
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 11, 2015

If Nothing2Hide, why so much unanswered?

YOURSAY ‘It’s your duty and responsibility is to clarify 1MDB to rakyat.’
Not proper to debate Dr M in public, says Najib

Vijay47: Right, let us slowly take it from the top. Firstly, PM Najib Abdul Razak, you earlier said you were willing to conduct the Nothing2Hide dialogue even though you knew former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was invited and would attend.

Your later lament was that the IGP (inspector-general of police) spoiled the occasion, an event you were itching to proceed with, by cancelling it on grounds of security and harmony, thus implying that the show would have gone on, were it not for security reasons.

Logically, your stand now should be that you are still eager to hold a similar session but at another venue since, unbelievably, safety cannot be assured at PWTC.

On a related issue, who is Mahathir for you to explain a matter of national import to? He is not even an MP.

On the other hand, your duty and responsibility is to clarify 1MDB to the rakyat whose disappointment and anxiety increases by the day. So will the real Najib please stand up?

Anonymous #36822553: Najib, I thought you said you were about to leave for the dialogue but the head of police advised you to stay back due to some reason.

Now you say it’s not proper for the premier to publicly debate with the former premier?

Zuki Zauji: Najib and Mahathir come from same political party. If there’s something to ask or discuss, they can sit together to solve it. It’s not proper to debate the issue.\

No BS: There is nothing private about the ‘missing’ public funds. No need to debate if you can explain the investment details as queried.

Speechless: Why hold a ‘Nothing2Hide’ event behind closed doors? With a debacle as gigantic as 1MDB, the prime minister's main role is to protect the country and its citizens, not his political party. But of course, this is no ordinary prime minister.

Anticonmen: Elected representatives must be open, transparent and willing to debate any issue any time, any place. Nothing should be hidden from the people who put you there. If you refuse to debate on a particular issue, then there’s something to hide.

Justine Gow: Najib was not anywhere near the venue of the forum that morning. How did he know that what was supposed to be a dialogue could turn into a debate? Didn't he agree to attend the dialogue session?

Even if it was a debate, there is nothing to fear if he did nothing wrong and has nothing to hide.

Cantabrigian: A closed-door forum called 'Nothing2Hide'? The mother of all irony.

Real Truth: Najib, if you want to shut Mahathir's mouth and blog, open the account books and show where the money went. Giving excuses will not solve the problem.

You cannot afford to drag this thing for so long. Solve it now and we all can get back to work.

Som Chai: This is the time we should support our premier. Avoid wild speculation please - everybody related to 1MDB must be investigated, including tycoon Jho Low.

Bringon14: If you have nothing to hide then what is wrong with a public debate? The only thing that you have done is to convince us that you have everything to hide.

Oh that and also that you are a RM1 chicken that has no 'eggs'. Your excuses have gone from being lame to just plain silly.

Versey: I'm afraid the premier was wrongly advised by his outdated PR consultant to object to a public debate at the dialogue entitled "Nothing2Hide".

Worse is that the reason given each day is different from the last, and this confirms the suspicion that these are just lame "excuses".

The premier's advisers should know that Malaysians today are generally better educated, hence it's not wise for the premier to make recrimination as a form of retaliation to counter Mahathir’s queries/accusations on the 1MDB issue.

The public only want to know the truth. If truth is on the premier's side, a live telecast debate with Mahathir is all that is needed for vindication.

The fair-minded rakyat won't judge the debate on eloquence but on the facts revealed. They just want to know what happened to the billions in the Cayman Islands.

How and when did it become "units"? "Units" of what? Why is it so difficult and taking so long to answer one simple question?

Thana55: Indeed, isn’t ‘nothing to hide’ and ‘closed doors’ contradictory? The three people you should face at any ‘nothing to hide’ forum has to be Mahathir, as well as opposition MPs Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli. Are you ready to debate them?

Anonymous_1419577444: Whatever the excuse given, the public perception now is our premier has no courage (to put it in nice words) and uses a lame excuse to avoid an 89-year-old man.

His expensive PR team seems to be clueless how to change that perception. I think there is one solution, but I think my suggestion will be worth more than the fees paid to these PR people.

Cocomomo: Whoever is advising the premier is doing a superb job of embarrassing the premier. -Mkini

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