
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Remember one Malay adage, 'kalau bapak kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari'

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Najib has not been an endowed Prime Minister. He has lost all grips of support from the people and his capacity to govern has defunct.  He is like losing direction and misplaced in a deep dark wood and is incapable to find the way out of the wilderness.  

He is now confronted by his deadliest enemy who was his long time mentor, Dr Mahathir Mohamed the leader who was blamable for prospering incapable leaders to inherit his leadership. We can see without uncertainty that after Mahathir we cannot find anyone with tangible leadership neither from the Cabinet nor from the line of the UMNO Supreme Council.

They are hordes of negligent and undependable leaders who would only bring the country to shame, adversity and misfortune. Looking back from this angle, Mahathir can be considered the man responsible for inheriting the kinds of leaders of today. Mahathir by nature was allergic to virtuous leaders surrounding him while he was enjoying power for two decades and all the good and budding leaders were systematically ousted from the top UMNO hierarchy.

What were left together with him at the top were the scums which survived politically by amusing him throughout his 22 years of premiership. Dr Mahathir had blameless period of administering the nation, the way he pleased without hindrances and disturbances after every good and tangible leaders were placed outside the party leadership hierarchy.

For over two decades of his administration, he abided no nonconformists and he was not compatible with the long structured culture of democracy that is practiced in many advanced countries. It was during his time in power that most of the institutions of democracy were adulterated and the total departure from the independence of the three pillars of democracy, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary.

The Executive occupied the Legislature and the Judiciary totally, while in turn Mahathir controlled the Executive with his strong fist and tough muscle absolutely. Thus Mahathir controlled the whole nation single handedly. So the system that worked then was Mahathir’s system which was not well-matched and inharmonious to the usual democratic practices. It worked only while Mahathir was still at the helm of power.  The system was personally Mahathir’s system and value of democracy.

Now that Mahathir is out of Putrajaya, the leadership that takes over Mahathir’s personal system of democracy the country is impregnated with confused and deluded leaders. They were neither able to follow Mahathir’s system of administration nor can they go back to the usual democratic system which was already devastated with the demolishing of many democratic institutions under Mahathir two decades ago. The truth is Mahathir was the source for all these weaknesses in the country today.

The corrupt practices and abuses on the democracy which started during Mahathir’s time were becoming more rampant and uncontrollable. The plundering of public funds which happened in grand scale during Mahathir’s time are becoming more and more blatant to the extent that Mahathir himself is not able to conceal his irritations and touchiness witnessing the plundering and pillaging done by the leaders who inherit his administration.

Now the situation and the need to change are clear and imminent. Najib has to go and the change must be in line with the actual needs of the country, not just the personal preferences of Dr Mahathir. Mahathir has proven to fail in building and finding leaders to lead the country. He had always made the wrong choices. Had he himself had been sincere struggling for the country he shouldn’t have put Abdullah Badawi and Najib to get ascended to the helm of power.

For Dr Mahathir he should be reminded always to one Malay proverb, ‘kalau bapa kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari’.

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