
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 27, 2015

GHB the first step in replacing ‘useless’ leaders, says Zaid

Former law minister says the country can do without the current crop of smart-looking, well-dressed, Oxford-English speaking leaders who are corrupt.
PETALING JAYA: Smart-looking, well-dressed leaders who speak Oxford English, have wealthy brothers and are sons of past prime ministers are not what the country needs now, said Zaid Ibrahim when expressing his optimism that the new political movement called Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB) was the start of better things to come.
In a blog posting, Zaid spoke about the dire need to elect honest Malay-Muslim leaders that would steer the country to the right path. “We have had Malay-Muslim leadership since 1957 but the qualities of the leaders of the past and the present differ markedly.
“The present Umno and PAS leaders are useless and must be replaced.”
Saying that those in GHB want Islam to be a guiding force that fights for the poor and destroys corruption and greed, he added, “GHB must want an Islam that allows Muslims to co-exist peacefully with other faiths in the country. GHB must want an Islam that opposes dangerous ideas that create racial and religious strife.”
Pinning his belief on Mohamad Sabu, the former deputy president of PAS, as someone who was more interested in arresting “crooks, not reporters and whistleblowers”, Zaid added, “I believe they (leaders in GHB) will not have millions in their personal bank accounts in the Cayman Islands or in AmBank,” a direct reference to Prime Minister Najib Razak who has been alleged by The Wall Street Journal to having accepted USD700 million of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds into his personal bank accounts.
He also commented on the current group of Umno leaders as well as those in government agencies like Mara, Felda and Felcra, saying they were all compromised in some way or another and were therefore unable to “clean up this government”.
“They are unable to oppose corrupt leaders because these leaders have files on them documenting their own transgressions,” the former law minister said, adding that although Najib’s deputy had spoken of him harshly last night, it did not mean that corruption in the country would be eliminated.
“Most likely it’s an opportunity for Muhiyuddin (Yassin) to take the throne himself, and nothing about cleaning up the country.”
He addressed a rumour circulating that Najib may be arrested and although unlikely, said it could not be ruled out altogether. “If Najib did receive cash from the Cayman Islands, Singapore and elsewhere as alleged, then there are many criminal charges that could be levied against him.”
With the country in dire straits, Zaid reminded Malaysians that it was important to support the leaders of GHB as they were not only a splinter group of PAS but represented the new mainstream of leaders who wanted a better future for the country.
“They are moderate and sensible. Because they are Malay-Muslims, they will be strong enough to counter Malay-Muslim extremists in PAS and Umno, who will tip the country further into chaos if they are allowed to continue to rule.”

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