
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 20, 2016

Daulat Tuanku. HRH The Sultan Of Johor Has Got It Exactly Right On Jakim

This is from the Malay Mail Online here. 
Johor Sultan: Why does JAKIM need RM1b budget?
Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Sultan Iskandar of Johor questioned why JAKIM need a RM1 billion budget. — Picture courtesy of Facebook/Sultan Ibrahim
(JAKIM) must explain expenditure and justify demand for RM1b in allocations

JAKIM (must) provide details of spending when Conference of Malay Rulers meets

noting that JAKIM has an obligation to report to the conference.

“I am curious to know — if it is true — why do they need a RM1b budget? 

Does it include allocations to all the states?

next Conference of Rulers I want them to show me their breakdown for expenses

I want to know if they are financing our religious schools here,” he said 

Dep Min. Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said JAKIM needed more than RM1b for 2016 

to better combat “extremist” ideologies 

Asyraf Wajdi claimed RM724.6m for JAKIM next year not sufficient

scrutiny over its accounts 

claims by critics that JAKIM promoting hardline Islamism 

Critics questioned constitutionality of JAKIM 

Islamic affairs come under individual states and not federal agency. 

Sultan reminded JAKIM : Conference of Rulers highest authority on Islamic matters 

We are the heads of religion in our own states. 

JAKIM's function was only advisory.

JAKIM responded it was only entity able to safeguard Islam’s position 

Sultan pointed out in Johor, fatwas cannot be effective without his approval

The fatwa cannot be effective without my approval. 

JAKIM has no right to interfere in the state,” he said.
My comments :  To HRH The Sultan of Johor, Daulat Tuanku. 
By any yardstick this is a fantastic statement by HRH The Sultan. Fantastic because it is a Sultan of a State who has taken the trouble to say this. 
I think the Sultan as well as the Tengku Mahkota of Johor have got it right about where (most of) the problems of the Malays comes. From overbearing and confused religious authorities. 
I would like to share some thoughts with HRH The Sultan about JAKIM.
First let us dispense with the obvious reasons that JAKIM - which is a tool of the flailing and floundering Najib administration - needs so much money.
UMNO is now desperate for its political survival. UMNO has no choice but to reach out to PAS - a bunch of least educated opportunists who sell fairy tales to the unsuspecting.  They depend for their survival on keeping the people ignorant.
This means the UMNO - PAS incestuous "sumbang mahram" relationship needs money. Cash is King.  Lots of  money. The more the better. Incestuous because previously they refused to sleep together.  Until not too long ago Pas called UMNO kafir.

The village lebais and ostads are the ground army for PAS, and now by extension for UMNO as well.  They need the village lebais and ostads to convince people to vote for them.

Hence "religious programs" will ultimately financially benefit this group.  The more money they have to spend the more kursus agama, taklimat agama, building masjid and surau, program this and program that, ceramah, kuliah, rombongan "ilmu", majlis "ilmu" and what not can be paid for.  Cash is king.  And Asyraf Wajdi as the primate in charge of JAKIM - who has plans for his own career in UMNO - will be in charge of spending the money.

HRH The Sultan has said that  :
  • JAKIM has an obligation to report to the Ruler's Conference
  • why do they need a RM1b budget? 
  • I want them to show me their breakdown for expenses
May I humbly suggest to HRH to demand that JAKIM provide detailed "unit costs".

For example if they are building a surau, how big is the surau (square feet) and what is the "construction cost per square foot" to build a surau.

If they are are organising a training course for people, then how much is the cost per head to conduct their training. 

And also importantly please ask them to present a detailed report, with detailed break down, on last year's spending.    How much money was spent last year and where did the money go last year?

Here are some other relevant points as well. The Malay Mail report above says :

claims by critics that JAKIM promoting hardline Islamism 

It is no secret that Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki is a supporter of Wahhabism. He has said in Parliament and in his own Facebook page that Wahhabism is not a deviant idea. 

Here is the proof :

This is his own personal opinion.  Unfortunately because he is also the Deputy Minister in Charge of JAKIM, and since he said this in Parliament, it is no more his personal opinion. It becomes the policy of the government including JAKIM.

Dep Minister Asyraf Wajdi and the government and by extension the JAKIM are pro Wahhabism.

Wahhabism comes from Saudi Arabia. A very large number of more learned people are in agreement that the Wahhabi ideology is deviant, violent and dangerous.

It is also well known that the Saudi Wahhabis have spawned the clearly satanic ISIS. 

A learned Malaysian scholar Prof . Dr Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid from the Universiti Sains Malaysia has wriiten a journal article titled  'ISIS in Southeast Asia: Internalized Wahhabism is a Major Factor', (ISEAS Yusof Ishak Perspective, No 24, 16 May 2016 which details the links between the Saudi Wahhabis and the ISIS.

My personal opinion is they are all plain stupid.
So we have a Dep Minister in charge of JAKIM who is asking for a billion Ringgit to play with who feels that the Wahhabi  ideology from Saudi Arabia (which is pro-ISIS) is not deviant.
These are very confused people.   
So please supervise their motives and actions. These are immature and childish people who need to be carefully monitored. 

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