
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, May 23, 2016

Nur Jazlan, explain how Maria breached the constitution

Image result for maria chin

YOURSAY | How is she receiving an award on behalf of Bersih a threat to national security?
Anonymous #19098644: Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed, if someone has breached the constitution, you charge him or her in court and let the law take its course. You don't ban that person from travelling overseas.
It is because no fair court in the world will stop someone like the Bersih chairperson from going overseas to receive her international award.
The only threat she poses is to the allegedly corrupt and unjust regime. Indeed, the only party breaching the constitution is the Umno government.
Aung San Suu Kyi and many other notable figures in the past were banned from receiving their international awards. Today the Najib regime joins the list of infamous regimes that practice this despicable act.
Anonymous_1408265047: Perhaps the deputy minister would be so kind as to tell us exactly how Maria Chin Abdullah breached the constitution.
And the deputy minister should also explain why he breached Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by denying her the right to travel.
Beep!: How is Maria receiving an award on behalf of Bersih - an agglomeration 80-plus NGOs representing a wide range of interests and issues - a threat to national security?
Lim Chong Leong: The Home Ministry is certainly not the authority to decide who has violated the constitution.
But I trust Nur Jazlan is not of sufficient education or intelligence to know that.
Negarawan: Nur Jazlan, the country does not belong to you or to Umno.
The constitution clearly guarantees freedom of movement. On the other hand, Umno is seen internationally as being one of the most corrupt parties.
We implore the European Union and the United States to impose travel sanctions on allegedly corrupt Umno politicians as they pose a financial security threat.
GE14Now!: Serving the country as an MP is a privilege and not a right. Umno leaders seem to think that it is their birth right to plunder this country.
A friend forwarded a copy of an article about Malaysia in The New Zealand Herald, which clearly states that those who bad mouth the government would have travel restrictions imposed on them when they return to Malaysia.
As usual when these idiots realise that they have made a faux pas they try to back track.
And if violating the constitution is grounds for a travel ban, then all Umno MPs, especially the PM, should be banned from traveling as they have allegedly plundered the country's coffers to the nth degree.
But that said, I would prefer all these Umno stooges leave the country. Then we can impose a ban on them from returning.
Boonpou: What is this? Can one still call Malaysia a democratic country when the ruling government can ban anyone who is critical of it from travelling abroad?
Does Nur Jazlan think the majority of Malaysians have the time and resources to challenge the ban in court?
I give up. And I want to give up being a Malaysian too.
Hamzah Paiman: Why was travel ban not imposed on Zakir Naik who was a greater threat to national harmony and unity? Or is it double standards at work here?
Not only that, but it was alleged that this foreign preacher was bestowed an island for whatever reason.
Come on, Umno Malaysians are not stupid. We don’t live on trees anymore.
Anonymous 2415891461978791: It is okay to prevent criminals who are facing charges from leaving the country. That however was not what was happening in the Maria case.
She was prevented from travelling to a specific destination because she was receiving a prestigious international award that could be embarrassing to the present government. Not embarrassing to Malaysia, mind you.
The country has every reason to be proud of Maria, and ashamed of their government's naked attack on freedom of speech and freedom to travel.
I'd have more respect if they just said, "We banned Maria to shut her up." Everyone knows that is why she was barred from traveling to South Korea.
Kuasa Rakyat: This present administration under Najib, the man who has RM2.6 billion in his private and personal bank account, is afraid, very afraid as it knows that it has no integrity left and the rakyat has lost confidence in them.
Gunnerrun: They lie at every opportunity. How can they be trusted with the lives of tens of millions in the country for so long?
We have only ourselves to blame for letting them run the country down and there's not much of a legacy to be proud of for our grandchildren and their future children.

Doc: Soon Malaysians leaving Malaysia would have to do a "sumpah taat setia kepada raja, negara and Najib" (oath of loyalty to king, country and Najib) to an Immigration officer before being allowed to depart from that point of exit. -Mkini

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