
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 25, 2015


Angus Rants

Status is conferred by virtue of the position one occupies in society but strength comes from within.

In the eyes of many, the PM is perceived as weak or less capable than his predecessors are but upon closer scrutiny, just when one thinks Najib is about to be snuffed out by his enemies, he emerges – stronger than before.

The trail of events in the last two years echoes the boxing career of Muhammad Ali, especially of the famous Rumble in the Jungle fight between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali in Zaire, October 30, 1974.

In Kinshasa, Zaïre, the undefeated world heavyweight champion George Foreman fought against challenger Muhammad Ali who won by knockout, just before the end of the eighth round.
No one expected Muhammad Ali to win, but he did.

Similarly, Najib has been under siege from various angles, each more intense than the previous, but he survived each attack even though the odds were against him.

Each time people expected him to quit or to be kicked out, his Bugis heritage surfaces from beneath the courteous elegance. 

Strength wells up and he executes the right hook, an undercut and a jab smack at his the faces of his foes just when they least expected it. 

Najib prevailed and won, albeit the next round comes far too quickly. Still, he is always ready.

A good example is the recent sacking of the former DPM, Tan Sri Muhyddin, whom many perceived as a threat as concerned Malaysians felt he might be part of TDM’s game plan to reposition his beloved son higher in UMNO hierarchy. 

Hence, Muhyddin, the once-upon-a-time knight in shining armour who flatted Badawi was knocked out of the game sans any successor to pursue the agenda. 

Contrary to many spins, our PM had been against the September 16 red shirt rally. Before the rally, rumours flew via social media of a conspiracy to trigger unrest so that emergency rule could be implemented. 

Utter rubbish indeed. 

A week after the rally, Tan Sri Annuar Musa revealed our PM only allowed the event to proceed after much persuasion by organizers. 

The real reason for his hesitation was his concern that the rally could “would irk the Chinese and had constantly reminded organizers not to stoke racial tensions.”

When the September 16 rally emerged with no untoward incident, the PM’s detractors, who had long before had enough time to plot another move against they PM, they inflicted their return blow for Tan Sri Muhyddin’s sacking by releasing the Al-Jazeera video on the murder of Altantuya. 

Even so, Najib successfully warded off the criticisms hurled against him and others.

Following that, the Malaysian Insider reported that Mahathir Mohamad raised the possibility of current Prime Minister Najib Razak being arrested by Interpol if he leaves the country.

Well, that statement has failed to ruffle any feathers as our PM stepped into New York peacefully for a working visit, which includes attending the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.

Let’s not forget the absurd and irrational Mahathir-Sarawak Report-Justo-Tony Pua- Tong Kooi Ong- Ho Kay Tat- etc connection which only gave Malaysians a serious disconnect from all the contradictions, revelations, admissions and nonsensical flip flops. 

Are there any more extensions to every failed plot that has yet to bring down our PM?

Will Najib emerge unscathed with attacks looming above his head and coming from all quarters?

Is that the main concern or should we focus our attention on the diabolical conspiracies, plots and schemes in the battle to oust our PM – a war landscape which has affected Malaysians at large?

Speak up, Malaysians! Let's hear it from you.

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