
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 8, 2015


PAS’ recent muktamar and the subsequent ouster of the professional group from leadership is indeed a blessing in disguise.
All these years, at least since after the 2008 general election, I have naively believed that PAS was a party Malaysians in general could do business with. Despite its pious and narrow religious orientation, many were made to believe that most PAS leaders and members were practical and level-headed people who cared for the well-being of humanity, hated corruption, immorality and abuse of power and loved good governance as well as ethical behaviour.
I must say many Malaysians have been fooled hook, line, and sinker by these “religious” people in the party. They are far from being nice, inclusive and magnanimous. On the contrary, they are intolerant, domineering, obstinate, treacherous, arrogant and at the same time hopelessly ignorant. I have chosen all these words carefully because for each of them, I could quote an instance where such a behaviour was blatantly portrayed. PAS is more than an unworthy partner in Pakatan Rakyat because the party is archaic, devoid of ideas, hopelessly incompetent and useless.
The whole basis of tolerance is the ability to accept that others may have beliefs, values and a way of life which are different from us. But for PAS’ ulama, their belief and way of life are absolute and can never be challenged come what may. To them it is simple; all who disagree are infidels and blasphemers unworthy of debate and discussion.
PAS is far from being democratic. Ultimately, it is always a group of ulama who account to no one except among themselves that will make all the decisions. I am so glad they have finally shown their true colours – the Shura council proposed a motion and the muktamar just had to accept it without debate. For that, they claimed that they are a democratic party intending to seek the implementation of hudud through democratic means. What a cruel joke. Can we ever trust people with such a mentality to rule over multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia?
What kind of party is PAS when no one can criticise its president and the self-appointed Shura council? Since when have they attained sacred status? And what kind of moronic culture are they portraying when emerging leaders talk about the use of “elbows and knees” and “claws of cats and tigers” on those who criticise the party and its leadership? It shows a rogue, crude and arrogant culture. So who exactly are they going to kick, elbow and claw? Are they not showing attributes similar to another racial political party which loves to bully and dominate minorities?
PAS is a party with no idea except hudud. Seriously, what national policies and programmes did the party discuss during its recent muktamar? They had no idea before the floods, during the floods and after the floods in Kelantan. They just sat there helplessly waiting for others. Worse still, they are now blaming the Federal Government and others (especially DAP and other non-Muslim NGOs) who were trying their best to help the situation there. This is obstinate stupidity.
Our nation is now inundated with endless scandals and problems. But have we heard from them one comment or analysis of the problems being highlighted, except sparingly from the professional group within the party?
It is that simple – if they have no idea and no faculty to analyse how the problems in 1MDB have evolved, they would have no knowledge on how to solve it. Can we ever leave Putrajaya to these kind of politicians – politicians who only know how to crack trivialities and stupid jokes? Instead of saving this country, they will just complete the odyssey of no return started by BN. - MAILBAG

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