
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 9, 2015


The Malaysian culture is either you are with me or you are against me. And if you are against me then I need to finish you off. I can never tolerate any difference of beliefs. Even if you are a fellow Muslim you are my enemy. And if you are not a Muslim, that makes you an even bigger enemy.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“My real enemy is Umno and BN. If there is someone in PAS who considers me as his enemy… then I am sorry, I can’t do anything about it. As it stands, I have no enemies in PAS. But I have a different opinion,” Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad told The Malaysian Insider.
That was Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad’s statement today as reported by The Malaysian Insider.
What is significant about this statement is the fact that Dr Dzul is considered one of the most moderate of the many PAS leaders. Probably you would not be able to find a more moderate PAS leader than Dr Dzul. And yet, amongst all this moderation, he considers Umno as ‘the enemy’.
Enemy is an extremely strong word to use. England considered Germany the enemy during WWII, as did America with Japan. Enemy is someone you must kill before he kills you. You will even kill innocent civilians in London and Berlin by carpet-bombing those cities or drop atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki just to bring Japan to its knees.
That is what being enemies is all about.
For an extremely moderate PAS leader like Dr Dzul, to declare Umno as his enemy demonstrates how Malaysians look at one another if they do not share the same ideals or ideology. If we disagree then we are enemies. And enemies are those we have to defeat and ‘kill’ if possible.
You, Umno, believe in nationalism. I, PAS, believe in Islamism. Hence since we differ in ideals and ideology we are enemies. We do not share the same political doctrine so we are definitely enemies.
What about the other doctrines, ideals or ideologies that we do not share?
You, Christian, believe in Jesus. I, Muslim, believe in Muhammad. Hence since we differ in ideals and ideology we are enemies. We do not share the same religious doctrine so we are definitely enemies.
You, Chinese, believe in Chinese education. I, Malay, believe in Malay education. Hence since we differ in ideals and ideology we are enemies. We do not share the same choice of education system so we are definitely enemies.
You, liberal, believe in liberalism. I, conservative, believe in conservatism. Hence since we differ in ideals and ideology we are enemies. We do not share the same moral values so we are definitely enemies.
You, republican, believe in a republic. I, monarchist, believe in a monarchy. Hence since we differ in ideals and ideology we are enemies. We do not share the same choice of government system so we are definitely enemies.
You, Anwarist, believe Anwar should be the Opposition Leader. I, Azminist, believe Azmin should be the Opposition Leader. Hence since we differ in ideals and ideology we are enemies. We do not share the same choice of Opposition Leader so we are definitely enemies.
And I can go on and on if you so wish. Nevertheless, allow me to stop here because I am sure you get the point as to what Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak would say: the endless possibilities.
In short, as long as we do not share the same belief we are enemies. And even the most moderate of PAS leaders like Dr Dzul seems to think so.
What about if I believe that to tolak hukum Allah (to reject Allah’s decree) tantamount to mengingkar perintah Allah (a defiance of Allah’s command) and which in turn tantamount to menolak Qur’an (a rejection of the Qur’an)?
And what if you believe that Hudud, which is part of the Sharia, and hence part of Islam as stated in the Qur’an, is a barbaric and outdated law fit only for camel-herders from the desert whose turbans are too tight that it stops blood from reaching your brain?
Would that, therefore, make us enemies? I suppose since we disagree then, yes, that would make us enemies. And I am sure even the most moderate PAS leaders would think so, what more the less moderate or fundamentalist of PAS leaders.
In that case it would make sense as to why PAS is split into two and why those who support Hudud consider those who oppose it as enemies. And since they are enemies they need to wipe each other out so that finally only one group remains supreme in PAS.
The Malaysian culture is either you are with me or you are against me. And if you are against me then I need to finish you off. I can never tolerate any difference of beliefs. Even if you are a fellow Muslim you are my enemy. And if you are not a Muslim, that makes you an even bigger enemy.
Sigh…no wonder I have so many enemies.

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