
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail, 39, was a military attaché at Malaysia’s Wellington embassy with a military rank of warrant officer. Rizalman and his family – wife, a former student at College of Nursing in Kuala Lumpur, a toddler and two primary students – returned to Malaysia on May 22, 2014 at 1.15pm by Malaysian Airlines flight MH130.
But he was no ordinary diplomat under the heavily tainted Najib Razak administration. Rizalman’s return to Malaysia had thereafter exploded into a mini scandal not because he was allegedly trying to rape a Kiwi (nope, not the fruit), but because Foreign Minister Anifah Aman had lied through his teeth in his attempt to protect the diplomat.
Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail - former Military Attaché
Malaysian Diplomat Rape Case in New Zealand - Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail with Wife and Children - Photo
Today, Rizalman, who was initially charged with indecent assaultassault with intent to commit sexual violation and burglary by remaining in a building,pleaded guilty to the indecent assault on a New Zealand woman, 22-year-old Ms. Tania Billingsley. Indecent assault carries a maximum jail term of 7 years in New Zealand.
Flashback – during a press conference called by Mr. Anifah Aman in the wake of rape accusation in July 2014 by Rizalman, the foreign minister told all and sundry that Malaysia was willing to waive the diplomat’s immunity but decided to take up New Zealand’s “alternative” offer to invoke diplomatic immunity and bring the diplomat back home.
Malaysian Diplomat Rape Case in New Zealand - New Zealand Government Letter - 1Malaysian Diplomat Rape Case in New Zealand - New Zealand Government Letter - 2
Turns out – Mr. Anifah lied about the offer when the New Zealand Government retaliated by shaming Najib administration with the disclosure of official documents offering the opposite side of the story. New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs had actually wrote to the Malaysian High Commission in Wellington seeking to “waive diplomatic immunity” on Rizalman.
However, the Malaysian High Commission replied that not only they refused to waive the immunity requested, but also (has the cheek to) sought to “seal the police file” on the case and “withdraw all charges” – obviously trying to sweep the case under the carpet. Malaysian authorities had also decided to repatriate their diplomat back home as soon as possible.
Anifah Aman - Malaysian Foreign Minister - Liar in Rizalman Rape ScandalMalaysian Diplomat Rape Case in New Zealand - Malaysian Government Letter - 1Malaysian Diplomat Rape Case in New Zealand - Malaysian Government Letter - 2
To cover the embarrassing rape scandal, Najib administration had thrown in a sweetener – that the Malaysian government will ensure Rizalman does not return to New Zealand in the future, if the Kiwi authorities agreed to the suggested proposal. Due to public pressure, Rizalman eventually extradited to New Zealand on Oct 25, 2014, five months after he “fled” for home.
So, what had Rizalman done during his pleasure-seeking adventure while wearing his diplomatic immunity privilege in New Zealand? As revealed in a New Zealand High Court, at about 6.30pm on Friday May 9, 2014, Ms Billingsley had been home alone watching a movie on her laptop in her bedroom when Malaysian diplomat Rizalman broke in to her Brooklyn flat.
Tania Billingsley - Victim of Rizalman Assault
Rizalman took off his pants and underwear before opening the unlocked front door. Inside the house’s kitchen, he took off his jacket and wearing only a shirt, pushed open the bedroom door, saying “Can I come in?” Ms Billingsley looked up to see Rizalman naked from the waist down and began screaming at him to leave.
The Malaysian diplomat didn’t leave but instead grabbed her by the shoulders with both hands and struggled with her until she managed to push him into the living room, then out of the flat before locking him out. Billingsley had bruises and marks on her arms and suffered considerable emotional trauma from the incident.
Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail - former Military Attaché - Cutting Cake
She locked herself in the bathroom and called police.  A flatmate’s boyfriend arrived home and challenged Rizalman, who was still outside the front door. Rizalman began walking away but was stopped down the road by police. He told police they had been at the cinema earlier in the day and Ms Billingsley had invited him back to her home, but she had become angry with him for eating her food.
Rizalman was subsequently arrested and charged at the time but returned to Malaysia less than two weeks later under diplomatic immunity protection. Defence counsel Donald Stevens QC repeated in the court that Rizalman told police the pair had been to the cinema together that day, but the court did not hear whether Billingsley confirmed this.
Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail - surrounded by New Zealand Reporters
It’s unknown if there were secret deals made between both governments after the original three charges were dropped in exchange for a lesser serious indecent assault charge (which carries a maximum jail term of 7 years). The assaults with Intent to Commit Rape and Burglary charges (both dropped) are punishable by a period of 10 years imprisonment under the Crimes Act 1961.
An issue to be explored in the court was Ms Billingsley’s statement that said Rizalman had tried to reach for her throat. The other issue was over why Rizalman went into the flat, whether there was any sexual intent and over his mental health. As expected, Rizalman’s lawyer argues that his client’s act wasnot sexually motivated and but rather circumstances including mental illness.
Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail - former Military Attaché - New Zealand Home
Crown prosecutor Grant Burston Burston said experts would be called to dispute Rizalman’s argument that he was mentally unwell, saying his behaviour was more consistent with “cannabis use and anxiety”. Interestingly, Rizalman seems to be not fluency in English when a Malay interpreter helped him in the New Zealand court.
The conventional wisdom in diplomatic world says a military attaché is normally a spy. Therefore, what was a Malaysian spy who doesn’t understand English but smoke grass doing at Malaysia’s Wellington embassy? Obviously, Rizalman wasn’t insane, let alone a drug addict or a flasher but a sex maniac who thought he could rape and get away with diplomatic immunity, but instead caught with his pants down.
Muhammad Rizalman bin Ismail - in New Zealand High Court
Still, Ms Billingsley should not rejoice prematurely with Rizalman’s guilty admission because according to Judge David Collins, if a home detention sentence is to be imposed, which is a possibility, the Malaysian diplomat may be allowed to serve the sentence at the Malaysian embassy. That’s right – Rizalman may not go to prison after all. - http://www.financetwitter.com/



    Yes indeed.

    Why the gomen protecting him initially (his secretive service in connection with ops MH370?) ...National Intelligence asset...???

    Definitely not 007 "calibre" more like "Jaguh Kampung"...!

    You decide...!

    Also to share this...

    Must Watch video (before it is removed by Bolehland's... - http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/74566937/victim-has-anxious-wait-after-military-attaches-guilty-plea-to-indecent-assault-charge

    New York Times Nov 29 2015 - http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/11/29/world/asia/ap-as-new-zealand-malaysia-diplomatic-immunity-case.html?_r=0


    The woman attacked in her Wellington home by a former Malaysian High Commission military attache is "really pleased" he pleaded guilty this morning, the day he was due to go on trial.

    Muhammad Rizalman Ismail, 39, was due for a three-week jury trial on Monday charged with indecent assault, assault with intent to commit sexual violation and burglary by remaining in a building on May 9, 2014.

    On Monday morning, he pleaded guilty at the High Court in Wellington to indecent assault and the other two charges were dropped. Rizalman's lawyer, Donald Stevens QC, told justice David Collins that his client would change his not-guilty plea to indecent assault.

    A key supporter of Tania Billingsley, who earlier waived her right to name suppression, said the victim was thrilled with her attacker's guilty plea.

    "She's really pleased with that outcome and really just thankful she has had such wonderful support at this time."

    She was also "extremely grateful" that she would not have to go through a trial, said the supporter, whose name remained suppressed by the court.

    "She had been extremely anxious about [a trial] because you are walking into the unknown."

    The supporter said Billingsley had authorised her to comment to media on her behalf and did not wish to comment publicly herself while legal arguments about the case were ongoing, nor to attend court hearings.

    "Until she is required to attend [court], she won't."

    Assailant almost naked

    The court heard on Monday that Rizalman was almost naked when he confronted Billingsley in her home. He was arrested on May 10, 2014, following the attack in Billingsley's home in the Wellington suburb of Brooklyn.

    Stevens asked the judge not to enter a conviction, saying he would be asking for a discharge without conviction on the charge.

    A trial was expected to hear from Billingsley, witnesses and doctors about Rizalman's behaviour that night.

    A statement of facts was read to the court, then interpreted into Malay for Rizalman.

    It said Billingsley had been home alone watching a movie in her bedroom. Rizalman took off his trousers and underwear before going into the house through the closed but unlocked front door.

    In the kitchen he then took off his jacket before knocking on her partially open bedroom door and pushing it open.

    He asked her if he could come in.

    Billingsley looked up and saw him wearing only a shirt and naked from the waist down. She screamed at him to leave. Rizalman put his hands on her shoulders but she managed to push him into the living room, then out of the flat before locking him out.

    She then locked herself in the bathroom and called police. A flatmate's boyfriend arrived home and challenged Rizalman, who was still outside the front door.

    Rizalman began walking away but was stopped down the road by police.

    He told police they had been at the cinema earlier in the day and Billingsley had invited him back to her home, but she had become angry with him for eating her food.

    Cont'd Part 2


    Part 2...

    Diplomatic row erupts

    After his arrest, Rizalman became the centre of a political furore by leaving New Zealand under diplomatic immunity.

    He left New Zealand without facing trial after Malaysia invoked diplomatic immunity - in the belief it did so with the blessing of the New Zealand government.

    He returned to New Zealand escorted by police after extradition hearings were filed in Malaysia.

    Stevens told the judge some of the facts of the case were still disputed by Rizalman. The case will be heard before the court again on Friday.

    He said there was an issue over why Rizalman went into the house, whether there was any sexual intent and over his mental health.

    An issue to be explored was Billingsley's statement that said Rizalman had tried to reach for her throat.

    Stevens said from the defence point of view Rizalman's hand may have come into contact with her throat during the struggle in the living room.

    Crown prosecutor Grant Burston said it was not accepted that Billingsley may have touched him first in the bedroom as she was trying to get him to leave.

    He described her as very, very frightened and the "fear slash terror" she was in because he was remaining in the house without leaving.

    Burston said it was also not accepted that there was no sexual motivation or that he was suffering from a significant mental illness. One expert had said his behaviour was consistent with cannabis use and anxiety.

    Cont'd Part 3...



    Part 3...

    How the saga unfolded


    May 9: Rizalman follows Tania Billingsley from a shop to her home. After a struggle in the house he is arrested by police down the road.

    May 10: Rizalman appears in court and his diplomatic status is considered.

    Foreign Minister Murray McCully is informed but Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) boss John Allen is left out of the loop.

    May 12: An informal discussion between officials from MFAT and the Malaysian High Commission leads to Malaysia concluding that New Zealand "offered" an alternative option for Rizalman to be sent back to Malaysia to face charges.

    May 21: Malaysian High Commission tells MFAT it will not waive Rizalman's immunity and asks for all charges to be dropped and all documents to be "sealed".

    May 22: Rizalman leaves New Zealand and returns to Malaysia. He is hospitalised for psychiatric evaluation.

    June 27: McCully hears for the first time that the Malaysians rejected the request for a waiver. Allen hears about the case for the first time.

    June 29: The media reports that a diplomat has claimed immunity and left the country. Malaysian media soon report he was one of their diplomats.

    June 30: Prime Minister John Key and McCully are adamant that New Zealand clearly opposed Rizalman leaving and wanted him tried, but on legal advice say they can't name him or the country. Malaysian High Commissioner called in for grilling by Allen; she reveals "ambiguity".

    July 1: Fairfax Media lawyers succeed in getting court-ordered name suppression lifted so that Rizalman and the country he represents can be named in New Zealand. McCully releases May 10 and May 21 documents showing New Zealand's unambiguous request for a waiver, and Malaysia's refusal. Hours later McCully concedes informal discussions may have created the "ambiguity" about New Zealand's position. He says Malaysia acted in good faith.

    July 2: McCully apologises to Key and Allen apologises to McCully but they both refuse to say if resignations were offered. Allen announces an independent review of MFAT's handling of the event. McCully also reveals that a junior staffer in his office was informed about Malaysia invoking diplomatic immunity but never opened the email.

    July 9: A district court judge accepts Billingsley's application for her name suppression to be removed and she speaks to the media.

    October: A formal request to extradite Rizalman to New Zealand is made. Rizalman waives the need for a formal extradition and agrees to return.

    Oct 25: Rizalman returns to New Zealand and immediately faces a district court.


    Nov 27: A High Court judge is told the trial does not need to go ahead as Rizalman will plead to one of the charges.

    Nov 30: Rizalman pleads guilty to indecent assault and is remanded for further court hearings. - Stuff

    Full article (now blocked...!) : http://www.site2unblock.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=607590:caught-without-his-pants-underwear-msian-diplomat-finally-pleads-guilty-in-nz-sex-attack-case&Itemid=2#ixzz3t0fezN4Q


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