
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Damning silence over Ismail Sabri's 'no non-Malay PM'

Image result for ismail sabri

YOURSAY | 'Funny thing is, not once did Najib distance himself from the Ismail Sabris, the Ali Tinjus...'
Anonymous 2415891461978791: The fear is that of the guilty. They fear that the sort of racist oppression they have been dishing out for 50 years would be visited upon them.
But guess what? Racism is bad public policy for everybody, and non-Malays are smart enough to see that.
Malaysia has the ironic distinction of sharing with Israel the disgrace of being the last officially racist apartheid states. Way to go, Bolehland!
Anonymous_1371479577: Any qualified Malaysian who meets the requirements of the constitution - and who has a proven track record of leadership and integrity and who is willing and able to fight for all Malaysians - should have the right to aspire to the highest elected office of the land.
Dont Just Talk: Umno supreme council member Ismail Sabri, what is wrong with a Chinese or an Indian or even an Iban becoming a prime minister if he or she is clean and not corrupt, and above all, has the confidence of the majority MPs in Parliament?
After Merdeka in 1957, what has Malaysia got to show to the outside world under the leadership of Umno then, and now Umno Baru, other than the fact our ringgit has depreciated to RM4 to US$1 and RM3 to S$1?
Use your head, Ismail Sabri, and stop taking literate Malaysians for a ride.
MCA Youth leader Chong Sin Woon and Gerakan Youth leader Andy Yong, not forgetting MIC Youth leader Sivarraajh Chandran and other BN leaders, why are you so silent over what Ismail has said?
All of you run down Pakatan Harapan leaders and accused them of being stooges of DAP, but when an Umno Baru leader makes such racist comments, there is not a whimper from any one of you.
Like the three monkeys, you see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing.
Anonymous_1388029052: The US has an African-American as its president and London has a Muslim mayor of Pakistani origins.
Here in Malaysia, we still have many racial and religious bigots in the ruling party who keep stoking racial hatred, and nothing is being done about them.
Progressive: All Malaysians should condemn Ismail. Keep on condemning and something will happen.
Malays who support him are corrupting their values and will inadvertently apply these same unfair values to their families and community.
A community that does not stand on good values is bound to collapse in the long run. This is the law of nature.
Anonymous_1424794168: Any leader, regardless of race, who can take care of all races in Malaysia and steer the country to better times benefiting all rakyat, is a good enough PM for me.
If Adenan Satem can be the Sarawak chief minister, then so what if our future PM is a Sarawakian?
Old Timer: Malaysia can do without such a racist. He is a racist through and through.
With racists like him, Malaysia will become the pariah nation of the world, the butt of jokes among nations, and ultimately a failed state.
If the PM can think, he should remove Ismail, and maybe charge him with sedition.
ACR: What is more critical is that this country's future in exporting maids and blue-collar workers from the unemployed graduate pool is written on the wall.
They are unemployable even in Malaysia, hence they stand no chance abroad in the field their degree qualifies them in.
By that time, we would be a quickly deteriorating middle-income nation as the rest of the world moves ahead.
When we cross that point in history, it would be too late to appreciate the importance of merit in running a nation.
Ismail Sabri would have left us by then, or perhaps still hanging around as an aged fool that he is. Non-Malays would be a negligible number for him to heap blame on and the Umno bogeyman will no longer work.
SusahKes: Seriously Yong, why are you writing this now? Is it to convince us that Gerakan is still relevant? That Gerakan will be a moderate voice in a BN otherwise filled with extremist ministers (guess from which BN party?).
By the way, have you heard about the chap who declared that he is Najib's general? Funny thing is, not once did Najib distance himself from the Ismail Sabris, the Ali Tinjus, and the Ridhuan Tee Abdullahs of Malaysia.
In fact, if anything, this man that you gloat over has, among others, officiated at silat association meetings, defended Utusan Malaysia, backtracked on the use of Allah by Malay-speaking Christians... sigh, you get the general idea.
And of course, don't forget who created the term "Chinese tsunami" after GE13. So forget it Andy, we are not buying your Najib-is-the-good-guy write-up; you can preach this to your party members during your ‘yum cha’ sessions.

Gaji Buta: Yong is just doing damage control for his masters. His words are more worthless than two-day-old spit. -Mkini

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