
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Its Denying Bangladesh MOU All Over Again, Petronas' Denial Makes Russian Minister Look Stupid.

Image result for Najib and Rosmah in Russia

Remember our Minister went to Dhaka in Bangladesh to sign that MOU with the Bangla government to import 1.5 million Bangla worker (or 500,000 Banglas x three years).  Then it was revealed that Zahid Hamidi's brother would be involved in importing the Banglas. Zahid threw a tantrum and made the announcement that no Banglas would be imported. Period.

That flip-flop also caused severe embarrassment for the Bangla government. The Dhaka Press went to town criticising their government over the knee jerk by Zahid Hamidi.

In similar fashion Petronas has denied any negotiations to sell any of its oil and gas assets to the Russians.  

This again will severely embarrass the Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak who made a lengthy statement about the same subject at the sidelines of the most recent ASEAN - Russia summit in Sochi in Russia.  

"Last Friday, Russian state news agency TASS reported Energy Minister Alexander Novak as saying state-controlled Zarubezhneft was in talks with Petronas regarding the purchase of its assets."

That news about the Russians negotiating to buy out Petronas' assets has gone viral. The local print media has gone quite predictably quiet on the issue.

So Petronas has denied everything.  Very good. Mission accomplished. So our oil assets are safe. They will not be sold to the Russians.
Just to clarify some things.

Here is some compiled stuff about this :

1.  A reminder about Zarubezhneft  :
Zarubezhneft is a Russian state-controlled oil company that specializes in exploration, development and operation of oil and gas fields *outside of Russian territory.*

If Petronas tries to spin this that Zarubezhneft is looking to acquire Petronas' share of *Russian* assets, it will be a lie. 
  • Zarubezhneft deals in oil and gas that is not within Russia. 
  • Zarubezhneft undertakes foreign Oil & Gas investments, outside Russia.

2. http://themalaysianreserve.com/new/story/petronas-may-sell-stake-russian-og-firm

Zarubezhneft would not buy shares of Russia's Rosneft, because Zarubezhneft deals with non-Russian O&G. 

This Rosneft sale is NOT what Tass was referring to.  

My comments : Zahid's flip flop on the 1.5 million Bangla workers (24 hours after signing an MOU with Bangladesh)  embarrassed the Bangla government.

Now Petronas' denial about selling assets to Russia will likewise embarrass the Russians, especially their Energy Minister Alexander Novak.

Our name will really stink as a country that cannot be trusted. That the gomen can sign MOUs, negotiate deals etc and then just deny everything overnite.

Malulah Malaysia.

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