
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

For the low income, even RM20 for GST hurts

YOURSAY ‘A nation cannot be successful if the people are wallowing in want.’

People paying more for GST, admits MOF

ONG: For those who earn RM8,000 a month, an additional RM121 (RM290-RM169) a month is not too big an issue.

But for those who earn a monthly income of below RM2,000, an additional RM20.06 expenses because of Goods and Services Tax (GST), is a lot of money. The solution? Eat one or two meals less a month?

Mk: People who earn RM2,000 and below do not have disposable income. All income is for basic needs. Taking away an extra RM20 from them means less money for food and basic needs. I am sure it hurts.      

Guna Otak: Common sense will tell us that prices are going to increase because of the new 6 percent tax.
Most businesses are charging 6 percent for the same services or goods. Even those not registered for GST are charging more. My regular kopi-o has gone from RM1.20 to RM1.30.

You think the coffee-shop owners are not affected by the 6 percent increase when they buy their own personal groceries?

So, please go on taxing the rakyat. We are just waiting for more people to get fed-up. Next up is the toll increase.

Anonymous_1372741039: Is GST good for the nation only or for both the nation and rakyat? If the rakyat have to scrape a living to keep the nation healthy, where does it leave the rakyat?

Think of the have-nots who is struggling and eking out a pittance to keep their noses above water. A nation cannot be successful if the people are wallowing in want.

Myop101: How is the tax progressive? Why don't you outline those who earn RM1,000 and below rather than just the ingenious RM2,000 and below to make the rates seem favourable?

I am sure the cost of basic goods would remain the same regardless of whether you earn RM1,000 or RM10,000.

Hence using the same base of RM51.89, I would conclude that those earning RM1,000 below would have paid 5.19 percent of their income for GST. So how is it progressive versus those who earn RM8,000 per month?

Nil: Look at this from a different perspective - those with RM8,000 income have lots more to spend. If they spend at the same level as those earning RM2,000, they would have RM6,000 more to spend, and they won't mind paying a bit more GST.

This shows that the lower income group has to ‘sacrifice’ more than the higher income group. The actual amount of GST they paid should not be used as a comparison.

So, the perception (this does not necessarily only refer to the amount of money) of the lower income group paying more GST seems to be correct. There is a need to use a more appropriate and fairer way to compare the two groups.

Truth: Those who are paying more should hold people like Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan and Umno cybertroopers accountable. These people are really dumb in saying GST will lower prices.

Ordinary Guy: Can the government be sued? Since they lied to us before GST in saying that prices will go down and rakyat will pay less, but now admit it’s the other way round.

Anonymous_1371508752: You mean now only do they admit? Everyone on the street knows this would happen. Only those sitting in their ivory towers are unaware about it.

Chipmunk: It doesn't matter if the lower income group pays less than the upper income group. What matters most is that with the increase of GST, the rakyat has gone poorer while Umno become richer.

How do expect the rakyat to live? As Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has stated, you are elected by the rakyat to serve the rakyat and not to be served by them.

So stop acting like as if the rakyat owe you their life. If you cannot serve, then ship out. -Mkini

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