
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

UPDATED: This person plagiarized my writing! and Jonathan Smith’s as well (!!!)

This person calling himself ‘Iskandar Mohamad’ plagiarized from author Jonathan Smith as well who had written the I-files about Anwar, seehttps://ifilesjs.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/chapter-one-the-man-without-a-face/
Jonathan Smith (JS) wrote: “He would gladly tell anyone who would listen how those 13 May riots in 1969 had radicalised him. He would speak of how far-left revolutionaries inspired him – of how his heroes Herbert Marcuse, Frantz Fanon, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara would teach him that the old social order must be overthrown. Even violently. He spoke of the ‘wretched of the earth,’ as Fanon put it. He left his audiences in no doubt that he was the man to overturn everything. He was The Rebel.”
Iskandar Mohamad wrote: “The May 13 riots in 1969 radicalized him and he spoke of how far-left revolutionaries inspired him including his heroes such as Herbert Marcuse, Frantz Fanon, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara from whom he learnt that the old social order must be overthrown, even if via violence. Undoubtedly, he made no apologies that he was the rebel with a cause.”

JS: “But these last two subjects suggested that he had found his core, and his first important peer acceptance, with the Wahhabi missionaries. With them, and with those who fell in with them, he would share the inspiration he drew from Abul Ala Maududi and Sayyid Qutb. These were heroes.”
IM: “Decades ago, he admired and sympathised with extremists such as Abul Ala Maududi and Sayyid Qutb – the radicals who founded Jamaat-e- Islami in Pakistan and inspired al Qaeda, respectively.”

JS: “He embraced men who would call for violent revolution to overthrow the existing social and political order to be replaced with a world of sharia law, who would reject over one thousand years of peaceful Islamic thought and learning as corrupt and decadent.”
IM: “This is the Anwar whom many never knew existed for he embraced men who would call for violent revolution to overthrow the existing social and political order to be replaced with a world of syariah law.”

JS: “You have to understand how he was before. Quiet, calm, easy-going. All of a sudden, he’s carrying a Koran everywhere.”
JS: “Anwar turned into some kind of fanatic at the time. And he had been relaxed, lah, before. What a crazy world it was.”
IM: “As a teenager who hated radiacalism, Anwar Ibrahim was pretty ordinary until he went to Universiti Malaya. From a quiet, calm, and easy-going young man, he became a religious fanatic and things came to a head when he became President of  “Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia”,  a radical Muslim student organisation.”

Updated: 11.05pm
JS: “When he launched his ill-timed and ill-fated coup attempt, he not only missed by a handful of years his one chance to be Prime Minister, he also remained firmly in Mahathir’s own shadow.”
JS: “For all of his determination and drive, Anwar has always stood in others’ shadow, schemed there, planned there, but never moved from there. Perhaps the most damning part of this truth is that it is entirely Anwar’s fault.”
IM: “Despite his dogged determination and drive, Anwar never really made it. He plotted, schemed, planned but never moved out from the shadows of TDM and DS Najib. The most damning fact is that it is entirely Anwar’s fault.”
Jonathan Smith’s conclusion @ https://ifilesfinale.wordpress.com/
Nothing, but NOTHING! in Iskandar Mohamad’s piece is his own. Not even the pseudonym. And I already have a fairly good guess as to who the culprit is – someone being paid a lot of money for his ‘work’.

Original posting
Dear blog readers,
Please note that my blog might soon come under attack just like how Apanama’s poll three days ago on the Prime Minister’s popularity rating had been intermittently blocked.

I suspect he (the plagiarist) is one of the ‘consultants’ – perhaps contracted from outside – with links to the PMO media team.
Going by the name ‘Iskandar Mohamad’ (which I believe is a fake name), this political operative copypasted my paragraphs and is passing them off as his own work.
‘Iskandar Mohamad’ also started a blog not long ago which carried no older material (content) except the recent few articles attributed to his name in defence of the Najib administration and viciously attacking the PM’s critics, which have been published severally in the online portals.

I wrote on an articled titled ‘Anwar cannot be the cure for our politics as he was its chiefest poison‘ on 16 Feb 2015.
In my widely read blog posting, I’d said: “Anwar allowed himself to be co-opted into Umno in 1982. In doing so, he betrayed the cause of Abim.”
‘Iskandar Mohamad’ (IM) in his article published today in Malaysia Today wrote: “In 1982, Mahathir convinced Anwar to join Umno thus betraying the cause of Abim.”

Below is a side-by-side comparison, you can judge for yourself
Helen Ang (HA) wrote in my same article: “[Quoting Dr Mahathir] But he joined Umno because he foresaw no future for PAS. There was no way PAS could ever make him prime minister.” (Asiaweek interview, 26 Jan 2001). Anwar does not ‘fight for the country’. He is serving himself and his own over-weaning ambition.”
IM wrote: “Contrary to what many believe, Anwar does not “fight for the country”. Top priority is elevating himself and pursuing his lifelong ambition to be PM.”

HA: “After Zahid Hamidi attacked Dr M at the Umno Youth general assembly in June 1998, Dr M counter attacked by revealing the names of those cronies who benefited from the NEP nepotism. Prominent in the list were members of Anwar’s family.”
HA: “In the 16 years that Anwar was rising up the Umno ranks until he was a heartbeat away from the very pinnacle, he made no changes for the better from the inside. On the contrary, it was he who poisoned Umno’s well through expanding and entrenching the culture of patronage and money politics.”
IM: “During the 16 years that Anwar was rising up the Umno ranks, he made no positive changes but promoted the culture of patronage and money politics. In fact, his family members benefited from NEP nepotism.”

HA: “It was Abim’s Yayasan Anda dakwah undergrads who popularized the wearing of tudung litup in our university campuses.”
IM: “Anwar’s ‘notable’ achievements include how he: * popularized the use of tudung litup in university campuses via Yayasan Anda dakwah undergraduates”

HA: “ • Role of English – Anwar was the Malay language nationalist who downgraded the use of English. As Education Minister, he renamed the national language Bahasa Melayu. It was Bahasa Malaysia previously.”
IM: ” *downgraded the use of English  *renamed the national language Bahasa Melayu.”

HA: “ Vernacular school – Anwar precipitated a crisis and Ops Lalang by sending non-Mandarin speakers as senior assistants to the SRJK (C).”
IM: “*precipitated a crisis by sending non-Mandarin speakers as senior assistants to the SRJK (C).”

HA: “He did nothing towards a repeal of the ISA, OSA, Emergency Ordinance or Sedition Act. Nor did he roll back the restrictions imposed by the Societies Act and the UUCA.”
IM: “He made no attempt to repeal  the ISA, OSA, Emergency Ordinance or Sedition Act when he was in the Cabinet. He also did not roll back the restrictions imposed by the Societies Act and the UUCA.”

HA: “Apart from the Education portfolio in his earlier career, Anwar handled the Finance Ministry right up till his sacking. So, what education policies are there to show of Anwar’s that have benefited our country? Which financial policy formulated by Anwar has had a lasting and positive impact on our economy?”
IM: “In his capacity as Education Minister and Finance Minister, he left behind no achievement as a legacy.”

HA: “The ironic contradiction – Dapster embrace of Anwar as saviour and their damning of Umno, both in the same breath – invokes the split personality of his Chinese supporters as much as that of Anwar as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.”
IM: “Malaysians have been duped into think Anwar is the political saviour. Anwar seems to be jinxed with two ironies.”

HA: “Yup, the two of them go back a long way and that’s why Dr M brought Anwar into Umno in 1982 – after a mere one year following his ascension as Prime Minister.”
IM: “The man who brought him into UMNO and helped him rise to the number two position in Cabinet, is also the man who triggered his downfall – Tun Dr. Mahathir.”

HA: “The Dapsters hate Tun with a vengeance but seemingly forget that Anwar had been a close associate of Dr M for decades. In fact, the doctor even gave drafts of his The Malay Dilemma manuscript for Anwar to preview.”
IM: “Both of them had forged such a close friendship that Anwar was give the privilege of previewing ‘The Malay Dilemma’ manuscript.”

HA: “It was actually Karpal who denounced in Parliament the homosexual activities of Anwar (see Hansard @ Oct 22 and Dec 18, 1997). ”
IM: “Karpal Singh, who denounced in Parliament the homosexual activities of Anwar (see Hansard Oct 22 and Dec 18, 1997) was also the one who defended him till his untimely demise.”

What kind of people!

More than half of ‘Iskandar Mohamad’s’ article has been plagiarized from my work.
Again, I reiterate my strong suspicion that he is one of the ‘consultants’ – perhaps contracted from outside – with links to the PMO media team.
Is this the calibre of the people defending the prime minister? (I’m referring to past articles by this so-called ‘Iskandar Mohamad’) and attacking Kadir Jasin (‘Iskandar Mohamad’ had been biadab to Datuk Kadir, and belittling him)
Is this the kind of ethics practised by the defenders of Najib Razak?
I’m disgusted!

Gopal me Anwar
Note: My article had been republished by Gopal Raj Kumar in his bloghttps://takemon.wordpress.com/2015/02/16/the-truth-about-anwar-blow-by-blow/
Gopal reproduced it under the headline ‘Anwar: Blow by Blow’ with my permission on the same day 16 Feb 2015.
There is his and other blogger records (HERE) which prove that the passages cited above are my original work published more than a fortnight ago.
Our Prime Minister is really, truly clueless to allow all these unethical shenanigans to take place right under his nose.

Tick, tock, tick, tock … Najib’s days are numbered

Iskandar Mohamad plagiarized

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