
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 12, 2015

Umno, two wrongs don’t make a right

YOURSAY ‘’Umno dulu’ and ‘Umno kini’ are cut from the same cloth.’

Umno man: Just dandy for Dr M to lose billions is it?
Abasir: Terengganu Umno information chief Wan Abdul Hakim Wan Mokhtar, let me put it to you in terms even you will understand.

When the opposition asked the same questions you are asking only now, you derided them, called such queries as an attack on Malays, Islam and god-knows-what-else and did everything possible to make sure the losses in public coffers were glossed over.

If you are indeed born of one father, would you refer the rakyat to all your published statements and protestations when Mahathir ruling the roost?

In any case, why talk about the loss of billions when 1MDB, according to PM Najib Razak, has not lost any?

Vijay47: Wan Abdul Hakim’s questions are not without substance. In fact, as he correctly pointed out, the losses during Mahathir's time were much worse, even worse than the ‘glorious achievements’ by 1MDB.

But where were all you Umno saints then? Why the concern for the country's financial well-being only now when Najib's bottom is on the hot plate?

The bottom line as everybody knows, is that ‘Umno dulu’ and ‘Umno kini’ are cut from the same cloth, so spare us the accountability songs.

The immediate objective should be to recover 1MDB's lost billions and to charge those responsible. By charging I mean real charges, not the PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) kind, where everybody lives happily ever after.

Then we should turn our attention to the suddenly reformed and righteous Mahathir and his band of brothers.

Ipohcrite: "Why wasn't it an issue when the former premier lost billions of the nation's funds," Wan Abdul Hakim asked.

Because, the entire Umno was complicit in covering it up and Mahathir did a good job muzzling the press and silencing his critics through Operation Lallang.

Back then, there were no critics in Umno, they were lapping up the political goodies and the ‘ketuanan’ good life, and they all agreed with Mahathir’s action in conducting Operation Lallang and muzzling the press.

Go read Malaysiakini and get the real lowdown, not the Utusan Malaysia.
Real Truth: It is because of Umno that Mahathir and Najib could do whatever they wanted as there was no check and balance in the party.

The leaders of Umno-controlled the press always misinformed the rakyat so as to swindle the money as they wished.

If the Umno supporters had opened their eyes and ears, they would have stopped this rotten saga of cheating and swindling.

Onyourtoes: Our concerns are with the problems the nation is facing now - billions just went missing without a trace.

Whatever wrongs Mahathir did in the past, it was for Umno and others to demand his explanation and resignation at that time.

But you kept quiet, instead praised him sky high. That is why history is repeating itself. Bringing up what Mahathir did in the past now would not solve our present problems, would it?

Cheong Sai Fah: If an ex-PM had lost billions, then it is okay if the current PM loses billions too. So goes the logic of the Terengganu Umno information chief.

ACR: Those accusations against Mahathir are noteworthy and were bad decisions. Whether he was personally involved (at least in the Bank Negara Malaysia scandal) has not been proven.

Wan Hakim should read more about the Black Wednesday of Sept 16, 1992 and the man (George Soros) who broke the Bank of England and our clowns here led by Nor Mohamed Yakcop (then auditor-general at BNM overseeing the investment department) who went long on the GBP (British pound) when the whole world was shorting it.

Soros walked away with US$1 billion profit, while we lost between RM15 billion and RM30 billion in that saga. Nor Mohamed was told to resign though whether that was adequate punishment is debatable.

He, of course, played a major role in initiating capital controls during the Asian financial crisis five years later, which even economist Paul Krugman praised. The point is we knew what happened as much as we do not know what 1MDB is up to now.

TehTarik: How come Umno leaders are not demanding that Mahathir be equally held responsible for the tens of billions lost during his scandal-laced regime, commented some readers.

It is attitudes such as this by many readers who idolise Mahathir which is a major reason why the country is in such a mess. It is Mahathir who corrupted almost all sinews of the nation, from the judiciary, law enforcement, institutions, business, etc.

JD Lovrenciear: Mahathir, if you have any pride left - given the battery of lambasts reined upon you by those of your own creation and grooming, i.e. the Umno leaders and power brokers, would you leave Umno and join DAP since both you and DAP are consistent about the going concerns?

Or would you be able to have Umno steered your way? We need decisive action plans if this nation is to avoid political shipwreck.

Mushiro: Wan Abdul Hakim, it is wrong when Mahathir embezzled billions during his era and it is wrong when Najib is doing it now. You and Umno leaders did not open your mouth and slept when you saw Mahathir doing it.

You and Umno are the worst traitors for the Malay cause. Do you and Umno prefer to turn the other way and let Najib and Rosmah Mansor get away with the RM42 billion? -Mkini

1 comment:

  1. Interesting title/heading.
    I concur with the title/heading/whatever.
    Do remember this quote "Two wrongs does not make a right, but 3 LEFTs, make 1 RIGHT"
    I understand that it is hard to comprehend, take your time & think bout it...


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