
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Summon Jho Low 'if needed'? You must be kidding, DPM

Image result for jho low and his party

YOURSAY | ‘For goodness sake, this man should have been called up a long time ago.’
Kim Quek: Answering a question in Parliament, DPM cum Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that the police will call billionaire Jho Low to assist on its 1MDB probe, but only if there is such a need.
Are you kidding, Zahid? The police have been probing 1MDB since March last year when inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed on March 9, 2015 that a new task force, including the police, had been formed to probe 1MDB for fraud and breach of trust.
This followed the explosive revelation that US$700 million had been illicitly siphoned from 1MDB to Jho Low’s company Good Star Limited through the bogus 1MDB-PetroSaudi joint venture.
Indeed, there is evidence galore that Jho Low has not only siphoned off the US$700, but he is the central figure of the entire 1MDB disaster which has caused Malaysian taxpayers a loss of RM50 billion.
But Zahid is now effectively telling Parliament that the police have found nothing that connects to Jho Low. In fact, the police have found nothing at all on 1MDB, as none has been apprehended to date.
Have our police been in slumber, or the world has gone crazy over the 1MDB scandal as evidenced by the dozen or so jurisdictions hotly pursuing its culprits?
Is the mega fraud of 1MDB a fickle of the imagination and an opposition plot to topple PM Najib Razak as persistently claimed by him or is it the greatest financial disaster ever seen in this country?
I think the people know the answer, but the big question is: what are they going to do about it?
Anonymous #21828131: I am confused by what the DPM is implying – call Jho Low if needed?
An old woman once told me that she has difficulty swallowing her food because all her teeth had been extracted.
It looks like all these alleged crooks, fund embezzlers and money launderers cannot be arrested and investigated because our enforcers are similarly toothless.
Ipohcrite: I think the DPM needs to put things in perspective. For a minor allegation of corruption of a few thousand ringgit, political aide Teoh Beng Hock was detained and questioned incessantly until he ‘dropped dead’.
And for the 1MDB debacle involving billions, Zahid is saying that it should be left to the police whether there is "a need" to question Jho Low?
Only in Malaysia are 1MDB investigations grounding to a halt while in other countries investigations are going full-steam ahead. And we all know why, don't we?
So, we still leave it to the police? It looks like the DPM isn't keen at all to get to the bottom of things in the 1MDB issue and is fending off attempts to do so. This might even be construed as complicity.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: Indeed, while Singapore and Switzerland are working hard to cover the alleged fraud, here in Malaysia the DPM is still talking about “if there is a need”.
For goodness sake, this man should have been called up a long time ago. The fact that nothing is being done or seen to be done by Malaysian authorities is a clear indication to us all that he is being protected, along with all the others in SRC International.
Why do you think no one has respect for the Malaysian authorities or has confidence in them doing the right thing?
Negarawan: Yes, Zahid must be joking. There are more than seven international investigations on 1MDB and already arrests and charges have been made by various countries.
Malaysia is the epicentre of 1MDB and the main perpetrators behind 1MDB are Malaysians, yet not a single one has been charged or arrested.
Admit it, Zahid, the Umno government will never seriously investigate 1MDB and incriminate itself.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report and the 1MDB task force were mere eyewash that have proven their intention to protect and exonerate certain individuals.
When the foreign investigation teams conclude their investigations and arrest the main culprits from Malaysia, Malaysians and the world will clearly see the corruption, moral decadence and gross incompetency behind the Umno government and its agencies like the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) and Bank Negara.
Freethinker: It's 'appears' that Jho Low is liquidating his assets by his recent move to sell his collection of precious artworks.
Some people are planning to go into hiding, yet the DPM thinks it's still not necessary to call Jho Low for his statement recorded. By the way, have you found Mohd Ridhuan Abdullah @ K Pathmanathan?

Hopeful123: Jho Low will be called up only if needed. So far there was no need.
Indeed, why should there ever be any need? Let him enjoy all the ill-gotten wealth overseas.
Foodforthought: This is the biggest insincere 'if'. -Mkini

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