
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Why cover your head when you expose your body?

by Shahful Shaffiq

  COMMENT: The phenomenon of women wearing hijab with tight pants, even tighter tops, as well as sheer and short blouses have become the daily norm, especially in neighbourhood malls and other trendy areas. 

It’s official, women with hijabs are now even sexier than those without. Unfortunately, women with hijabs are equally involved in immoral activities when compared to their hijab-less counterparts. 

When a Muslim woman is decently dressed, she not only preserves her own self-worth, but also the dignity of all womenfolk. 

A woman’s dignity is priceless. In Islam, women who wish to cover themselves should be dressed in loose clothing and without attractive colours. They should also cover their bodies from head to their feet. 

Today, there are many women who choose to take care of their ‘aurat’, at least by covering their heads. Women in hijab are now commonplace in Malaysia. The use of hijab to cover the ‘aurat’ is quite universal for Muslim women here, regardless of social status, from students to office workers. 

Hijab is now a fashion accessory, and is available in an assortment of colours and styles. Although there are various ways to wear the hijab, it can also be worn improperly. Some still reveal their necks and chests although they wear the hijab. Others wear the hijab properly, but in combination with slit skirts or tight pants for example. 

It is saddening that some Muslim women seemingly misuse the hijab to the extent of making it an over-the-top fashion statement. Indonesian singer-actress Melly Goeslow for example, has worn several ‘extreme’ and overdone versions of the hijab but with the excuse that they were only for photoshoots and videos. She claimed that she wears ‘normal’ hijabs usually like every other Muslim woman in Indonesia. 

Her explanation did not hold water with many of her fans who criticised her because of her unfashionable and bad taste. 

Then there’s the more ‘dangerous’ and insidious phenomenon of tight-fitting clothes that reveal every single curve of a woman’s body. Allah and his Prophet has said that women should cover their bodies entirely and not to expose their ‘aurat’. However, there are still some who disregard this although they wear the hijab. 

Take for instance the outfit worn by Ziana Zain at the Islamic Fashion Festival in Cannes, France that was criticised by her fans who claimed that it was too tight to be ‘Islamic fashion’. 

“I don’t really bother about this issue because in the artistic world there are people who will criticise and there are those who praise. Everyone has their own point of view but sometimes those who voice their opinions think that they are perfect,” Ziana reportedly told mStar Online. 

In the same statement, Ziana said that she didn’t want to think about the issue as she has faced worse criticism before and her dressing style reflects the fashion sense of the time, in accordance to her status as a celebrity. 

The irony is that there are many women who fail to understand the issue. Some even think that fashionable hijabs are the latest in fashion trends that attract attention. 

And speaking about fashion, actress Rozita Che Wan courted controversy when a sexy outfit that she wore during a family vacation in London was posted on Instagram. She wore skin-coloured tight pants that gave the illusion that she was wearing shorts. While fashionable, many of her fans was of the opinion that Che Ta did not show the sensitivity of a Muslim woman who covers her ‘aurat’ and was more interested in following fashion fads. 

Although we may not think an outfit is sexy, but at times we are unaware that it can lead to controversy in the eyes of the public. 

Wearing the hijab is not an obstacle for anyone to pursue their career, especially in professions acknowledged worldwide. 

One such example is a beautiful lady, Chahida Chekkafi, whose presence at a football match turned many heads. You see, she was the referee of the match, and she was wearing a hijab. 

Female Muslim football referee Chahida Chekkafi

Female Muslim football referee Chahida Chekkafi Female Muslim football referee Chahida Chekkafi Ms Chekkafi, who grew up in Italy, loves football as her mother is a football player in Morocco. At the age of 16, she has become a referee in an Italian youth football league and is the first woman, hijab or not, to referee a man’s football match, at least in Italy. 

While others make excuses about fashion influencing the wearing of hijab and focus on beautifying themselves, here is a perfect example of balancing her religious obligations and pursuing her dreams. 

Does wearing your hijab fulfil your religious obligations? Do you refer to Islamic laws or fashion designers’ tastes in choosing a proper hijab? 

It is important to know why we dress the way we do. In that way, you will be able accept how what you wear with proper reason. 

But what is most important is that your outfit suits your religion.

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