
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Dr Mahathir, OSTB, Apanama, Kadir Jasin etc Being Followed By Special Agency Under JPM??

Image result for under investigation

Folks, I received the following comments in my previous Bog post. You can take it as blog chatter or just banter (meaning jangan lah serious sangat) but I take this as "interesting".  This is just for your informaion only tak payah serious sangat :
Anonymous said...   Oooo... Sniff... Sniff...
...Anyway, I just want to share something that I heard a few days back.

    1. Tun Dr Mahathir and the A Team (Which includes OutSyedTheBox, Datuk Khairuddin, Apanama and some mantan political leaders / blogger / facebookers) are being followed by an agency under the JPM.  No.. No.. Not SB  or UTK or MIO. Just an agency that is also involved in Black Ops.

    2. They are digging up stuff to attack Datuk Khairuddin. (I doubt they could find anything).

    3. Shafie Apdal is probably going to be sacked as the Minister of KKLW or portfolio change. Heard that Shabery Cheeky is going to take his place. Kesian Shafie Apdal. Dont worry Allah is with you.
4. ***** ****** is playing dirty. Asking his men in UMNO all over Malaysia to attack the Prime Minister while he prepare himself to become the next TPM under Najib.  Put some pressure on the Bugis Pahlawan to sack Muhyiddin Yassin quicker.
5. Zetty Akhtar Aziz will be blamed.
6. Ali Hamsa also will be blamed.
7. Arul Nasi Kandar will get away scott free.
8. Jho Lowwwww is going to get more years of partying with Paris Hilton
9. More money is currently being channel to set up fake blogs, facebook account and twitter to attack Tun M.
Saturday, June 06, 2015 6:36:00 PM

My comments :   Well I have heard this before.  In the old days the SB boys will follow. This time around maybe things are a little bit more complicated. 

As I said maybe this is just banter or blog chatter. Not to be taken seriously.  

But just in case there really is an agency within the JPM that is given the duty to follow us around then you are wasting the taxpayers money.

And here is your biggest problem - please put this in your report.  What is your biggest problem? Apa masalah terbesar yang tuan-tuan terpaksa hadapi? Inilah jawapannya :

1. We did not steal billions of Ringgit from the Malaysian public. 

2. We did not steal taxpayers money to drink Crystal Champagne with Paris Hilton. 

3. We did not steal billions of taxpayers money and then spend US$500,000 per nite at nightclubs in New York, Los Angeles etc. 

 4. We did not steal taxpayers money to buy apartments worth RM hundreds of millions in New York, Singapore, London etc.

5. We did not steal hundreds of millions of taxpayers money to make a movie in Hollywood
6. We are NOT the bad guys. The bad guys are on the other side.

Normally the purpose of surveillance must be to catch the thieves, the bad guys. 

But if you are wasting taxpayers money to watch the people who report the crime, then gaji tuan-tuan sudah jadi haram.  

And here is another point : jangan pula tuan-tuan tak takut bala daripada Allah swt.  

Esok  kalau terkena berbagai masalah peribadi,  penyakit,  sumpahan dsbnya jangan  tertanya-tanya ok. Biasanya bermula dengan tak boleh tidur malam.  Just keep this in mind.  


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