
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 13, 2015


A new NGO is formed with the ideology to make no one race feel like the master race in this country.
kesatria2The other day I was driving towards Bangsar from Pantai Dalam when I spotted a banner displayed on the pedestrian crossover bridge linking to Jalan Riong. It read “ISMA: Demi Keagungan Islam & Kedaulatan Bangsa Melayu Di Tanah Melayu Ini”.
What? Seriously?
Since our independence in 1957, we have been known as Malaysia. Why is Isma walking backwards claiming we still live in Tanah Melayu? Clearly some people are still living in the past.
Or perhaps it is a clever way to make a point that this beloved land of ours is owned by a certain race.
As I uploaded the picture of the banner on my Facebook page, I took a few deep breaths trying not to get offended over what I concluded was a racist remark.
After all, exercising my right to get offended by racism can be offensive to some people, as clearly pointed out by a follower of my page who took the time to write this comment:
“Are all racial sentiments negative? What’s wrong about recognising one’s racial background and history? In our route to be rational against the bigots, do not turn to become bigots ourselves. Is being proud of my heritage wrong?”
Clearly the reader wasn’t the only one who chose to ignore the ‘Tanah Melayu’ reference in the banner. How typical. I guess no one will ever admit to something which benefits them.
I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if the word ‘Malay’ on the banner was replaced with ‘Chinese’ or ‘Indian’. I suppose it wouldn’t take long for our authorities to tear it down and for the officials to make press statements urging the people to stay united and stop racial division, using May 13 yet again as a medium to inject fear (or is it to threaten) into our society.
Yet this banner continues to be displayed in the middle of the city with no interference from the authorities. Maybe the majority prefers to call our country Tanah Melayu compared to Malaysia. Well, what would I know? After all, I am just a minority.
Or perhaps they are correct. Perhaps I am the one guilty of making a mountain out of a molehill. Furthermore, crying out loud 1Malaysia doesn’t make us united – we are after all very proud of our multiracial status. Promoting Malaysia as a country of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Lain-lains has always been a good selling point compared to Bangsa Malaysia.
So in a weird way, the formation of Perkasa and Isma does make sense. After all, Ibrahim Ali and Abdullah Zaik are only looking after the best interests of ‘their’ people. Now I couldn’t say the same about Ridhuan Tee – being a Chinese who fights for the Malays, he is indeed a ‘special’ one (or would ‘odd’ be a better word?)
Anyway, having understood that birds of the same feather should flock together, I have made a decision. Together with my brothers, I shall plan ahead to form a new NGO specially meant for Indian Muslims like myself.
So we talked about it and came up with three names for our future NGO. We thought of “Pakatan Ummah Kesatuan India Muslim Antarabangsa”, “Pertubuhan Angkatan Rumpun Indiamuslim Antarabangsa” and “Kesatuan Liga Indiamuslim Nasionalis Gagah”.
However, since the acronyms of all three choices could offend some people, we decided to go with “Kesatuan Seangkatan Tertinggi Rumpun Indiamuslim Antarabangsa” or KESATRIA.
I shall be the president of KESATRIA and my brothers, the deputy and vice president respectively. Our logo shall display a green crescent with the numbers 786 (sacred number for mamaks). And our tagline will be ‘“KESATRIA : Demi Keagungan Mamak & Kedaulatan Bangsa Malaysia Di Suvarnabhumi Ini”.
The essence of KESATRIA’s ideology is to make no one race feel like the master race in this country. After all, nasi campur, bah kut teh and banana leaf rice have their own specialities – although they are no comparison to the wonderful nasi kandar, just saying.
We plan to open up our membership to Malaysians of all races and religions because unlike Isma, we do not believe in this land being Tanah Melayu. The only people who shall not be accepted as our members are Indian Muslims who claim to be Malays. These Melayu celups shall be barred for life.
Our members must be proud of their roots and have no issue admitting themselves as ‘pendatangs’. KESATRIA believes the true Bumiputeras are the Orang Asli and indigenous people while the people of Arab, Java, Thai, Chinese and Indian descent who claim ownership of this land deserve a good whack on the butt.
Besides that, KESATRIA shall play an active role in urging the government to improve our education system and the living standards for ALL citizens regardless of their race. We believe opportunities, assistance, subsidies, quotas and ‘discounts’ should be channelled to all people in need and not only to a certain race.
KESATRIA will condemn corruption and power abuse in public as well as private sectors. Those who have such records shall be barred from entering any nasi kandar restaurants owned by our members for life.
It would be KESATRIA’s highest priority to create a liberal society where individual human rights come before any hypocritical sub-standards which are implemented to benefit certain groups in society. We believe sincerity, hard work and intelligence to be the core factors in building a better Malaysia.
In conclusion, KESATRIA believes that everyone should be proud of their own roots. However, being proud of one’s heritage is no excuse for us to define ourselves according to the colour of our skin. There is no excuse for us to create boundaries within the society we live in.
On second thought, perhaps the best motto should be, KESATRIA: All For One, One for All.
So, do you think my new NGO is a good idea? Do you think KESATRIA will be well received by Malaysians? I surely do hope so.
Well, if you are interested to be a member of KESATRIA, please do watch the space at the pedestrian crossover bridge leading to Jalan Riong in Kuala Lumpur. We shall soon display our banner right there next to Isma’s.
Wish me and KESATRIA the best of luck!

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