
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 11, 2015

RTD’s eyes ‘poked’ by social media

YOURSAY ‘I find it hard to comprehend that the skirt can ‘menjolok mata’.’
RTD under probe over sarong incident, says 'sorry'

Aries46: In my view Suzanne GL Tan is decently dressed like any average Malaysian women and in fact she looks smart enough to be like most office workers in any of our public or private sector offices.

As such the treatment accorded to her at the Road Transport Department (RTD) office is not only unreasonable but insulting and uncalled for.

This dress code thing, a concoction in certain public sector entities, smacks more based on religious sentiments than its so-called claim of morality or decency in attire.

Non-Muslims are not subject to any particular type of dress code and they have the freedom to dress as they please as long as it is considered decent and not offensive to others. The police are there to enforce our law on indecency.

The civil service is there to serve the citizens and their service comes at a cost. So their duty is to provide the best service and not lay conditions on how those who seek their service should be dressed.

Not Confused: These pathetic little people have no common sense at all if they find women dressed like Tan indecent.
They have no moral backbone and therefore insist that instead of controlling themselves, women have to bow to their dictates.

Such thinking is not only medieval but unacceptable in a moderate, progressive Malaysia. If they want to "protect" their own sensitivities in this way, they should leave and go to Iran or Saudi Arabia, or join IS in Syria or Iraq.

I'm sure they can then feel more secure there and maybe given an underage wife as a gift.

Kangkung: This is pure harassment of an innocent customer. With no leadership from the PM, all government officers are making their own rules and regulations.

When an officer has Taliban/IS mentality, this is what you get. May I suggest RTD office to require all its customers to wear a burqa in order to be served.

An apology is not enough. Heads must roll. The officer/s concerned along with the director of the JPJ must be sacked for insubordination.

SteveOh: Indeed, this ridiculous dress code is the height of stupidity and whoever ordered it ought to be demoted or fired. What next? Wear yellow stars?

Rick Teo: It’s about time all government departments stop dictating what the public should or should not wear. Their job is to serve the public and not dictate the type of clothing they should wear.

They are servants of the people, not our masters. Don't ever forget we pay their ‘gaji’ (salaries). Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai should be held responsible for such a policy in his ministry.

CQ Muar: I congratulate RTD for tendering an apology whilst acknowledging the abuse and ignorance of the staff who made such an idiotic demand and stupid blunder.

The incident might have gone unchecked had it happen to a lesser informed woman. We hail Tan for her courage in exposing such "irregularity" from a government department.

It is hoped those who advocate for hudud would not advocate such rulings amongst non-Muslim in their religious pursuits in this country someday.

PS: I find it hard to comprehend that this non-Muslim dressing can "menjolok mata".

Out of Time: A bully is a bully. Bullies would use all kind of excuses to make a person feel small and insignificant. Instead of making a person feel welcome, they would want to make the person feel unwanted and unwelcome.

If possible, no one should come and ask for any services at all. Then the public servants can "makan gaji buta".

Headhunter: These little Napoleons do get carried away sometimes. Why not insist that everyone bow to them each time we see them, like during the Japanese occupation where one could have his head sliced off if one failed to bow?

Now wouldn't that make them feel great and superior to ‘peasants’ like us? People like that should not be allowed to serve the public directly.

Rubystar_4037: I am quite sure there are a lot of women who go to RTD often and this is an isolated case.

RTD was quick to apologise to Tan and we should let the matter rests. Let rationality prevails and let this incident be done with after RTD has apologised without reservation.

Transformasi: The only hope for this benighted nation - plunged into ever deeper darkness with the exaltation of liars, thieves, hypocrites and murderers in the highest office - is for more and more citizens to leave behind their racial, religious and cultural ‘tempurung’ and reclaim their humanity, intelligence and love for life.

Mob1900: Imagine if this wasn't posted on social media and it would have gone unabated and eventually become a 'norm'.

Fair Play: Yes, look at the bright side. These little Napoleans should be very careful in future. With smart phones these days, they could be captured in the 'act' and soon it would spread like a virus.

Snake-in-the-Grass: I suggest all non-Muslim females going to RTD offices should come ready equipped with Taliban fashionable garments - plus dark sunglasses, too. Your sexy eyes could be mesmerising. -Mkini

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