
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 12, 2015

PM’s disease now spread to 1MDB’s Arul

YOURSAY ‘Ask one question and the answer is on something else.’

1MDB boss perplexed by Dr M's shift

Anonymous_1421806811: The acid test on whether a new CEO or president will be successful in turning around a company is to see his actions or policies in the first 100 days of office.

For Arul Kanda, the first 100 days is littered with miscommunication (telling lies) and his failure to present himself to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

Arul should learn that telling a lie to hide another lie will only make matters worse. If he accepts responsibility, he should resign if he has any credibility.

Compare him with the new CEO of MAS (Malaysia Airlines), and we can immediately see that one is in control of the situation while the other is completely controlled by the situation.

Mushiro: A blatant lie and misrepresentation, which Arul claimed as "misunderstanding".

Because of this lie, the consortium of six international banks led by Deutsche Bank demanded early payment from 1MDB after they found out that 1MDB submitted allegedly fraudulent documents to a Singapore bank.

All these and Arul cooly claimed "misunderstanding". Arul is still selective in his answers, conveniently leaving many questions for PAC to deal with.

Onyourtoes: Arul, please don't 'pusing' with us. You know former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was saying figuratively when he said RM42 billion was missing.

I would have said the same thing. Why keep talking about abiding to the laws and that wrongdoers will be punished now? Who are you kidding, really?

The fact remains that none of questions asked today were ever satisfactorily answered. No one is interested in your rationalisation plan. We want to find out who have committed wrongdoings first.

We don't set up corporations to be followed up by rescue operations and restructuring plan. That is what idiots do.

Clearwater: The public know money is missing, exactly how much we are not privy to. Outsiders can only guess.

However, 1MDB’s RM42 billion explanation throws up a lot more questions about how funds were (mis)spent in financial charges, overpaid power assets, mysterious placements and the like. How about telling us more?

Bystander: Arul, didn't you say that the money from Cayman Islands has been fully redeemed in cash and was kept in BSI Bank, Singapore?

You even went one step further to say that you saw the proof of this with your own two eyes. How could this confusing to a CEO of multi-billion company known as 1MDB?

I hope you would be incriminated for misleading and lying to the rakyat. You will have your moment soon.

Mamadias: Mahathir is quite smart in the sense that he is forcing the truth out by telling half-truths. Now you know why he ran the country for 22 years.

The crux of the matter is with Mahathir telling half-truths, he is inducing the truth over time.

And now they are beginning to tell the truth - which is more damaging - about how 1MDB was run.

Pemerhati: There is something everyone can learn from Arul. When you are caught lying blatantly, claim that it is all a misunderstanding.

NewMalaysia: Arul, every man on street could see that there's something very wrong with 1MDB, not only Dr M.

Maybe you can trick your boss, Najib, into thinking you're smart guy. You can't even answer truthfully what it is that has been redeemed from Cayman Island.

Initially it was ‘cash’, then ‘paper assets’, then later change again to ‘units’. So what is it? Such a simple thing, and you can't get it right the first time.

JD Lovrenciear: There is a substantive difference between remedies prescribed to correct any gaps/wrongs in 1MDB and that woe-be-thine puzzle of why are we borrowing so much and struggling to meet debts.

All measures taken to save 1MDB will still not absolve the 1MDB board of providing concrete answers to how was money raised and used - every sen, mind you.

Any timeline gaps of the billions in transit or in incubation, must be addressed. Only then will we say 1MDB is right all the way.

Mafeeah: Mahathir never said the entire RM42 billion was missing. Read his blog. He said some of the money was unaccounted for and therefore can be construed as missing.

Arul, it now looks like you are the greatest misunderstood man in 1MDB for not understanding what Mahathir has said all along.

RCZ: Yes, it is proven that Arul has caught the PM’s disease - ask one question and the answer is on something else.

We are no fools and neither are you, Arul, as you have been touted as an expert in banking and finance. -Mkini

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