
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

For Umno, calling all Chinese 'Cina babi' not rude?

YOURSAY | ‘Where, when and how did Chinese M’sians provoke or insult the Malays?’
Gerard Lourdesamy: This is Umno racism gone mad. What provocation or disrespect from the Chinese Malaysians?
Just because Bersih 4 had a large Chinese participation, is that a reason to justify threats, intimidation and slander of the Chinese population in Malaysia?
Accept the fact that the Chinese and Indians no longer support Umno or the BN. That does not mean that they are disrespecting the Malays or Malay leadership of the country, something which is entrenched in the constitution.
Demanding PM Najib Razak to step down as prime minister because of allegations of corruption and mismanagement of the economy is not disrespecting or insulting the Malays.
Asking Najib to step down is not the same as toppling the government through violent means like an insurgency or rebellion. It is Umno that has turned this into a racial issue because it is bankrupt of ideas on how to defend and protect its corrupt leaders.
If Umno wants to become the mouse that roars, why not break off diplomatic relations with China?
Drngsc: “I want to tell this Chinese envoy that the ones disrupting peace lately are the ethnic Chinese who provoke and insult Malays and their leaders. This rudeness has incited anger in the majority of Malays,” said Umno Youth exco member Arman Azha Abu Hanifah.
Dear Arman, would you care to give specifics. Where, when and how did Chinese Malaysians provoke or insult the Malays?
Would HRH (His Royal Highness) Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ismail Iskandar, Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, former minister Rafidah Aziz, and all knowledgeable Malays please tell us where, when, and how did the Chinese minority in Malaysia insult or provoke the Malays, or is Umno firing cheap shots to drive their political agenda?
Proof and evidence, please. If you have them, I urge you to go to the authorities. They are, after all, your friends. Make your police report amidst a cup of coffee and biscuits, and let them take action.
Do not simply hurl accusations against people who love Malaysia (probably more than you) and who just want to live in peace.
Anonymous 759201436321741: The biggest problem with these imbeciles is that they started a lie that the Chinese Malaysian community insulted them which had resulted in their loss of dignity.
They repeated this lie time and again until they believed it as the gospel truth. Even the PM follow suit.
You can only lose your dignity by the way you conduct yourselves, not what others think of you. But you can't really see it, can you?
Anonymous 1689721435778173: Indeed, Bersih 4 has never been about the Chinese or the Malays. It has always been about democracy, press freedom, justice and eliminating corruption and abuse of power.
By harping on the myth that the Malays were being insulted by Bersih 4, Arman and his Umno colleagues are hoping that a lie if repeated often enough will be perceived as the truth.
You will not succeed because the truth about the matter will also be repeated.
Spinnot: "Arman also urged China to first deal with alleged human rights abuses against the Uighur community before meddling in others’ affairs."
Many people don't know that China in fact has been practising an affirmative action policy for its ethnic minorities since 1949. For example, 'one-child policy' does not apply to its ethnic minorities, they can have as many children as they like.
Ethnic minorities are also given preferential admissions to institutions of higher learning, unlike the Han Chinese who have to score very high marks in the college entrance examinations.
However, the Chinese government keeps a tight grip on all religions, not just Islam.
Anonymous 560221439180274: Let us look at the positive side. The Chinese ambassador did not make any remark to slight another race except calling for unity among the races.
His presence in Petaling Street has definitely sent the message that China, being a key trading partner, is concerned about the recent tension among the races in Malaysia. I do not think it was intended to throw China's weight behind the Chinese traders in Petaling Street.
If BN heads of parties had done a united walkabout through Petaling Street, would it not have sent the right message to those intending to sow trouble?
Yes, it was meaningful that Gerakan did it but Pakatan Harapan did one notch better - by sending a mixed race representation of DAP, PKR and Amanah.
Ipohcrite: Umno, a terribly tainted party, represents only a very small group of Malays - the Umnoputras - who think they have a monopoly on dictating how other Malaysians should think and act.
With Umno Youth leaders with the calibre of Arman, no wonder Umno is fast slipping down the road of political irrelevance.
Well done and carry on the good work, Arman.
Umno owes you a huge debt of gratitude for fast-tracking its journey into political oblivion. Enjoy your political grand standing while it lasts.
Anonymous #20099632: So calling all Chinese ‘Cina babi’ is not rude?
Let’s not forget there are many Chinese who are Muslim as well. Indeed, China has a larger Muslim community than Malaysia. -Mkini

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