
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pas ulama, Hadi gang soon to officially become Umno SUBSIDIARY?

The Talibans in the party felt it is time to take over...'
Lamps: PAS central committee member Hanipa Maidin, I respect you for telling it as it is. The ulama faction is not only a problem for PAS but also for Pakatan Rakyat.
Join PasMa, leave PAS. PasMa together with PKR and DAP can take Putrajaya in GE14.
Iiiizzzziiii: Thank you for confirming what the majority of non-Muslims have known all along: the PAS scholars are out of touch with reality. In this context, where is PAS heading?
Is it going to take on a more extreme view where hudud is the one and only reason for PAS' struggle and nothing else is important?
Jiminy Qrikert: The real problem in PAS is that the entire body of members do not realise their Islamic scholars are tunnel-visioned uni-dimensional morons whose only ability is to memorise religious text and regurgitate them without prior logical thought applied.
That is why these scholars need to maintain their stranglehold on the professionals within the party. Otherwise, their ineptitude would be exposed.
Abasir: Where the ulama are concerned, issues such as 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder, etc, are simply the will of Allah.
Every screw-up in the country is explained away with meaningless religious fluff because their audience, like themselves, are hopelessly ignorant.
Which is why they turn to religion in the first place, especially when it is expressed in a foreign language (that many of their members are not fluent in).
What's New: Hanipa, your speech projecting your thoughts for a healthy PAS, sadly, will fall on deaf ears.
It is obvious, the 'Talibans' in your party felt it is time to take over, after deceiving the non-Muslim masses for their votes to achieve their political ambitions.
PAS has allowed religion to overpower the 'progressives', those who see PAS as standing for more than just religion if it is to survive in this fast-changing world.
Gotcha: Hudud will kill PAS, and Umno will be the happiest as it will take over Kelantan at the 14th general election.
PAS will eventually be kicked out of Pakatan and will be ignored by Umno and left to rot. PKR and DAP must start to attract all Malaysians, especially the Malays, (instead of relying on PAS).
Proarte: Even the Pakistan parliament repealed hudud in 2006 because it criminalised rape victims and caused so much injustice and misery.
But here in Malaysia, our donkey PAS ulamas are collaborating with the corrupt Umno regime to introduce an unworkable and failed set of laws.
The fact that a thieving regime like Umno should be supporting hudud tells you how nonsensical and surreal the whole enterprise is.
Hplooi: Even more dangerous than the ulama are the returning 'scholars' from the great madrasahs of the Middle East. They are at the forefront of the neo-Salafist movement sweeping the Islamic world.
The Salafists enjoyed a revival in the 18th century as a reaction to the perceived corruption and decadence of the Ottoman Turks (then the defenders of the faith).
Salafist (which may be linked to Wahhabism - though Salafist purists will strenuously object) advocate a literal interpretation of the faith and a rejection of civilisational dialogue.
This can be illustrated by the rejection of the Islamic-Kalam tradition by Salafist (Kalam centre in UiTM, Skudai, please note). The Kalam tradition is rooted in the idea of fusing logical thinking with key faith of Islam.
The golden age (circa 7th-14th century) of Islamic thinking where great advances in sciences (optics, algebra, medical science, logic, etc) were directly from the Kalam.
While the great Islamic mufti of Egypt and other imams in the Middle East may have issued fatwas against the extreme Salafism of the Islamic State (IS), they have also not promoted rationality and acceptance of diversity when in this mortal world.
A good example of the ascendency of the Salafist in Malaysia, would be the newly-nominated candidate for the Cempaka by-election.
He represents the narrow world view and mindset of the 'modern-day' ulama class with their narrow knowledge base devoid of any grounding in the social and natural sciences (and the Kalam tradition would be firmly rooted in both sciences - please wiki the definition of 'sciences' for understanding and context).
And this is the future which the ulama class has envisaged for Malaysia.
Peter Kandiah: PAS' new spiritual leader Haron Din, if PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s presidency has to be maintained, why not Mohamad Sabu be retained as deputy president?
Whatsup: Another leader, spiritual or otherwise, going against their party's constitution. Disciplinary action is thus necessary just like any member of any party who breaks the party's constitution, unless they are above it.
Cantabrigian: Malaysian political parties from both sides are afraid of their own shadows. New blood is needed to make the party youthful and alive. If not, they all will collapse due to top-heavy structure (senior leaders staying too long at the helm).
Jonah2: Haron is the new Umno mole in PAS. Umno chief Najib Razak was one of the first to compliment him. PAS is getting ready to be a subsidiary of Umno...
Kawak: With Haron Din as the PAS spiritual leader, PAS with Pakatan is a goner. He may be the PAS spiritual leader but he has been rejected twice by Arau (Perlis) voters twice before. - Asiaone

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