
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 24, 2015

IGP / DIGP Then why did you first arrest Khairuddin under the Penal Code and remand for 6 days only?

Here is the Malay Mail :

Thursday September 24, 2015

  • Deputy IGP Noor Rashid Ibrahim says the security offence Khairuddin Abu Hassan is accused of makes the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act applicable.
  • KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 24 ― An anti-terrorism law with preventive detention can be used in tandem with laws against actions detrimental to parliamentary democracy
  • Noor Rashid Ibrahim said that while Section 124C belongs to the Penal Code, the security offence Khairuddin Abu Hassan is accused of makes the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act applicable.
  • “Section 124C is an offence that also falls under SOSMA... it is a security offence,” he said
  • Section 124C covers acts against parliamentary democracy while Sections 124K and 124L deal with sabotage and attempting to sabotage the state, respectively.
  • IGP Khalid Abu Bakar previously categorised Khairuddin’s actions in soliciting foreign investigations against (1MDB) to be an act of sabotage against the country.
  • “The Penal Code is the offence, but the procedure falls under SOSMA,”
  • Khairuddin is being detained for 28 days as provided under SOSMA, after he was re-arrested yesterday following his release from a six-day remand.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/sosma-applies-to-anti-democracy-law-digp-says-of-khairuddins-detention#sthash.dr5yWPjq.dpuf

My commments : This is the biggest load of rubbish that has come out from these police chiefs. 

If that was the case then why not arrest Khairuddin under SOSMA from the very beginning? 

First you remand him for six days, now you have another 28 days, totalling 34 days in all.

After the 28 days are over are you going to arrest him again and again ? 

I have a question. Say Petronas (which is a Malaysian company that operates in so many countries overseas) commits some wrong or commits some crime overseas that comes to the knowledge of Malaysians, isnt it the duty of law abiding citizens of Malaysia to report the crime or the wrong?

Say Petronas commits the wrong or the crime in Sudan, why is it wrong to make a Police report against Petronas in Sudan?  Thats where the crime was committed. 

Petronas is just a Malaysian corporation.  1MDB is also a Malaysian corporation. Under the law there is absolutely no difference between Petronas and 1MDB.  What is so special about 1MDB?

So why arrest someone for making legitimate Police reports (anywhere in the world) about wrongdoings or crimes of any Malaysian corporation be it 1MDB, Petronas, Proton, Maybank etc which all operate overseas. 

I have another question. Say an American citizen or a British citizen or a Singapore citizen makes a Police report against 1MDB in the US, UK, Singapore or in any of these countries, is that considered an act against parliamentary democracy in Malaysia?

Say an American citizen or a British citizen or a Singapore citizen makes a Police report against Petronas, Proton or Maybank in the US, UK, Singapore or in any of these countries, is that considered an act against parliamentary democracy in Malaysia?

For example Volkswagen has just committed a crime - all over the world.  

They have manipulated the emmissions data on their cars. The crime was detected in the US and just today (24 September 2015)  the CEO of VW has resigned.

Is our IGP saying that if a German citizen makes a Police report against VW in Malaysia, then (using the same argument lah) his  actions are detrimental to parliamentary democracy in Germany?

Or that he is     sabotaging and attempting to sabotage the state (Germany)? 

The motor industry contributes 20% to the GDP of Germany and VW is Germany's and the world's largest car manufacturer.

This is really one of the blackest days in the history of the Police where a citizen who follows all the lawful and legal procedures of lodging Police reports both inside and outside the country against a company that has been engaged in dubious and very questionable financial transactions MOSTLY outside the country  (using our taxpayers money) is being hounded and arrested for no good reason.

It is obvious that the Police are following specific instructions.

The entire nation is aware that this is not the proper use of power by the police. 

This nightmare will come to an end someday.  We will be rid of the criminals and the crooks.  

There is such a thing as being party to a crime or condoning a crime. 

Those who have been collaborators to any crimes, those who have been party to a crime and those who have been condoning the commission of crimes must be brought to Court according to the law.

I think this must  happen.  So all the relevant parties please take note.  

Condoning the commission of crimes must not be allowed to go unpunished. 

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