
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hooray !! Muhyiddin Makan Bitamin

This is from The Star today :

DPM: 1MDB directors to be held accountable if there is negligence
  • Muhyiddin has come out to state clearly public funds wont be used to bail out 1MDB
  • directors should be prepared to bear joint responsibility if there is any negligence or misappropriation.  (Tan Sri Lodin - I told you so. Scapegoats are being identified.) 
  • DPM said Auditor-General should not take too long (So Mr Auditor jangan buat kerja selekeh ok. No foot dragging. This is the future Prime Minister who has spoken up. Yup, just wait and see.)
  • He also said A-G should be equipped and well supported (Err..do not place obstacles in the AG's path.)
  • interests of the Government and the country
  • Muhyiddin added independent, comprehensive audit starting from 1MDB’s inception
  • because ..misappropriation ..since 2009 
  • and not reflected in FYE 2013 accounts audited by Deloitte,” he said. (So how did Deloitte brief the Cabinet and give them a full picture?) 
  • misappropriation in JV between 1MDB and PetroSaudi International 
  • Deloitte appointed auditor of 1MDB in February 2014 
  • took over from KPMG ...that relinquish(ed) its role as auditor.
  • Muhyiddin said Govt would lose out if restructuring of 1MDB involved sale of (TRX) and Bandar Malaysia, which were purchased at a low price from the Government.
  • properties were sold at a low price to 1MDB. The Government would lose out if the restructuring involved the sale of land and the proceeds used to pare down 1MDB’s debts,” he said.  (This is already a breach of trust by the gomen. Was it a criminal breach of trust? Why did the gomen sell taxpayer owned land at such a low price in the first place? Irrespective of  1MDB being 100% taxpayer owned)
  • Muhyiddin also touched on role of BOD of 1MDB 
  • said they should bear joint responsibility
  • “BOD prepare for legal action..negligence, misappropriation” 
  • (Tan Sri Lodin and the Board - I told you so. Who is closer to 'god' ? You, me, the cat next door or Fei Low? Now you will also begin to understand fraud in the name of 'ketuanan Melayu'.  Silap-silap boleh kena teruk ni. Here is some free advice - better get a good lawyer.)

  • ED Arul Kanda said debt financed capital structure no longer appropriate 
  • need for more direct matching of assets and cash-flows
  • TRX and Bandar Malaysia – or sale of land in the two projects
  • Muhyiddin said legal action vs anybody who made baseless accusations 
  • important to restore confidence of investors and reputation of 1MDB (This last statement by Muhyiddin is just a joke. He is not being serious here at all. Reputation of 1MDB? The reputation of 1MDB is now Longkang Grade A.) 
My comments : Well most certainly Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has much more gumption and better smarts to be Prime Minister than Najib Tun Razak .

Just for your information the PM has been absent from Malaysia for more than 70 days over the past 24 months. He has missed many Cabinet meetings.

In the PM's absence, it is the DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who has been chairing Cabinet meetings. The DPM has been running the country. 

And that is not exactly the entire story.  

The DPM also chairs more than 30 Cabinet committees which have a wide range of responsibilities. In other words the DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has greater responsibility and experience in running the day to day affairs of the country than Najib. Few people know this bit of trivia.  

(Of course our education system has been messed up. But it has been messed up since Brader Anwar became Minister of Education. Do you remember KBSM? KBSR? Bahasa Baku and all that crap? Those were all the brain dead creations of the Brader and his gang. At one time our primary school children suffered as much weight carrying their school bags as a soldier carrying a military back pack.  Those were the days of the Brader indeed. Sadly it has not been changed enough.)

Unfortunately because of the moron sitting above him, Muhyiddin's job is usually to help clean up the crap deposited by the PM. This 1MDB issue is a clear example.

This is not the first time that Muhyiddin is helping to clear up the mess. Dont forget that Muhyiddin was the earliest among the Ministers to ask Abdullah Badawi to resign. 

And I think Muhyiddin is doing it again.  For example it is interesting that Muhyiddin has given a warning to the Board of Directors of 1MDB  :    “board of directors should be prepared for legal action ..negligence, misappropriation..,” he said.   

Indirectly Muhyiddin's warning also applies to the Advisor of 1MDB who is none other than the PM.  Takkan an Advisor who happens to be the PM has less influence over 1MDB than a mere Board of Directors? Who are you trying to kid? 

Hence the first step now is to prove the wrongdoing or mismanagement. 

So, assuming that there is wrongdoing, lets guess what the crooks will be doing? Trying their best to cover everything up. For example wiping out emails and computerised records of transactions will be one way of hiding the evidence. 

I also found out that all this talk that Muhyiddin wanted to resign, that he is not well, that he is a lesser candidate than Najib (which is becoming a mental retard joke ok) has also been churned out by Najib's propaganda machine. 

Muhyiddin Yassin has never spoken abut resigning. And neither is his health a problem. (The fact is, it is not Muhyiddin's health which should be questioned.)  

Hence Muhyiddin Yassin is in a good enough standing to replace Najib as PM at any time.  Muhyiddin may not be a genius Einstein but he is certainly not the moron that nut fellow has turned out to be.   

There is also more that I have heard about Team Sewel.  For example Team Sewel is putting in place a strategy to protect the Sewel in the Crown. Among them  are

i. suing critics (this is a clear cut sign of desperation and very poor advice. This will backfire badly)
ii. postpone the party elections to 2772 AD or something like that (so that no challengers arise).

Another team has been mobilised to "c**k the books". They are doing this by revaluing those landed properties - again. Once the landed properties are revalued (at billions of extra Ringgits) they will show as a profit in the accounts (revaluation gains).   This way - accounting wise - the company is still profitable.

Then they do not need to explain where the 700 million clams escaped to.   The whole idea is to divert attention.

And the world champion debater, "India rubber man" contortionist shall be the spokesman to sell all this to the public. 

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