
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 30, 2015

[VIDEO & GAMBAR] Monorel Di Stesyen Titiwangsa Terbakar

Fire and Rescue Department personnel are tackling a fire at the Titiwangsa monorail station. – Pic courtesy of Malaysian Fire Department, March 30, 2015.

Perkhidmatan Monorel dihentikan sementara berikutan tayar sebuah gerabak perkhidmatan itu terbakar dalam kejadian di Stesen Titiwangsa pagi ini.

Kebakaran di stesen terbabit juga menyebabkan kesesakakan lalu lintas lebih kurang dua kilometer dari PWTC ke Jalan Tun Razak sementara stesen terbabit ditutup buat sementara waktu.

Ketua Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Sentul Zahari Mohamad berkata, pihaknya menerima panggilan, 8.52 pagi dan tiba di lokasi enam minit kemudian.

Menurutnya, ketika tiba kebakaran sedang berlaku di bahagian tayar.

Kesemua penumpang diarahkan keluar dan pihak pengendali monorel diarahkan mengalihkan gerabak yang terbakar ke satu tempat jauh dari bangunan.

"Api berjaya dikawal dalam masa setengah jam," katanya.

Sementara itu pihak pengurusan Rapid Kl akan mengeluarkan kenyataan media nanti.

1 comment:

  1. Just to share this...

    "...The Scomi Group has its roots in Subang Commercial Motor Industries (S.C.O.M.I.) incorporated in 1990. In 2000, Scomi was acquired by Kaspadu Sdn Bhd a company controlled by Shah Hakim Zain and Kamaluddin Abdullah.[1]...

    160802 - David Cheliah accident
    220105 - Burst tyre incident
    110812 - Breakdown
    High fares




    "...“The new governor’s tenure has not been without controversy: he raised eyebrows by opposing a US$1.6 billion [RM4.69 billion] mass rapid transit [MRT] project for Jakarta that was decades in the planning and had been scheduled to break ground this year.

    “Instead, he suggested reviving a US$495 million, privately funded monorail proposal for the city centre.

    Jakarta is one of the few big cities in Asia without an MRT, and beleaguered city residents view building one as a last hope to end the gridlock.

    “Experts say a monorail circling central Jakarta’s shopping and business districts will not help because it would not connect commuters in the suburbs.

    “Now, though, Widodo has backed down on the monorail, after pressing the national government to agree to increase its funding commitment for the MRT project to nearly 50%. Some say his support for the monorail was a ploy to that end. With a governor apparently as canny as he is competent, it is no wonder Widodo is being touted as a possible future president.”


    You be the judge.


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