
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Popular Topics among Opposition MPs in Parliament Today

Image result for Sirul AzharImage result for 1mdb

In parliament today some of the hot topics spoken by opposition MPs were 1MDB and whether Sirul Azhar will speak out or not. 

Of the two, I think the matter regarding Altantuya is more politically life-threatening to Najib.

It would be worth an idea to explore if the counsel for Altantuya’s family here, can propose the family sue Sirul in the Australian Courts.  Sue him there-we will also catch out the Australians to see whether some people here have been in touch with them to ‘condition’ Sirul.

Maybe truth stands a better chance to emerge in Austalian courts. No offence intended to the integrity of our judiciary. It’s the best.

I am not excited about Najib asking the Auditor General to examine and report on the accounts of 1MDB. There are thousands of documents including e-mails to go through; crucial data may have been destroyed when computer data were either destroyed or self-destruct.

So the AG will have a tough time. So far the office has not sprung into action. Probably the PMO is still determining the scope and terms.

I hope the AG will do a vigorous and thorough work. Let’s hope he or some others will not come out with a statement like - our brief is to examine and report-full stop.  Much in the same tenor as the smart alec who said-the purpose of our two submarines is to search and destroy not to search and rescue when asked why were they not deployed during the MH370 tragedy.  

We want the AG to examine, report and determine who to blame if any wrongdoing has been committed.

But readers have to forgive me if I think the investigation by the AG will come to nothing. First it will take a long time. 1 year at least for the AG to come up with the right forensic team and if the AG’s outfit has none, he will have to outsource it. Then he will probably report to a committee and then only the PAC whose chairman has been quite vocal will get its hands on it.

This is a just a ruse for Najib to project that 1MDB has a semblance of transparency and has been fraud-less in its dealings.

3 admirals negotiating their ships during a devastating storm have to decide the next course of action quickly and decisively. The Chinese admirals after considering the matter with his officers said- we will save all the valuables first and then come for the passengers. The Arab admiral told his men- lets save our women first and some boys and leave the men as they are strong and can endure; the Malay admiral after discussing with his Malay fellow officers even while the ship is taking in water commanded - lets first form a committee…

When everything is ready- it will be 2-3 years by which time the public, much to the delight of the actors behind the 1MDB fiasco, will have forgotten the severity of the issue. Najib would have bought himself 2-3 years extra time to sweet-talk the people into believing that the 1MDB issue is just an evil plot by the opposition-especially the DAP of course led by that brain-box Tony Pua.

Similarly too with the suit against Tony Pua. It will probably take ages before the courts can decide. By that time, the current parliament will expire and probably a new PM will surface. The public will wait with baited breath to see the presence of Jho Low, Riza Aziz, Paris Hilton, StephanieTiffany Heah and many others in and out of court. My colleague from Segambut, needless to say, will be super excited to see these people in an order of sequence and preference, only he knows.

Then it will be a whitewash- at the end of which, the report will find nothing incriminating. The report will say the board misled the chairman- tan sri lodin in turn misled the chairman of the advisory board- the Finance minister. The finance minister forgot to inform the PM. So the PM technically does not know anything very much in the same way he is uninformed about what is going on the country. We can’t fault him for not knowing can we? That would be unreasonable.

If 1MDB goes before the court, then no one can speak about the matter because it’s sub judice.

Wah- this time, Najib’s advisors have got it right. Smart.

So a better way I think- is to form a parliamentary select committee and call up all those involved in 1MDB. After that recommend the course of action.

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