
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 5, 2015

1MDB : Some "I Told You So" History

A few weeks back a friend of mine (who does remember a lot of the things I write in my Blog) said that I was "the first" to highlight, flag, keep harping, repeating and nagging about 1MDB.   He said, 'long before Dr Mahathir'. 

I didnt realise that - I know I do write about so many things.  

(By the way, on 4/7/2015 Andre Borschberg has flown for 118 hours, solo across the Pacific in a solar powered plane. Please note this date in your diary. This is more significant than Oberlutnant Charles Lindberg flying solo across the Atlantic in his monoplane the Spirit of St Louis. It is definitely of more significance than the hudud of PIS or Farah Ann's leotards.)

Anyway, more recently one of the prepaids mentioned the same thing about me in his Blog - that I had caught on to this 1MDB crap from very early on.

Today I spied this timeline in the Straits Times (Singapore). It is a quick snapshot about the 1MDB scandal :

Note September 10, 2014. The Straits Times Singapore says 'Dr Mahathir trains his guns on 1MDB for the first time..'

Wow !! Ayahanda's guns are really powerful. He targeted his guns on 1MDB less than 10 months ago. Now Najib is about to get booted out. 

And when the wrongdoing is proven, and yes it will be, he may be wearing striped pyjamas for some time. 

Maybe the first Malaysian Prime Minister to wear striped pyjamas, with matching skull cap.

Anyway I went into my 'archives' and searched all my posts where I spoke about 1MDB.  

Including this post I have written 189 times about 1MDB. 

And folks, here is the first post I wrote about 1MDB. This is from way back on Saturday 2nd October 2010 !!  FIVE LONG years ago !!   

I have been complaining, harping and nagging about 1MDB since 2010.

I think this is even before the Pakatan boys picked up the scent.

I am not asking for a medal. That is NOT the point.

The point is it is sad, very, very sad that even after FIVE years the monkeys are still stealing the bananas from the trees. It takes a Dr Mahathir to step forward and complain about this matter before people wake up and smell the crap.

This seems to be a Malaysian disease.  People do not see the damage that is being done to the country.

When that Liwat fellow started his bullshit, I caught on to his 'religious crap' since the 1980s. He was peddling a satanic religion - a devil worshipper, pure and simple. I could see it then, clear as day. (This is to answer those of you who are wondering why I dislike him so much. Because he single handedly infected this country with the satanic religious virus beginning in the 1980s. Look where the country is today.) 

I found out about his Liwat behaviour much, much later in 1997. And I was not surprised at all.  Yet the sicko is still around, until today. This shows that there are millions of people (err I am referring to you folks)  who do not have the capacity to differentiate a right from a wrong.  Or to see quantities of the better from that which is lesser.  Even after Super Liwat was caught on video (more than once - with different sexes) he still has his supporters.

I dont give a hoot what he does with whom. Itu dia punya pasal. But the lying, the sneaking around and worse of all accusing other innocent people for his sexual philandering is pure satan. Kafir.  Yo pengikut bahalol Pak Syeikh, ok lah someone can bring the boy or the girl into the room.  But how do you get Pak Syeikh 'to perform' the act?  Itu pun conspiracy kah?

In sharp contrast, the kafir fellow (the MCA chief) was also caught on tape. He did not lie, try to run away or blame others for trapping him. (He was most certainly 100% set up). He just apologised, said sorry to everyone and resigned. End of story. A much better example than the devil worshippers.

Then there are the Yahjuj Mahjuj (Gog and Magog). One of their leaders (Spenda Besar) was caught on video with a woman. The devil worshippers said 'that was his wife'. She was not. And what happened to that fellow? Nothing. Most recently he has been elected to a high position again. 

This is a society that suffers a serious lack of morals.  No class.  Kiplings village kids have got shoes. But they are kicking sand and dried goat scat.

Which is why the Bugis pirate can still hang around when he should be hanging around. 

Pull together folks. Get your thinking straight. That is step 1. The rest will fall in line. Please get the thinking straight.

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