attended by that creature in the east coast). The Taliban killed people blindly, sent suicide bombers and just mucked up the place. Definitely Mullah Omar cannot be an Islamic scholar - even though he studied at Darul Uloom.

Or will you accept the latest satan reincarnate Khalifah Abu Bakar Baghdadi leader of the ISIS as an Islamic scholar? That devil psycho holds a PhD in Islamic Studies. Yet in Malaysia the Police are arresting anyone who travels to Syria or Iraq to fight with the Khalifah’s  ISIS.  So how can you call Abu Bakar Baghdadi an Islamic scholar when ISIS members are arrested on sight in Malaysia?

Islamic scholarship is sectarian scholarship. There is no such thing as an overall Islamic scholar.

First they must choose their sect. Sunni, Shiah, Soofy, Ibadi etc. Then they must choose the sub-sects for example Hanafi, Maliki, Shafiee and Hambali among the Sunnis. The Shiahs have their own sub-sects.

So for example the Shafiee sect scholars say you cannot touch dogs.  If you touch dogs you must ritually wash. The Maliki sect scholar says yes you can touch dogs. You do not have to ritually wash after touching dogs.  So very obviously the Maliki sect's scholarship regarding touching dogs is not accepted by the Shafiee sect's scholarship.

This again proves that there is no such thing as universal Islamic scholarship. There is only sectarian religious scholarship. One sects scholarship is another sects rubbish.


Yes religious scholars are not educated. Simply because dissenting views and opinions are not allowed inside their sects. If you write a book that does not agree with the orthodox belief your book will be banned and you can be jailed. This happens all over the Islamic world.

In Shia Iran if you write a book criticising the Shiah or criticising the Ayatollah Khomeini you can be jailed and have your book banned. It has been this way for centuries.

In Malaysia if you write a book that challenges the orthodoxy (like Kassim Ahmad) your book can be banned and you can be charged in Court.

In Syria and Iraq if you say something that does not agree with Khalifah Baghdadi your head can be chopped off.

From a scholarship point of view, how much new knowledge or how much new education can you gain for yourself when intellectuals thinkers who do not agree with you are sent to jail, have their books banned or have their heads chopped off?

In other words your own scholarship is able to survive because your critics are jailed, murdered or their books banned. That makes you a tahi ayam scholar. That will result in zero new scholarship. Over time you will become a stupid jack ass. You will never learn anything new. And you still call yourself a scholar?

So the religious scholars (Shiah, Sunni, Ayatollah, Khalifah, etc) are only trained inside their own sect or mazhab. They are the proverbial frogs sitting under a tempurung who think they are Islamic scholars. They are not even educated.  


And since these “kamilah golongan yang tidak menggunakan akal dalam semua perkara” ARE VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY fond of saying that they are better qualified than others to talk about religion, please demand that they show their qualifications and their grades. Yes, show us your CGPA like Ahmad Maslan. Did you get a first class, second class, third class degree or what?

I know that one Mufti only has a Form Five sekolah agama qualification. Did not even go to Deoband.

And if anyone has a degree from Darul Uloom in Deoband it means you were trained in a madrassa that has churned out terrorists and suicide bombers. The Taliban are almost entirely trained in Darul Uloom, Deoband.

If you have a Degree from Al Azhar University  in Egypt it means you studied in a country that has been in the dustbin of history for hundreds of years. Al Azhar has not been able to help Egypt or save Egypt from the dustbin.

If you have a degree from Medina University it means you were taught by psycho Wahhabi fanatics who helped creat the ISIS.

If you are trained in the sekolah pondok – tak ada api, tak ada air, tak ada jamban – and you just read ‘buku kuning’ please don’t claim to be cleverer than others.

So where did they learn to become religious scholars? Ask them for their credentials.



The Quran challenges these people ‘haatu burhanukum inkuntum sadiqeen’ which means “bring your proofs if you are a truthful people”. 

So please challenge them to show proofs for what they say. It is a simple and civilised request.

Rasing their voices and shouting like uncivilised barbarians is no substitute for showing proofs. They  must show proofs for what they say. Here is a secret – they have no proofs for what they say.


There is no such thing as a standardised set of  Islamic Laws at anytime throughout Islamic history. There never was and there never will be.  Islamic Laws differ from sect to sect, from ruler to ruler and from time period in history.  The hudud in Kelantan differs from the hudud in Terengganu.  

In over 1400 years of Islamic history there is no such thing as a standardised set of Islamic Laws. This means there is no such thing as an Islamic Law either.

Any law, whether Islamic or non Islamic must be just. We will know a law is unjust when that law does not provide the people a resolution to their problems through the offices of the Courts. In other words the law does not solve their problems.  Therefore the Courts also become unjust when  they implement unjust laws.

Here is an example. Under the hudud law they say that a woman who has been raped and becomes pregnant must bring four male witnesses of good character who witnessed her being raped and testify to that effect in the court.

Otherwise the same female rape victim will be charged for adultery / fornication and stoned to death.

The fact is over 1400 years of Islamic history there has never been even one recorded case where a female rape victim was able to do exactly that. There is not even one recorded case in 1400 years of Islamic history where a female rape victim was able to produce four male witnesses of good character who witnessed her being raped and testified to that effect in Court. None.

In all cases where a woman was raped, became pregnant and was charged in an Islamic Court it was the  rape victim who was found guilty of fornication /adultery. And this is happening right until the 21st century in mental asylum countries like Pakistan and Aghanistan.

Here is an example from Afghanistan :  “An Afghan woman who was jailed for adultery after being raped remains in prison more than 10 days after President Hamid Karzai ordered her release, her lawyer said on Monday. Gulnaz, who has already served two years in prison after a relative raped her at her home.”

Jailed Afghan rape victim. Raped at home.
Couldnt find four "uncles" as witnesses.

I think Gulnaz could not bring four other uncles and grandfathers to testify against the other uncles and grandfathers who raped her. 

Islamic Law is still work in progress. It still requires a lot of work. The best place for Islamic Law is to keep it safely inside dusty old books and lock them up inside the library and the museums. If anyone is interested in light reading they can go and read them.

But for real life especially life in the 21st century we need real laws that are scientific, modern, logical, secular, practical and most important of all they help people solve their problems. We need really scientific and secular laws - the real Islamic Laws. This is the real Islam.

And this is the Islam of the Quran. Nowhere in the Quran is there any law that says adulterers must be stoned to death. There is no such thing.

Nowhere in the Quran does it say that people who reject belief must be sentenced to death or even punished. The Quran says quite the opposite :

Surah 4:137    “Surely, those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then plunge deeper into disbelief, Allah will not forgive them, nor will He guide them in any way.”

This is for those who jump in and out of belief. Not once but multiple times. Where is the punishment ?  Allah will not forgive them or guide them.  That is all.

This is proof from the Quran.  Arent they supposed to believe in the Quran?

So ask them, where do their proof come from?

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