
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 25, 2015

When a leader can threaten riot and still walks free

YOURSAY ‘Since when did the hoodlums become self-appointed anti-piracy enforcer?’
Vijay47: Single-handedly, Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos has managed to reveal all that is wrong and rotten with the home minister and the IGP (inspector-general of police).
He openly threatens a riot in Petaling Street and yet our otherwise energetic Khalid Abu Bakar has nothing to say or ‘twitter’ about. Wouldn't such threats undermine peace and instil fear among the residents of the city?
In a way, Jamal's confidence is understandable. For all the race-baiting and abuse, he and his friends spewed out on Sept 16, nothing happened to any one of them. In fact charges against an earlier hero (Mohd Ali Baharom aka Ali Tinju)were withdrawn.
But even here, there is provision for amusement - Jamal demands that Malay dignity be respected but storms into Petaling Street with begging bowl in hand.
As for enforcement, I suppose we can expect the IGP to spring into action only if yellow balloons are released in the vicinity of you-know-who and you-know-what.
Kangkung: See how powerful these Umno goons are. They can issue threats with impunity.
But we all know this is the race card PM Najib Razak and company are playing to divert attention away from the alleged embezzling of RM2.6 billion.
They know the Sept 16 rally is fast fading from public memory so they have to find something else to keep the fire burning.
Atilla: If that isn't seditious, I do not know what is. This idiot should be locked up behind bars for the rest of his life.
Quigonbond: Basically, what they are saying is, what they cannot compete in through hard work toil and sweat, they will pillage and plunder.
Welcome to a very civilised Malaysia. How's that helping PM Najib Razak?
If I were US President Barack Obama, looking at the way Najib is trying to stir things up in Malaysia, I'd put a request to speed up FBI investigation.
Myrights: Najib, this is one of the red shirt rally leaders who calls the Chinese ‘Cina babi’, and now he threatens to cause a riot in Petaling Street.
You must be really desperate but you can't lie to the people much longer. Your days are numbered and it won't be the doing of the Chinese, but that of Umno because the truth is out.
Anonymous 2361371441932427: It is pretty obvious from where I sit overseas that this is being driven by Najib to start a race war.
He thinks it's the only thing that will save his skin. There is nothing new in this tactic, except that the biggest losers will be the Malays and Malaysia.
Watch the flight of investments out of the country. Come on decent Malays, for the sake of your generations, come out and shut these thugs down.
Existential Turd: Since when the hoodlums become self-appointed anti-piracy enforcer?
By demanding the Chinese traders to "share" their business with Malays, isn't he implying he wants the Malays to be involved in illegal business?
He cannot even string two arguments coherently. What is certain is he is determined to run amok and cause destruction, possibly eliciting retaliation. Yes, the police should take action by locking him up.
Ratbatblue: What is Jamal implying? That the Chinese traders in Petaling Street are allowing foreigners to sell counterfeit goods, while at the same time disallowing local Malays from moving in and conducting legitimate business?
This smacks of pure rabble rousing of the racist kind, and is bound to incite and inflame the crowd to attack businesses there.
BTN: That is the problem when you practice double-standard policing. These people become big headed and believe they can do anything under the sun in this country.
It’s time the moderates silence these trouble makers if the police are unable to do their job. Very soon we will have people arming themselves and that will spell the end of this country.
Swipenter: The traders would have to prepare to defend themselves in the face of such a open and blatant threat of violence.
Jamal is taking for granted that the traders are going to sit down and let them run riot in Petaling Street.
Counterfeit goods and foreign traders are none of his business. He is not the law but now declared himself as the law. These Malay radicals and racists are now threatening extreme actions.
They are using the excuse of counterfeit goods and foreign traders to rob, steal, threaten and coerce others in giving them a share of the small cake.
Turvy: If he has made 17 police reports to protect his reputation following allegations of attempted rape, could he not have made one more on his Petaling Street obsession?
This man is a menace to society. If he can go around threatening riot and still be walk free, there is no more law and order in this country. -Mkini

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