
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 4, 2015

HISHAM BACKSTABS MUHYIDDIN? Is Najib's cousin, the least popular Umno VP, using 1MDB to snare DPM post?

HISHAM BACKSTABS MUHYIDDIN? Is Najib's cousin, the least popular Umno VP, using 1MDB to snare DPM post?
In an effort to deny the news about his impending resignation, Defense Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein described the matter as only "negative spin" or distortions by certain parties who want to create antagonism between him and his cousin, Najib Razak.
He says the issue of his resignation does not arise if it is associated with 1MDB as Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, who also criticized the strategic investment fund owned by the Finance Ministry did not resign as well.
Hisham, who is also a vice president in UMNO, said he looked on it as an attempt by certain parties to crack his family ties with the Prime Minister, adding that they will not be able to do so.
I think there is a "negative spin" on this matter and I'm still here I'm chairing the ministry, he added.
Talk of Hisham's resignation arose after a series of tweets he made after Najib gave an ultimatum to Cabinet members to support him on his proposed road-map to save 1MDB or hand in their quit letters if they didn't.
He wrote “Agree with conditions: 1) rationalisation of 1MDB, 2) accountability if there is wrongdoing, and 3) transparency on (conditions 1 and 2).”
This was immediately interpreted not only as conditional support for Najib support but also reflected his willingness to resign based on the ultimatum given by Najib.
In this case, it is apparent Hisham only denied he was resigning, but he did not touch at all on the conditions he stated in his tweets.
If this is considered "negative spin", then it is actually caused and generated by Hishammuddin himself. It is not only a matter of whether it is reasonable to place conditions before extending his support to the Prime Minister, but what if those conditions are not met by Najib?
Would Hisham still remain in the Cabinet then, or will he resign if the conditions are not met by his cousin brother?
So who is the one making the "negative spin" and who is the source of these elements of "negative spin"?
Negative spin for himself but not Muhyiddin?
Even more interesting, on the matter of resignation, Hishammuddin may have consciously and intentionally dragged in Muhyiddin's name.
Hisham came in third with the least votes in the contest for Umno's three vice presidential spots, behing Cabinet colleagues Ahmad Zahid and Shafie Apdal
If Hishammuddin thinks the rumors of his resignation are "negative spin", then how come he doesn't see the speculation of Muhyiddin resigning also as "negative spin" by third parties and it should be noted the Deputy Prime Minister never even talked or wrote about Najib's ultimatum on Twitter?
So why then did Hisham blame the talk of his resignation on "negative spin"?
Is Hisham trying to take advantage of Muhyiddin's difference of opinion in the 1MDB turmoil, that Hisham actually wanted Muhyiddin to resign so that his cousin brother would make him the new Deputy Prime Minister.
By dragging in Muhyiddin's resignation, was Hisham actually trying to create antagonism between the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister? If not, why call the rumor of his own resignation 'negative spin' but yet drag Muhyiddin into the fray.
This is now the burning question. Anyway, since when has Hishammuddin been so clever at being a "batu ronson" (troublemaker)? - http://shahbudindotcom.blogspot.com/

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=525182:hisham-only-too-happy-for-muhyiddin-to-quit?&Itemid=2#ixzz3c4obvbfz
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