
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Just filling-up forms doesn’t make you Muslim, says Jakim

The van by the Malaysia Reverted Muslim organisation that is distributing free translated Qurans to non-Muslims. – Pic taken from Facebook, March 3, 2015.The van by the Malaysia Reverted Muslim organisation that is distributing free translated Qurans to non-Muslims. – Pic taken from Facebook, March 3, 2015.A non-Muslim cannot be converted to Islam just by filling up some forms, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) said today, adding that a verbal admission was the main condition before one is registered as a convert.
Its director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha said today that a non-Muslim has to be willing to embrace Islam without being forced by anyone as there is no coercion in the religion.
"Then he would have to utter the 'kalimah syahadah', admitting that Allah is the only God to pray to and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger. This has to be witnessed by other Muslims," Othman said in a statement on his Facebook page today.
This statement from the Jakim chief comes after Islamic evangelical group Malaysia Reverted Muslims (MRM) had been accused of secretly altering the religious records of non-Muslims who accepted free copies of the Quran from them.
The text message that went viral recently, stated that MRM was allegedly tracking down and converting those who accepted free copies of the Quran.
MRM had previously denied the allegations, calling it a lie and a false accusation against them, adding that there was no compulsion in embracing the religion.
"There is a message with two images circulating around in WhatsApp. We in MRM strongly deny the false accusation and we will lodge a police report soon on this matter," it said in a posting on its Facebook page.
The message also said the group had begun distributing the holy book in Teluk Pulai, Klang and warned the public not to give out their personal details to anyone.
Othman said today that he was made to understand that MRM had never forced any non-Muslims to receive the Quran, which was being distributed free through their programmes.
"Instead, it is given to those who are curious and approach MRM to ask further about Islam and those who are confused with Islamic teachings.
"For example, if there are those who portray Islam as a religion that endorses violence, it is definitely not true. Islam has never asked its people to be violent or militants and in fact, in Islam, violence and oppression is 'haram'," he added.
He said by reading and understanding the Quran, all misconceptions about Islam can be rectified, adding that there should not be an issue of compulsion in receiving or refusing the Holy Book.
"In Islam, we revere the Holy al-Quran and every person who owns it has to care and keep it in the most respectful way.
"So if any non-Muslim receives it and no longer wants to keep it, they can give it back to MRM or hand it over to a mosque, surau or another Muslim to care for it.
"I hope no one misunderstands the method used by MRM as it is clear that their intentions are not to coerce but to clarify the true teachings of Islam and to clear any confusion about the religion," Othman said.

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