
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Red Shirts rally goers barge into Bukit Bintang defying police orders

Get up-to-the-minute reports on the goings-on in downtown Kuala Lumpur today as the Red Shirts rally, demanding the restoration of Malay dignity, goes into full swing.

2.15pm: About 5,000 rally goers are now marching past Istana Hotel on their way to Padang Merbok.
2.08pm: Some rally goers have rushed into Jalan Bukit Bintang defying police orders not to do so and are chanting “Long Live the Malays!” as they march towards Padang Merbok.
2.06pm: About 500 rally goers in front of Masjid Albukhary in Jalan Hang Tuah start marching to Padang Merbok.
2.00pm: Some of the organisers are in discussion with police to allow them to walk through Jalan Bukit Bintang towards Padang Merbok. They start walking chanting “Hancur DAP” (Down with DAP).
1.48pm: Some rally goers are causing a disturbance around the KLCC area. More disturbance is reported around Jalan Bukit Bintang.
1.38pm: FRU are moving towards the Jalan Bukit Bintang area to get the chaotic situation there under control.
13.17pm: Rally goers want to march into Jalan Bukit Bintang but police stay firm and disallow them entry. They are ordered to march to Padang Merbok instead although some refuse.
1.35pm: Ahmad Maslan says he is sure Padang Merbok will not be able to accommodate all rally supporters once all of them reach here.
Based on his observations at all five locations he visited, the number of rally goers is overwhelming.
“I can’t estimate the exact number but by 4pm when everyone reaches here, Padang Merbok cannot accommodate us all.
“We want to show the difference between two groups who rallied – one which received permission and the other which did not. I would not have come here if we did not get the permission.”
He said another reason why the rally was held was for the public to show they were suffering due to the fall of the ringgit and for the government to take immediate action.
“We are not here to provoke racial hatred – those are just rumours. Anyone from any race can join this rally. We just do not want participants who are shallow minded.”
1.30pm: Malaysiakini reports that police stop a group of 200 rally goers from entering Petaling Street. The march from PWTC to Padang Merbok has started and among them is Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Yaacob and Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Tajuddin Abdul Rahman.
1.20pm: About 5,000 have already gathered at Padang Merbok. Malaysiakini reports crowds are estimated at over 20,000 – PWTC 10,000; Jalan Conlay 5,000; Masjid Negara 5,000.
Federal Territory Umno Youth chief Razlan Rafii addresses supporters from Johor. Malaysiakini quotes him as saying, “We are here to show the Chinese DAP that Malays are in power. The other day they stomped on a picture of Malay leaders but I don’t see any stomping today. We must not behave in such a way. Let’s paint the mosque red.”

1.17pm: About 2,000 from Jalan Conlay have started to march to Padang Merbok, led by Sungai Besar Umno division chief, Jamal Yunos.
1.10pm: Mohamed Ismail, patron of Perkida Penang says there are about 80 buses carrying supporters coming from Penang.
“We are peaceful. We are not racists. We came here to show solidarity as Malays for the leaders of our country. We don’t want other groups to disrespect our leaders.
“Our leaders were elected democratically. These groups should wait for the next general elections if they want to change leaders.”
12.53pm: Rally goers at Jalan Sultan Ismail are starting to march, led by the president of Jaringan Melayu Malaysia, Azwanddin Hamzan.
12.50pm: An estimated 600-700 supporters have gathered at Padang Merbok. Over at Jalan Conlay, the numbers are gathering outside the Kompleks Kraftangan.
12.30pm: Some Chinese reporters from Astro were chased away from the Kompleks Kraftangan in Jalan Conlay by rally goers.
12.25pm: Dataran Merdeka is closed to the public
12.20pm: Rally goer from Johor is heard expressing her unhappiness with the DAP leadership.
Around 5,000 have gathered at PWTC. The numbers are also increasing at Jalan Conlay.
12.15pm: All’s quiet in Petaling Street with a visible police presence.
12.13pm: About 500 rally goers are seeing gathering at Jalan Sultan Ismail and chanting “Hidup Melayu” (Long live the Malays).
12.05pm: Guy Fawkes masks sold at Padang Merbok although these masks are normally worn at anti-government rallies.
At Jalan Conlay, crowds are gathering for the march to Padang Merbok at 2pm that will be led by Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Yunos.
muda-merahSome rally goers are carrying very strongly worded placards critical of the DAP leadership.
12.00pm: Police already establishing roadblocks at Petaling Street. Stall owner Mr Tan who opened for business as usual at 9.00am had to pack up and close shop by 12pm.
Malaysiakini reports that at Masjid Negara, special affairs department officer (JASA) Lokman Adam was seen instructing rally goers to walk to Padang Merbok in an orderly manner. He also urges rally goers to perform their Solat Hajat before leaving for Padang Merbok.
Rally goers are also told to refrain from stomping on pictures of leaders.
11.50am: Haji Ahmad, part of Otai Reformasi, was at Padang Merbok since 9am to sell a few goods.
“I am not selling mineral water this time (he was at past rallies) because these (Red Shirts) rally participants received mineral water from donors while during rallies with Pakatan Rakyat, we did not have anything, which is why I had to sell mineral water to the participants,” said Ahmad.
Ahmad said, he will stay on at Padang Merbok until 6pm.
11.43am: Ahmad Maslan, “I’m here because I believe in peaceful assembly and this rally has been given the necessary police approval. We are here today to ensure that the country’s economic issues can be resolved.
“The people are together in rejecting foreign interference like from The Wall Street Journal and the Sarawak Report.
“We are here together united to progress with the other races in the country.
“I am not a chauvinist and I am here in the spirit of 1Malaysia.”
11.40am: At Low Yat Plaza traders expect business to drop drastically today with one business owner Dickson Wong saying that he expects business to be down by at least 50 per cent and another Adwin Francis saying very much the same.
11.36am: 1 Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) truck and six police trucks arrive at Bukit Bintang.
11.30am: Umno Information chief Ahmad Maslan stops supporters from raising their fists and tells them to raise their one finger instead and chant 1Malaysia.
11.26am: Rally goers gathered at the Putra Terminal carry banners saying, “Rakyat bersatu menolak politic ala DAP” (The people are united against DAP-style politics); and “Rakyat bersatu menolak Campurtangan Asing Dalam Hal Ehwal Negara” (The people are united against foreign interference in the nation’s affairs).
11.19am: Mohd Yusof Ismail form Batu Gajah, Perak is seen on a heavily decorated motorcycle bearing Malaysia flags of all sizes. He says he has always been an active supporter of Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day and explains he was attending the Red Shirts rally because he has seen division among the Malays as well and the rally is a way of uniting the Malays as one.
11.18am: 50 supporters from Klang arrive at Padang Merbok.
11.15am: A quick look shows retailers at Low Yat Plaza are operating as usual. Over at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), more gather while chanting “Hidup Melayu. Hidup Islam” (Long Live the Malays. Long live Islam).
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11.10am: Mohd Mahadi, 53, from Gombak hold a banner bearing Arabic script while chanting “Hidup Melayu. Hidup Islam” (Long Live the Malays. Long live Islam).
Malaysiakini reports several men wearing red T-shirts enter Low Yat Plaza but are stopped by plain clothes security personnel and policemen.
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11.00am: Red Shirt supporters from Kelantan are spotted with Che Mohd Alwi, Information chief of Umno Kelantan who will lead the march from the PWTC to Padang Merbok.
11.00am: Red Shirt supporters from Kelantan are spotted with Che Mohd Alwi, Information chief of Umno Kelantan who will lead the march from the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) to Padang Merbok.
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10.55am: Some supporters perform silat (martial arts) at the vicinity of the PWTC.
10.51am: A red wave is seen flooding the streets in front of the PWTC numbering approximately 1,000 people. They will gather there until they receive orders to march to Padang Merbok.
10.40am: An estimate crowd of 200 gather at Padang Merbok to the strains of the 1Malaysia song being played in the background.
Malaysiakini reports about 3,000 rally goers from Pekan, Pahang clad in red gather at PWTC. They are carrying banners saying, “Celaka DAP rasis” (DAP racists are cursed); “Menolak Perhimpunan Bersih” (We reject the Bersih rally).
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10.32am: Supporters from Felda receive free red T-shirts.
10.30am: Government assets in the form of buses for the National Service Training Programme (PLKN), are being used to ferry supporters to the Red Shirts rally.
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10.28am: A group of youth from Cheras sing “Inilah barisan kita” while marching towards Petaling Street.
10.25am: It is learnt traders in front of Dataran Merdeka started selling drinks as early as 6am today. When asked why they came so early, one said, “For the Malays”.
10.24am: Supporters from Batu Pahat are heard chanting “Hidup Melayu!” (Long live the Malays); “Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia!” (Malays will never disappear from this world); “Allahuakhbar!” (God is great).
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10.22am: Supporters from Batu Pahat are seen holding placards saying, “Ini Tanah Melayu” (This is Malay land); “Jangan cabar Melayu” (Don’t challenge the Malays); “Bangkit Melayu Bangkit” (Rise Malays Rise); “Jangan cabar bangsa dan agama kita” (Do not challenge our race and religion); “Jangan cabar hak Melayu” (Do not challenge Malay rights).
10.15am: Most of those gathered at the National Mosque come from the north i.e. Perak, Kedah, Pulau Pinang and Perlis. When asked by FMT why they were there, they said they came to support the fight to restore Malay dignity. “Don’t mock the Malays. We came from afar to show our support for the Malay race,” one rally goer said.
10.13am: Six police trucks and one van are spotted at Low Yat Plaza. Police say over 20 police trucks will be stationed there.
bj710.06am: Ahmad Maslan says, “Outstanding response in just this one spot. I want to visit all five gathering points.”
10.05am: Only one stall selling fish and vegetables, owned by Kadir Hussin, stays open at the Petaling Street Market located in a side lane. He however says there are no customers today.
10.00am: Also spotted is Umno Information chief Ahmad Maslan. Groups from Perak and Perlis have also arrived. It is learnt rally goers dressed in red started to gather in the vicinity of Masjid Wilayah from as early at 7.00am. There are almost 50 buses parked there.
9.57am: Malay rights group Perkida has arrived.
9.39am: One trader defies orders to close shop today and lays out his merchandise in anticipation of customers.
9.33am: Only one hotel has its doors open for business – the Radius Chinatown Hotel.
9.19am: Petaling Street resembles a ghost town with all shops closed for business today. There is however a strong police presence.
9.00am: Police also take up position at Petaling Street.
8.59am: Police have already gathered in front of Padang Merbok and are taking a briefing by their superiors.
8.58am: A stage dressed in red at Padang Merbok is ready to receive rally goers. All’s quiet as there are only traders at the moment taking their place along the empty roads selling red T-shirts, drinks and snacks in anticipation of rally goers later in the day.

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