
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Najib and cabinet is more of a pest than leaders

Image result for Travel ban by Malaysian politician and activilist by Immigressen

The travel ban on the two opposition MPs and the boss of The Edge is real unbearable act of the desperate government and the cabinet headed by Najib Razak. The travel ban on Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli, both the opposition MPs is done in a bad taste to democracy and that should be strongly condemned. Whether we like it or not the ban must be connected to the issue of 1MDB that these two law makers are focused on for the past months and years.

This is a very serious issue and with the travel ban on these active and responsible law makers it justifies the corrupt and misused of power as alleged by many quarters on the Cabinet led by Najib. There was no reason given by the Immigration Department as to why the ban was imposed on the two members of the Legislative Assembly.

As an ordinary citizen I am very disturbed by the act of banning the law makers from travelling abroad as it reflects the debauched mentality of leaders that rule this country. These are leaders who are not companionable to basic democracy and it affirms to some opinions that we are on a fast track forward to dictatorship. Najib and the Cabinet are not bearable with democracy as they are unable to co-exist with the goings on the democracy at work.

Najib wants everyone including the opposition MPs to just sit with deafening ears like all the irresponsible Cabinet members are doing. Najib wants everyone to close their eyes on all the suspected misdeeds he and the Cabinet do. Najib is taking law in his own hands and he is fining tune to dictatorship. If the Cabinet members are all that irresponsible the ordinary members of the Legislative should act swiftly to circumvent the advent of the dictatorship that is fast taking shape in the country.

The members of Parliament should act expeditiously to save this beautiful nation by repossessing the power from Najib and his Cabinet in order to avoid it being taken by an evil dictator. We are truly governed by a dictator now.  We should call on every responsible citizen to close rank and stand united with one voice to dispose the rash Cabinet from ruling us and does it with courage within the domain of democratic institutions that are still available with us.

In the main while there were views that Najib as the man of target on issues should also be barred from flying as he has not denied all the allegations against him or event charge the active critics like Tony Pua or Rafizi until to this moment. He has been promising to sue WSJ and Sarawak Report but until today there is no suing or actions against any party that he promises to sue.

Dr Mahathir has been criticizing him like anything but he remains silent on the former PM critics on him. He only alleges Dr Mahathir conspiring with outside element to topple the government. I would like to think that if he is at all not guilty to all allegations by Mahathir against him, the former PM should have been the first person for Najib to sue and disallows him from leaving the country. There is no point of extending or detailing this issue against Najib and his Cabinet. It is conclusive Najib is more like a pest than a leader to this country.

The travel ban on the two legislative members is a clear signal that Najib is prepared to rule like a dictator in defense his guilt and despondencies against allegations against him by the parties who want him to go.

1 comment:

  1. Dont rule or think like a dictator... history have enough proof of their endings....


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