
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Having sex on camel needs gymnastic skills, no?

YOURSAY ‘Put a shapely woman in front of them and they go weak at the knees.’

Gymnastics not for Muslim women, says mufti
Basically: Perak mufti Harussani Zakaria is a loser, unlike gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi, who is a true winner. Malaysia is in the dumps because of losers and hangers-on like Harussani.

If Malaysia followed the example of Farah instead, we would be a first world country instead of being one of the poorest oil producing countries in the world.

Sure, he can beat his chest hiding behind the government and the Quran, but really, without his political masters, he is worthless to the country.

Citizens like Farah however worked hard for what she earned, through sweat and tears, and actually did something good for Malaysia out of her own efforts and through no motivation other than to excel and to do us proud. Shame of Harussani.

Abasir: "Gymnastics not for Muslim women," said Harussani.

Okay, what about sex on a camel? Because that would require gymnastic skills, no?

In any case, what do Perak Sultan Nazrin Shah and Culture Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz think? They always have opinions, don't they?

Gerard Lourdesamy: Why is the Sultan of Perak tolerating the medieval notions of Islamic law emanating from this mufti? The Perak constitution allows the ruler to remove the mufti in the exercise of his powers as the head of Islam in the state.

Why not suggest that Muslim female athletes wear a jubah instead when they compete? The Quran also states that there is no compulsion in religion. Covering the ‘aurat’ is subject to interpretation and what is required is modest dressing and there are valid exceptions.

The mufti is not the sole arbiter on this issue and he certainly isn't the voice of Allah SWT.

Azhar: How about using the JPJ (Road Transport Department) dress code for female athletes?

What about ‘niat’ or intention in terms of what one chooses to wear? In Farah's case she wore what was best suited for that particular sport. Her intention was not to show off any part of her body.

Unfortunately, many perverts and retards are only interested in what is not covered. With regard to footballers having to wear shorts that covers their knees, could that be the reason why our national football team is doing so badly?

Tailek: Ignore Harussani. He does not know what he is talking about. Hypocrites, these so-called religious men. Put a shapely woman in front of them and they go weak at the knees.

MA: Pity that Harussani has not seen any Malaysia football matches. The men's shorts should be knee level, he said. He is either an idiot or ignorant fool.

Aries46: The mufti's bread-and-butter depends on keeping the Muslims in check. So some of these things need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Today practically every kind of outdoor and indoor sport is subject to attire that invariably exposes certain parts of the anatomy.

There is no such thing as religious attire in sports as sports is celebrated as the neutral medium to unite the people of all the different countries irrespective of cultural, religious and political divisions.

What this mufti is preaching, if adhered to, amounts to restricting Muslims from sports and if that is his message, then Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin can go on a long holiday so that Harussani can begin the process dismantling all sporting bodies and institutions in the country.

Of course, the stadiums can serve as gathering places for mass political cum prayer sessions.

RCZ: To all Muslim women who have daughters who wish to aspire for the best and be the best in sport or dance or swimming or anything, please stand up for them and tell your muftis to stop pontificating and judging them as you and your daughters have the freedom and will to whatever you both want in this world that God gave us. And vote wisely next round.

Muhibbah: Harussani should instead ride a camel and live in a tent. Let the other Muslims progress through sports, knowledge, fashion and other fields.

Thinking Citizen_1403620863: Judging a book by its cover is the shallowest manner of reasoning. Religion with proper guidance and understanding builds character, integrity and being a blessing to the community.

If the muftis do not know how to guide their followers then they are to be blamed. Commenting on others based on dressing is the shallowest way of trying to sell religion.

Likewise, trying to fine Muslims who do not attend mosque on Friday is equally despicable way of trying to force your version of Islam on others.

Nobody like to be forced into a belief, it is through proper guidance and developing respect and understanding which strengthens one’s faith in religion. Are you all doing that?
CQ Muar: Harussani should be transported back in time to the period of cave-dwellers. That's where he will realise what ‘aurat’ really means.

He'd be lucky to have a piece of animal skin to cover his exposed private parts of his body, let alone a decent modern-time leotard!

I'd love to see him garbed in one - the one Farah wore at the SEA Games. -Mkini

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