
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Suing WSJ and being Walter Scott

Image result for Najib sue WSJ

The WSJ has not responded to the letter of demand by the PM’s lawyers. Why should that be a cause of alarmingconcern to PM’s cry-baby lawyers?

I use the word alarming because I suddenly remembered that, once upon a time, when Zahid Hamidi was contesting the post of Ketua Pemuda UMNO- he was asked how is it going Dato? Without batting an eyelid, he answered- the going is good- I have alarming support.

And the pious reaching out of the PM’s lawyers is nothing short of alarming too. It’s as though they assume many of us are simple minded folks who can be told that because WSJ has not responded, WSJ must be in the wrong.

Primary school students can be told that. Adults, with or without education will not buy the pompous naiveté.  

It appears that the party buying time and pretending it was doing something righteous is the firm of lawyers representing PM Najib. It sent a letter seeking clarification only. 
Because it did not understand? Why didn’t it send a letter of demand immediately? Now that WSJ has not responded, don’t hesitate. Sue the pants off WSJ.

The PM’s lawyers say the PM now has 2 options? Will the lawyers now behave like mendicants with bowl in hand pleading with WSJ to please respond lah…

The PM does indeed have 2 options; voluntarily resign or be kicked out.

Why should WSJ want to respond to stupid questions asked by PM’s lawyers? If they cannot understand what WSJ published, why is that our problem?

Read the articles published again and try to understand. Read them slowly, underline, use a highlighter, have a dictionary nearby and try to understand. Translate into Malay if required.

The whole tenor of the articles published by WSJ accused the PM of doing something illegal. That is easily understood by any reasonable man. Yet the PM’s legal firm is behaving like a taciturn fellow knowing that he has done wrong but trying to appear righteous.

To simple minded folks like us, it means WSJ wants to take PM on his dare. Make us proud. Do justice to your bogusBugis lineage. Get the palefaces on their home ground. Appear before an American judge.

That means they want to be taken to court. So PM’s lawyers better get cracking. Make sure you send someone who can understand American English and who can communicate in English.

The PM will need to get ready to hire American lawyers to represent him in the American courts. Malaysian taxpayers need not worry, because our PM has got deep pockets.

WSJ does not need to respond to the letter asking it to clarify what it meant by its publication. It’s not the business of WSJ to ensure anyone who reads its published material can or cannot understand what is written. It’s not in the business of educating the dumb and mutes.
Najib's importunacy

On top of all these developments. I am puzzled about one thing only. The uncharacteristic stubborn and resolute stand by Najib himself. He is being importunate.
This is out of his character. He is basically a meek and weak fellow. It is not in his constitution to dig in and fight. He is a fellow more adept at making things happen behind closed doors.

But on this 1mdb issue and related issues, Najib is digging in. my only explanation for his behaving out of character notwithstanding his claim on supposedly Bugis lineage, is that he is egged on by his coterie of advisers. and the team consists of professional PR spinners earning gargantuan salaries, hangers-on fearful that life as they know of will end as soon as someone else takes over. Of course the main cheerleader is the missus.

So they manufacture stories and hype and persuading Najib to believe in their own hype insisting that Najib is invincible. So the poor fellow indulges these people and puts up a fight.  And Najib must stay on for himself and his dependents as people now demand not only resignation but also legal prosecution. 

Sarawak Report publishes fake stories.

So intoned Liow Tiong Lai, the MCA president who won Bentong by a mere 200 over votes. Yes indeed. And how does Mr Liow come to that conclusion? In this age of digital democracy there still are the Jurassic types like Tiong Lai, who believes that making statements do not require explanation and substantiation.

He probably didn’t follow the 1MDB issue at all but need to show the boss, how a grateful indigent he is. Najib has done so much for poor him and poor MCA. So he joins in the fray by saying something on a subject he has studiously avoided thus far.

Because probably he has opted to believe the B grade video confessions of one Lester Melanyi. Or because he was informed that Justo the Swiss who was arrested by the Thai Police was said to have passed falsified documents to Sarawak report.

All these, my dear readers are part of the consecrated narrative that I wrote in my earlier article.

I want readers to remember- the accusation that Sarawak Report used tampered documents is based on the opinion given by a private eye company. The company PGI was paid by Petrosaudi.

He is hired by Petrosaudi- so that is already an ember light flashing to warn readers that reliance on a mere assertion of another party paid by the party at the centre of the controversy, is an untenable position.

No one has been allowed near Xavier Justo. So how did PGI come to that conclusion?  Whatever confessions Justo made- he made to the Thai Police. The Thai police has not issued any statements regarding that.

PGI referred to some PowerPoint material that has Justo’s initials. That merely showed that the material were perhaps prepared by Justo himself. Those may have been given to other parties such as Sarawak Report.

Whether those which were given to Sarawak Report differed with what Petrosaudi has in their possession, remained to be proven in the proper forum. One proper forum is the court.

Then Petrosaudi which claims that it has been victimised and wronged should not whine in public but takes steps to bring Justo to court. Then the court will ask for the documents said to be tampered be compared to what P-Saudi claims as the true ones. Only then can we say the documents which Justo gave to others are false and such false document  led Sarawak Report to publish a false story.

Now its reported that our own Police is on the standby to interview Justo. This piece of news is also uncertain. Earlier it was reported that only the Malaysian IGP is allowed to interview Justo. Now it’s said to be an interrogation team.

What has Justo done actually?

Gave Sarawak Report falsified documents? Show us the real documents then.

Blackmail Petrosaudi if they don’t accede to his extortive demands, he will hand over documents to Sarawak Report?

If documents are false, then why must PetroSaudi bother? If documents are false, Petrosaudi cannot be blackmailed as the documents are of no value.

Only if the documents are real and of value, then Petrosaudi feels endangered.

If Justo has blackmailed Petrosaudi because he has in his possession real and true documents- the fight is between Petrosaudi dan Justo. Nothing to do with us.

If the documents are true and solid, then Sarawak Report has published a true account of what has taken place.

All we have have reports by 3rd parties that Justo said and so. We have no solid documentation.

Now if no one has been able to see Justo, where did PGI come out with the idea that Justo altered documents belonging to Petrosaudi?  

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive! The quote is Walter Scott’s.

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