
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 23, 2015

ARREST 'PRIMARY ACTORS' NAJIB & JHO LOW: Don't let the 1MDB big fish get away - Anwar

ARREST 'PRIMARY ACTORS' NAJIB & JHO LOW: Don't let the 1MDB big fish get away - Anwar
DS Anwar Ibrahim conveyed the following message to the public through his lawyers on 22 July 2015:
“The authorities have finally made arrests in relation to the massive 1MDB financial scandal.
This scandal has exposed the shocking extent of the mismanagement and corruption high in the BN leadership, with the PM himself heavily implicated.
I had raised the mismanagement of 1MDB funds in Parliament since 2009, but nothing was done by the government or Umno!
Now the country faces billions in losses and international embarrassment; the value of the ringgit has plummeted and investor confidence shaken.
This affects the financial well-being of every Malaysian, for which the BN must answer.
Although a couple of arrests have now been made, it is reasonable for the public to remain skeptical, until action is taken against the primary actors in this scandal.
The authorities must also work with international organisations such as Interpol, as some key players/witnesses are overseas.
There must be resolute action, to restore public and investor confidence; no stone must be left unturned. No one, no matter how high up, must be let off.”
Anwar Ibrahim is the defacto leader of the Malaysian Opposition

Berikut adalah perutusan DS Anwar Ibrahim yang disampaikan melalui peguam beliau pada 22 Julai 2015:
“Pihak berkuasa akhirnya telah melakukan tangkapan berkaitan skandal kewangan 1MDB.
Skandal ini telah mendedahkan kepincangan urus tadbir dan rasuah di peringkat tertinggi kepimpinan BN yang amat mengejutkan, di mana Perdana Menteri sendiri didakwa terlibat.
Saya telah bangkitkan isu kepincangan urus tadbir dana 1MDB di Parlimen sejak 2009, tetapi tiada sebarang tindakan dilakukan kerajaan mahupun Umno!
Kini negara menghadapi kehilangan berbilion ringgit dan rasa malu di kalangan masyarakat antarabangsa; nilai mata wang ringgit merudum dan keyakinan pelabur tergugat.
Ini mendatangkan kesan kepada kesihatan kewangan setiap rakyat Malaysia, dan BN mesti berikan penjelasan.
Walaupun beberapa tangkapan telah dilakukan, tidak salah untuk umum terus berasa curiga sehinggalah tindakan diambil terhadap ‘watak utama’ skandal ini.
Pihak berkuasa mesti bekerjasama dengan badan-badan antarabangsa seperti Interpol, kerana beberapa ‘watak utama’/saksi kini berada di luar negara.
Tindakan tegas mesti diambil untuk mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat dan para pelabur. Tiada sesiapa yang bersalah, tidak kira betapa tinggi kedudukannya, patut terlepas.”

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