
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Power Breakfast : Down Memory Lane

We attended another power breakfast this morning. First here is the picture. PMorons tak payahlah susah-susah cari info. Let me tell you what transpired - well  some of it lah.

Our info says the PM's office has already called the newspaper editor whose reporters were present at our breakfast this morning.  Tak payahlah tanya-tanya, it only makes the PMorons look even more foolish. Sikit-sikit nak marah orang.

Before I go further, there is a story (in some Blog - sesiapa ada link please resend to me, sorry bro, banyak email dan info - thank you from the bottom of my heart - tapi saya lupa siapa hantar info apa) that Najib is angry with his media team, especially the cyber puppies and that he used the word 'bodoh'.

Well Mr PM it is you who hired those cyber puppies. The buck stops with you. You have indeed hired some of the dumbest. 

Of course the best of the Bloggers have left you.  Just a few weeks ago another top notch Blogger has jumped ship. To quote the guy in the picture, I can  "point names and name fingers"   but I wont . . . . 

 "can point  names and name fingers.."

...tapi yang tinggal bersama PM are the dull and the dim. Thats why the PM called them 'bodoh'. His own cyber puppies.

Back to our breakfast, today we had the rambunctious but very orderly, obstreperous but totally controlled presence of Tan Sri Sanusi Junid. 

I really do hope that Tan Sri Sanusi  will write down a full and complete memoir, with no holds barred,  of the sum total of all his life experiences - even those parts that "cannot be said in public" now.  

It was a fascinating trip down memory lane to listen to his stories and anecdotes, nearly all of which are first hand experiences, which trigger a re-understanding of what we know about things and about the history of our country.  

The following was not discussed at breakfast but I just want to refer a story written by Joceline Tan in The Star which has been echoed by her Boss and my good friend Dato Wong Chun Wai. Here is the link as well :

Gloves are off in Dr M's tirade

1. But what he (Tun Dr Mahathir) had to say this time shocked many to the core - he had joined the opposition chorus on the Altantuya murder issue.

2. He expressed sympathy for one of the murderers Sirul Azhar, who used to be part of his security team, and he wondered who he had taken orders from. It was a loaded comment and even those close to him were stunned that his mission against Najib has come to this.

3.  Dr Mahathir is a savvy and sophisticated thinker. He would have followed the Mongolian’s murder trial, he has seen how exhaustive it was and that there has been due process. He is fully aware that Najib has twice invoked the name of Allah to deny he was ever connected to the murdered woman. One of those occasions took place inside a mosque.

4. The fact that Dr Mahathir has chosen to join the opposition in exploiting the Altantuya issue shows that he is switching strategy by going for an issue that is more gossipy and sensational and which has a wider audience base.

I have said this before and I will say it again. I dont think Najib Razak was involved in that unfortunate incident. And I think Tun Dr Mahathir knows it as well. Very well.

It has been proven again and again that Najib lacks competence for the top job but I do believe that the family of the late Tun Razak are extremely well bred and well brought up. Personally the PM is well mannered and good natured. I dont think it is in him to cause harm to anyone.

Please read again what Joceline has written :  "He expressed sympathy for one of the murderers Sirul Azhar, who used to be part of his security team, and he wondered who he had taken orders from "

That is all Joceline has penned down because that is all Tun Dr Mahathir said.  Dr Mahathir has not thrown any accusations against Najib. 

Sirul says he was given orders.  My view is it was definitely not Najib who gave any such orders to anyone. (I know so because this angle never came up from the Police investigations and the lengthy Court process, which were reported in the Media).  And I think Tun Dr Mahathir will agree with this. 

Well to embark on a Sherlock Holmes walkabout, the question to ask then is why did Dr Mahathir wonder  'who he (Sirul) had taken orders from "? 

Dr Mahathir is extremely very careful about what he says, in public and in private. As an example, through all the 17 years of the liwat scandal, never once did Dr Mahathir mention about  the "other woman". Not once.   

Most certainly Dr Mahathir knows much more than what he divulges.

By the way the PM is back in the country. He is going to Sabah - better late than never. 

The Saudis are facing a debacle in Yemen. Three months of bombing and killing fellow Muslims who also happen to be human beings in Yemen has not achieved much for them. They have to stop killing human beings and fellow Muslims in Yemen at some time.  That point in time is coming soon.  The Saudis will feel quite stupid. Quite soon.

To save their face (and that is all) the Saudis want the Pakistanis, the Senegalese etc to send soldiers  on the ground to invade Yemen. And kill more human beings.  The Pakistanis have said no.  Does anyone know where exactly is Senegal?

I think they want Malaysia to send our ground troops there as well.  

As the Advisor to 1MDB, the Prime Minister needs to find more billions of US Dollars to cover the big hole that cannot yet be closed.   I think the PM will be pre-occupied with that problem.

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